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This package is intended to be used as a standard pad for all Robotnik robots.


The package depends on some Robotnik packages:

git clone
  • robotnik_msgs 🔗
git clone

This package may depend on other Robotnik or ROS standard packages in function of the handlers that are developed. The standard ROS packages can be installed using the rosdep install command:

# located in the workspace folder
rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -y -r

ds4drv automatic install

in order to install the ds4drv and its components you can use the installer:

sudo ./

Now you your system should be ready

ds4drv manual install

You need to install the ds4drv pip script:

sudo pip install ds4drv

Install PS4 controller config for ds4drv:

cd /etc && sudo wget
cd /etc/systemd/system && sudo wget

Add the udev rules for PS4 controller:

cd /etc/udev/rules.d/ && sudo wget

And paste the following text:

KERNEL=="js[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", SYMLINK+="input/js_base", ATTRS{name}=="Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless Controller"

Enable the execution of the ds4drv service on boot:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ds4drv.service

Now the ds4drv is loaded on boot.

To enable the joystick without rebooting:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
sudo systemctl start ds4drv.service

1. robotnik_pad_node

The robotnik_pad_node loads plugins that specify the desired behaviour. This allows you to load different plugins depending on your needs. Besides, it is possible to create your own plugins.

Available plugins:

  • Movement
    • Intended to command the mobile base via velocity references
  • Elevator
    • Intended to command a elevator actuator of the robot

1.1 Parameters

1.1.1 Common Parameters

  • ~pad/type (string, default: ps4) Type/model of the gamepad used
  • ~pad/num_of_buttons (int, default: 14) Number of buttons of the gamepad
  • ~pad/num_of_axes (int, default: 4) Number of axes of the gamepad
  • ~plugins (list of strings, default: [Movement]) Declares the available plugins to use

1.1.2 Plugin Parameters

  • ~Plugin/type (string, default: depends on the plugin) Type of plugin Movement

  • ~max_linear_speed (double, default: 1.5) Maximum linear speed that can be sent to the controller based on the current velocity level (0.1->1) and the current axis_linear_x value (0->1)
  • ~max_angular_speed (double, default: 3.0) Maximum angular speed that can be sent to the controller based on the current velocity level (0.1->1) and the current axis_linear_x value (0->1)
  • ~cmd_topic_vel (string, default: cmd_vel) Name of topic where the command vel is being published
  • ~config/button_deadman (int, default: 5) Button number to enable any command sent to the controller.
  • ~config/button_speed_up (int, default: 3) Button number to increase the current velocity level applied to the max_speed params
  • ~config/button_speed_down (int, default: 1) Button number to decrease the current velocity level applied to the max_speed params
  • ~config/button_kinematic_mode (int, default: 7) Button number to switch between two kinematic modes: diff and omni
  • ~config/axis_linear_x (int, default: 1) Axis number to set the linear x speed
  • ~config/axis_linear_y (int, default: 0) Axis number to set the linear y speed
  • ~config/axis_angular_z (int, default: 2) Axis number to set the angular speed

1.1.3 Configuration file example

This an example of a config file loading a single plugin:

  - Movement

  type: ps4
  num_of_buttons: 14
  num_of_axes: 14
  joy_topic: joy

  type: robotnik_pad_plugins/Movement
  max_linear_speed: 1.5
  max_angular_speed: 3.0
  cmd_topic_vel: pad_teleop/cmd_vel
    button_deadman: 5
    axis_linear_x: 1
    axis_linear_y: 0
    axis_angular_z: 2
    button_speed_up: 3
    button_speed_down: 1
    button_kinematic_mode: 7

First of all you need to define a list containing the different plugins you want to load. Then, for each of the plugins you want to load, you should specify its parameters.

1.2 Subscribed Topics

  • joy (sensor_msgs/Joy) Gets the buttons and axis status

1.3 Published Topics

  • cmd_topic_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) Sends the velocity references to define topic
  • ~state (robotnik_msgs/State) Sends current state based on Robotnik RComponent architecture

1.3.1 Plugin Published Topics Movement
  • ~status (robotnik_pad_msgs/MovementStatus) Status of the component
    • Example:
      velocity_level: 100.0
      kinematic_mode: "omni"

1.4 Services


1.5 Services Called


1.6 Action server


1.7 Action clients called


1.8 Required tf Transforms


1.9 Provided tf Transforms


1.10 Bringup

roslaunch robotnik_pad robotnik_pad.launch

This will launch two nodes:

  • joy: This node is in charge of reading from the joystick and publish the information (sensor_msgs/Joy) through a topic
  • robotnik_pad_node: This node will load the different plugins included in the config file