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Base plugins

This is a collection of plugins that provide a set of defaults and automatic configuration together with extensions to make configuring projects easy.

Shared configuration

The following configuration is available in all the project types listed in the sections below.

Default dependencies

The plugins can dynamically add default dependencies to all modules. This can be enabled by creating any of the following bundles:

# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all modules as implementation dependency
default-all = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all modules as compileOnly dependency
default-all-compile = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all Android modules as implementation dependency
default-android = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all Android modules as compileOnly dependency
default-android-compile = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all modules as testImplementation dependency
default-testing = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all modules as testCompileOnly dependency
default-testing-compile = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all modules as testRuntimeOnly dependency
default-testing-runtime = [ ... ]
# any dependency in this bundle is automatically added to all modules as lintChecks dependency
default-lint = [ ... ]


freeletics {
    // enable explicit api mode
    // opt in to experimental APIs for this project
    optIn("...", "...")


This will enable Compose on the project and works on Android, JVM and multiplatform projects. For the latter 2 the org.jetbrains.compose plugin needs to be on the classpath.

freeletics {
    // requires `androidx.compose.compiler` to be present in the libs version catalog
    // supports suppressing the Kotlin version check by setting `fgp.compose.kotlinVersion=<kotlin-version>`

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

# for Android projects
androidx-compose-compiler = { module = "androidx.compose.compiler:compiler", version = "..." }
# for non-Android or multiplatform projects
jetbrains-compose-compiler = { module = "org.jetbrains.compose.compiler:compiler", version = "..." }

There are a few optional Gradle properties for certain compose compiler options:

# Suppress the Kotlin version in the compiler for the given Kotlin version
# Set these to enable compiler metrics and/or reports, they will be located in the modules build folder


The following method will apply the KotlinX Serialization plugin and add a dependency to to the core serialization module.

freeletics {


It is possible to easily configure Dagger and Anvil with the following methods. Of the 3 available options choose the one that is most appropriate for a module. The simple useDagger is the most performant one because it does not require KAPT. There is also a method to configure the Khonshu Anvil plugin.

freeletics {
    // applies Anvil and will use it for all code generation (KAPT is not used)
    // for modules with @Component interfaces use `useDaggerWithComponent()` instead
    // same as the above but will also add the Khonshu Anvil plugin
    // applies Anvil and KAPT

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

# these will be automatically added as dependencies
inject = { module = "javax.inject:javax.inject", version = "..." }
dagger = { module = "", version = "..." }
anvil-annotations = { module = "com.squareup.anvil:annotations", version = "..." }
anvil-annotations-optional = { module = "com.squareup.anvil:annotations-optional", version = "..." }
anvil-compiler = { module = "com.squareup.anvil:compiler", version = "..." }
# optional, if present it will be automatically added as a dependency
khonshu-codegen-runtime = { module = "com.freeletics.khonshu:codegen-runtime", version = "..." }
# only for `useDaggerWithComponent()`
dagger-compiler = { module = "", version = "..." }
# only for `useDaggerWithKhonshu()`
khonshu-codegen-compiler = { module = "com.freeletics.khonshu:codegen-compiler", version = "..." }

Android projects


  • com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis

General features:

  • sets android.namespace based on the module name
  • configures compile, min sdk, Java target and Java/Kotlin toolchain versions from the version catalog
  • configures default options for the Kotlin compiler
  • enables coreLibraryDesugaring based on the version catalog
  • disables all android.buildFeatures and offers a DSL to enable and configure them if needed
  • configures unit tests
    • disables them for the release build type
    • reports are written to <repo>/build/reports/tests to make collecting them easier
  • configures lint
    • uses the lint config in <repo>/gradle/lint.xml
    • enables checkDependencies
    • makes the build fail on errors and warnings
    • reports are written to <repo>/build/reports/lint to make collecting them easier


plugins {
    // for library projects
    // for app projects

Add the following to

# used to automatically set `android.namespace` based on the project name
# e.g. `:foo` would use `` as namespace

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

# the Java version that the Java and Kotlin compilers will target
java-target = "11"
# the Java version that is used to run the Java and Kotlin compilers and various other tasks
java-toolchain = "17"

