Have you ever wondered which plane flew over your house? I did.
You may be wondering why I do this. Because I can.
Open a new terminal and run this command sentence by sentence
$ pip3 install selenium
$ pip3 install bokeh
$ pip3 install geckodriver-autoinstaller
$ sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver
$ pip3 install pandas
$ pip3 install beautifulsoup4
$ pip3 install numpy --upgrade
Open main.py file
(dont touch url_image_save.py file, it is just library that i coded for scrapping photos from https://www.jetphotos.com/)
Change line 14 and line 15 according to your location, and line 16 you can change threshold (it means radius). Default is 1 but it is so big value, i just used it for test purposes. In real life you can set it to 0.03 or 0.05. Don't make it too small.
For getting plane registration we need to use Airlabs API. So you can get API KEY from here: https://airlabs.co/
I suggest use temp mails.
Change the line 18 with your Airlabs API KEY
Check this link for creating bot and chat id:
When you get Telegram Bot "key" and "bot chat id" change line 21 and line 22 with them.
Tested with Raspberry Pi 4