cloudsql-exporter automatically exports CloudSQL databases in a given project to a GCS bucket. It supports automatic enumeration of CloudSQL instances and their databases, and can even ensure the correct IAM role bindings are in place for a successful export.
CloudSQL includes automatic backup functionality, so why might you want to use this?
CloudSQL backups are tied to the CloudSQL instance. So, if the instance itself gets deleted, so do the backups. Similarly if the GCP project were deleted, the instance and the backups would too. Exporting your database to a separate Google Cloud Storage bucket, preferably in another GCP project within another account can provide extra assurance of data retention in these scenarios. Additionally you can have much better control over data retention. It's a good supplement to the built-in backup functionality.
$ cloudsql-exporter --help
This is tool to export/import data from/to Cloud SQL instances.
cloudsql-exporter [command]
Available Commands:
backup This export data from Cloud SQL instance to a GCS bucket.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
restore This import data from a GCS bucket to Cloud SQL instance.
-b, --bucket string GCS bucket name
-h, --help help for cloudsql-exporter
-i, --instance string Cloud SQL instance name
-p, --project string GCP project name
--user string Cloud SQL user
-v, --version version for cloudsql-exporter
Use "cloudsql-exporter [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Example usage:
cloudsql-exporter backup --bucket=database-backup-bucket --project=f**********g --instance=db-instance-to-backup \
--ensure-iam-bindings-temp --compression --user ******** --stats --password ${CLOUDSQL_PASSWORD}
cloudsql-exporter backup --help
This export data from Cloud SQL instance to a GCS bucket.
cloudsql-exporter backup [flags]
--compression Enable gz compression for the exported backup data file. (default: false)
--ensure-iam-bindings Ensure needed IAM permission on the target bucket are set for the Cloud SQL instance service account. (default: false)
--ensure-iam-bindings-temp Ensure needed IAM permission on the target bucket are set and removed afterwards. (default: false)
-h, --help help for backup
--password string Cloud SQL password for the user to connect to the database to export tables statistics. (required if stats flag is set)
--stats Extract tables statistics to be able to validate restored data integrity. (default: false)
Global Flags:
-b, --bucket string The GCP bucket name to export/import data to.
-i, --instance string The GCP Cloud SQL instance name to export/import data from.
-p, --project string The GCP project name that contains the Cloud SQL instance.
--user string The Cloud SQL user to connect to the database.
Example usage:
cloudsql-exporter restore --bucket=database-backup-bucket --project=f**********g --instance=db-instance-to-backup --user ******** --file gs://
cloudsql-exporter restore [flags]
cloudsql-exporter restore --bucket=database-backup-bucket --project=f**********g --instance=db-instance-to-backup --user ******** --file gs://database-backup-bucket/db-instance-to-backup/cloudsql/dbname-20240422T173358.sql.gz
--file string The full location of the file to restore cloudsql instance from. (required)
-h, --help help for restore
Global Flags:
-b, --bucket string The GCP bucket name to export/import data to.
-i, --instance string The GCP Cloud SQL instance name to export/import data from.
-p, --project string The GCP project name that contains the Cloud SQL instance.
--user string The Cloud SQL user to connect to the database.
go install