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ghelmling edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

The native Java API for HBase provides fairly low level access to your data, representing rows essentially as maps of byte arrays. To simplify data access and manipulation, Beeno provides a simple entity layer that maps Java classes → HBase tables and back. This layer borrows conceptually from Hibernate and JPA, though it’s much, much more limited in scope.

Mapping Entities

HBase entities are simple POJOs with mapping annotations for defining the HBase persistence information. Mapped HBase entities do not need to share any common parent.

Sample entity class:

 * Simple entity class with mapped properties
public static class SimpleEntity {
    String id;
    String stringProperty;
    int intProperty;
    float floatProperty;
    double doubleProperty;
    long longProperty;
    public SimpleEntity() {
    public String getId() { return; }
    public void setId(String id) { = id; }
    @HProperty(family="props", name="stringcol")
    public String getStringProperty() { return stringProperty; }
    public void setStringProperty( String stringProperty ) { 
        this.stringProperty = stringProperty; 
    @HProperty(family="props", name="intcol")
    public int getIntProperty() { return intProperty; }
    public void setIntProperty( int intProperty ) {	
        this.intProperty = intProperty;	
    @HProperty(family="props", name="floatcol")
    public float getFloatProperty() { return floatProperty; }
    public void setFloatProperty( float floatProperty ) { 
        this.floatProperty = floatProperty; 
    @HProperty(family="props", name="doublecol")
    public double getDoubleProperty() { return doubleProperty; }
    public void setDoubleProperty( double doubleProperty ) { 
        this.doubleProperty = doubleProperty; 
    @HProperty(family="props", name="longcol")
    public long getLongProperty() { return longProperty; }
    public void setLongProperty( long longProperty ) { 
        this.longProperty = longProperty; 

The following annotations are used to map the entity elements to an HBase table. The HBase table name is defined using a class-level annotation, while the row-key and field mappings are defined as method-level annotations on methods conforming to JavaBeans property conventions.

@HEntity( name=“tablename” )

This class-level annotation defines which HBase table is used to store the entity’s data. This is required.


This annotation defines the JavaBeans property used to store the entity record’s row key. This annotation is required for an entity class, and only a single @HRowKey annotation is allowed.

@HProperty( family=“column family”, name=“column name”, type=“(string|int_type|float_type|double_type|long_type)” )

This annotation maps a JavaBeans property to a field in the HBase table for the entity. Since HBase groups fields into “column families”, both the ’’’family’’’ and ’’’name’’’ arguments are required. The trailing “:” often should in column family names in the HBase documentation should ’’not’’ be included in the ’’’family’’’ argument. It will automatically be added when needed. The ’’’type’’’ argument is only used when the JavaBeans property is a java.util.Map or java.util.Collection instance (more on this below). In this case, the ’’’type’’’ argument defines what data type should be used in converting the underlying collection entry values.

@HIndex( date_col=“family:column”, date_invert=“(true|false)”, extra_cols={} )

Declares an index table associated with this property (named as “entitytable-by_property column”).

Properties as Collections

The mapping framework includes rudimentary support for mapping collection types (java.util.Map or java.util.Collection instances) to table fields. Since mapping of collection types dynamically determines the actual HBase column names used to store the values, these mappings cannot easily be indexed with HBase’s built-in secondary index support.

Map Properties

Map-type entity properties can only be mapped to an ’’entire’’ column family in a table. This means that no other @HProperty annotations in the entity class can reference fields in the same column family or you will get an error about duplicate field mappings (the EntityService will not know which property to associate a field value with when retrieving an entity).

A Map property should be annotated using the special convention
@HProperty( family="<column family", name="*", type="<value type>" )

The ’’’name="*"’’’ argument denotes that the map entries should be round-tripped to any columns in the column family, using the column name as the map entry key.

Collection Properties

Other collection-type entity properties can be mapped to a set of columns in the HBase table, one column per collection entry. A collection property should be mapped using the annotation format

@HProperty( family="<column family>", name="<base column name>", type="<entry value type>" )

Individual collection entry values will then be assigned specific column names using the format


Mapped entity instances can be saved or retrieved by use of a com.meetup.db.hbase.EntityService<T> instance or one of it’s subclasses. This class supports a few basic operations to allow retrieving and saving entity instances.

public T get( String rowkey )
Returns an entity instance for the given unique row key. If a row for the given key does not exist, returns ’’’null’’’.

public void save( T entity )
Inserts or updates the entity instance (HBase does not distinguish between these operations) to it’s mapped HBase table

public void saveAll( List<T> entities )
Saves all entity instances in the list to the mapped HBase table.

public void delete( String rowKey )
Deletes the row completely from the mapped HBase table.

public Query<T> query()
Returns a Query instance for the mapped class.

Query API

Some query examples from the feeds implementation.

Find all items related to a discussion

  EntityService<DiscussionItem> service = EntityService.create(DiscussionItem.class);
  Query query = 
             .using( Criteria.eq("threadId", threadId) );
  List items = query.execute();

Find all greetings from a given member

EntityService<GreetingItem> service = EntityService.create(GreetingItem.class); Query query = service.query() .using( Criteria.eq("memberId", memberId) ) .where( Criteria.eq(“itemType”, “chapter_greeting”) ); List items = query.execute();
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