# optional, the Kotlin language version to use
kotlin-language = "1.8"

# the Android minSdkVersion to use
android-min = "26"
# the Android targetSdkVersion to use, only for app modules
android-target = "33"
# the Android compileSdkVersion to use
android-compile = "33"
# optional, the Android build tools version to use
android-buildTools = "33.0.2"

# if this is present coreLibraryDesugaring will be enabled and this dependency is automatically added
android-desugarjdklibs = { module = "", version = "..." }

Android build features

The plugin will by default disable most Android build features and offers an extension to enable them:

freeletics {
    android {
        // apply the Kotlin parcelize plugin
        // enables Android resource support
        // enables ViewBinding generation
        // enables BuildConfig generation
        // create a BuildConfig field with the given value
        buildConfigField("type", "name", "value")
        // create a BuildConfig field with separate values for debug and release
        buildConfigField("type", "name", "debug value", "release value")
        // enables res values generation
        // create a res value with the given value
        resValue("type", "name", "value")
        // create a res value with separate values for debug and release
        resValue("type", "name", "debug value", "release value")


To apply the paparazzi plugin and configure it call:

freeletics {
    android {


To easily add room as a dependency and apply KSP the following extension method can be used.

freeletics {
    android {

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

androidx-room-runtime = { module = "", version = "..." }
androidx-room-compiler = { module = "", version = "..." }

Optional Room schemaLocation directory path can be passed to useRoom and should be relative to project's root directory.

Kotlin/JVM Library projects


  • org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm
  • com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis

General features:

  • configures Java target and Java/Kotlin toolchain versions from the version catalog
  • configures default options for the Kotlin compiler
  • configures unit tests
    • reports are written to <repo>/build/reports/tests to make collecting them easier


plugins {

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

# the Java version that the Java and Kotlin compilers will target
java-target = "11"
# the Java version that is used to run the Java and Kotlin compilers and various other tasks
java-toolchain = "17"

# optional, the Kotlin language version to use
kotlin-language = "1.8"

Android Lint

To apply the Android Lint plugin and configure it call:

freeletics {
    jvm {

Kotlin/Multiplatform Library projects


  • org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform
  • com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis

General features:

  • configures Java target and Java/Kotlin toolchain versions from the version catalog
  • configures default options for the Kotlin compiler
  • configures unit tests
    • reports are written to <repo>/build/reports/tests to make collecting them easier


plugins {

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

# the Java version that the Java and Kotlin compilers will target
java-target = "11"
# the Java version that is used to run the Java and Kotlin compilers and various other tasks
java-toolchain = "17"

# optional, the Kotlin language version to use
kotlin-language= "1.8"

Adding targets

The following extension methods make it easy to add multiplatform targets to the project:

freeletics {
    multiplatform {
        // adds all targets that a also supported by the coroutines project
        // has a `androidNativeTargets` boolean parameter to control adding androidNative* targets (defaults to enabled)
        // adds jvm as a target
        // adds Android as a target and automatically adds the Android Library plugin and common Android config
        // has a `publish` boolean parameter to control adding whether the target should be published (defaults to enabled)
        // adds `iosArm64`, `iosX64`, `iosSimulatorArm64` as targets and creates shared iosMain and iosTest source sets
        // same as above but will also configure everything to create a XCFramework
        addIosTargets("frameworkName", true)

Gradle plugin projects


  • java-gradle-plugin
  • org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm
  • com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis

General features:

  • configures Java target and Java/Kotlin toolchain versions from the version catalog
  • configures default options for the Kotlin compiler
  • configures unit tests
    • reports are written to <repo>/build/reports/tests to make collecting them easier
  • generates a VERSION constant that contains the current plugin version
    • can be used if the plugin needs to add dependencies on other artifacts published together with the plugin
    • uses the GROUP and POM_ARTIFACT_ID Gradle properties for the package name


plugins {

Add the following to the libs version catalog:

# the Java version that the Java and Kotlin compilers will target
java-target = "11"
# the Java version that is used to run the Java and Kotlin compilers and various other tasks
java-toolchain = "17"

# optional, the Kotlin language version to use
kotlin-language = "1.8"

Android Lint

To apply the Android Lint plugin and configure it call:

freeletics {
    jvm {