Here, combined with the .travis.yml in root, are the files to do some test reports on Irssi scripts.
Main test runner is run-test.zsh. These tests are done:
- Try to load the script in irssi
- Check perlcritic report
To run tests yourself, you first need several programs installed:
- zsh
- irssi
- cpan Perl::Critic
- cpan Perl::PrereqScanner
- cpan -f Tree::XPathEngine
- cpan PPIx::XPath
Then, run it like this:
./_testing/run-test.zsh yourscript
One "." should be printed.
Evaluation of test success is done in report-test.zsh. Currently the following criteria lead to fail:
- Script doesn't compile/load
- Script doesn't use strict; or uses two-arg "open"
- Script doesn't define %IRSSI and $VERSION
To see the test results, run:
./_testing/report-test.zsh yourscript
The output table is as follows:
- LOAD: did the script compile/load successfully?
- HDR: was %IRSSI and $VERSION given?
- CRIT: did it use strict; and three-arg "open"?
- SCORE: the cumulated perlcritic score, high score might be an indication of bad code style, but this should be read with extreme care
- PASS: did it pass the test as by the criteria defined above?
Detailed perlcitic report and Irssi log can be viewed from show-failures.zsh output. It also includes the extracted .yml definition if the script compiled cleanly. This can be used as a guidance for reviewers, but a lot of perl "critic" is stupid and a style question only.
To see the detailed output, run:
./_testing/travis/show-failures.zsh yourscript
Errors and warnings visible in the Irssi log can serve as further pointers to both authors and reviewers.
You can also inspect the raw outputs in the following folder:
The following keys are recognised in config.yml:
- cpan:
- broken_tests: - modules where to skip tests, that would otherwise hang Travis
- broken_modules: - modules to never auto-install, for example because they hang Travis
- whitelist: - list of scripts that are allowed to fail
- scripts_yaml_keys: - list of keys to copy from irssi header to scripts.dmp
To manually generate the _data/scripts.yaml file, run:
perl ./_testing/
To download the cached test results, run:
git fetch origin ci-artefacts:ci-artefacts
ln -s ci-artefacts Test