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Variance is a problem that appears in the area of interaction between generics/type members and subtyping.

Suppose that we have a generic class Box along with some simple class hierarchy:

class Box[T](var value: T)

abstract class Animal
class Frog extends Animal
abstract class Mammal extends Animal
class Cat extends Mammal
class Dog extends Mammal

Now, can we do this?

val mammalBox: Box[Mammal] = new Box[Mammal](new Dog)
val animalBox: Box[Animal] = mammalBox //error!

The answer is no, scalac will give us an error and it will be right about it, because otherwise we could do this:

animalBox.value = new Frog // putting a frog into a box only for mammals :(

which would be totally wrong, because we expect that mammalBox contains only mammals and we've just put a frog into it. Sooner or later we're going to see a ClassCastException when trying to access the value of mammalBox.

But what if our intention was not to put value into animalBox but only accessing it? Then it would be totally safe, because Mammal is a subtype of Animal, so without any problem we could do:

val animal: Animal = animalBox.value

Maybe there's some way to tell the compiler that we only want to use the "safe" portion of Box API? Actually, we could do it using wildcards:

val mammalBox: Box[Mammal] = new Box[Mammal](new Dog)
val animalBox: Box[_ <: Animal] = mammalBox

Now the compiler knows that animalBox is not a box for an animal but a box for something that is an animal but may be more specific. Now it has just enough information to know that getting an animal from the box is fine, but putting an animal into it is not:

val animal: Animal = animalBox.value
animalBox.value = (new Frog): Animal //error!

Now, let's consider a similar problem where we're interested into putting things into a box but not interested in accessing it. For example:

val mammalBox: Box[Mammal] = new Box[Mammal](new Dog)
val catBox: Box[Cat] = mammalBox //error!
catBox.value = new Cat

Scala will, again, refuse to compile the line where mammalBox is cast to Box[Cat]. And it's right to do so, because accessing catBox.value should give us a Cat and we know that there's a Dog instead. So we would see ClassCastException again. In order to tell the compiler that we're only interested in putting cats into catBox, we can use another wildcard:

val catBox: Box[_ >: Cat] = mammalBox

Now the compiler knows that catBox is a box not just for cats but for some more general, unknown class of animals. This way it will allow us to put a cat into this box, but won't let us assume that there's always a cat in it.

What goes in and out

When a class has a type parameter, looking into its usages inside this class we can determine whether the generic value goes "in" or "out" of the class (or both or neither). In the case of Box[T] the T goes both "out" and "in" because we can both access and modify the value field. But if Box was immutable, the parameter T would only go "out", e.g.

class ImmutableBox[T](val value: T)

On other occasions, a generic may only go "in", e.g.

trait Consumer[T] {
  def consume(value: T): Unit

By using wildcards, we are telling the compiler that we want to use only the part of an API of a class where a type parameter goes "out" (e.g. Box[_ <: Animal]) or only the part where it goes "in" (e.g. Box[_ >: Cat]).

Usage site variance

This usage of wildcards is known as usage site variance. In the first case ("out", Box[_ <: Animal]) we're talking about covariance and in the second one ("in", Box[_ >: Cat]), it's contravariance. They're usage-site because wildcards need to be repeated at every usage of Box type to indicate covariance or contravariance. This is as opposed to declaration site variance which we'll talk about later.

When a type parameter is used in a position where it goes "out" of its class, then we call it a covariant position. Conversely, when it's used in a position where it goes "in", we call it a contravariant position. And finally, when it's used in a position where it could go both "out" and "in", we call it an invariant position.

class VarianceBox[T] {  
  def value: T = rawValue // covariant position, T goes "out"
  def setValue(value: T): Unit = { // contravariant position, T goes "in"
    rawValue = value
  var rawValue: T // invariant position (or technically a covariant getter with a contravariant setter, independently)

NOTE: when type parameter appears in a constructor parameter, we do NOT consider it a contravariant ("in") position, because the value only goes "in" during construction when the exact type of the object is known. Such positions are actually bivariant (neither "in" nor "out").

Now we can set out the rules about usage-site variance in a more formal way:

  • upper-bounded wildcards (e.g. Box[_ <: Animal]) let us only use the portion of an API where type parameter appears in covariant positions
  • lower-bounded wildcards (e.g. Box[_ >: Cat]) let us only use the portion of an API where type parameter appears in contravariant positions

In exchange for the limitations imposed by wildcards, we can establish a subtyping relation between otherwise unrelated applications of the outer, parametric class. For example:

  • because Mammal <: Animal (<: = is-a-subtype-of), we can say that Box[Mammal] <: Box[_ <: Animal]
  • because Mammal >: Cat (>: = is-a-supertype-of), we can say that Box[Mammal] >: Box[_ >: Cat]

Declaration site variance

You may have noticed that on many occasions a type parameter either only goes "out" or only goes "in". For example, all the immutable collections in Scala allow only retrieval of data and therefore the element type parameter appears only in covariant positions (e.g T in List[T]). In such cases Scala allows us to explicitly mark such type parameter as covariant or contravariant, at the place of its declaration.

In order to declare a type parameter covariant ("out"), we use the + symbol:

class ImmutableBox[+T](val value: T)

Thanks to this, we no longer need to use wildcards in usage site. Now we can simply say:

val mammalBox: ImmutableBox[Mammal] = new ImmutableBox(new Cat)
val animalBox: ImmutableBox[Animal] = mammalBox // no need to use wildcards now!

At the same time, the compiler now knows that it must ensure that T is used in ImmutableBox class only in covariant positions. If it's not, we'll get a compilation error.

Similarly, in order to declare a type parameter contravariant ("in"), we use the - symbol:

trait Hole[-T] {
  def put(value: T): Unit

Which allows us to omit lower-bounded wildcards at usage site:

val mammalHole: Hole[Mammal] = ???
val catHole: Hole[Cat] = mammalHole // no need to use wildcards now!

In the same manner, the compiler now checks if T only appears at contravariant positions in Hole.

Common uses and examples of variance

The most common situation where a type parameter is declared as covariant are all sorts of immutable data structures like Option or List. Covariance is natural for them because since they're immutable, data can only be retrieved from them and not mutated inside them. Therefore, the type-parameterized data only goes "out" of them. If you look at various collections in the standard library, you'll see that almost all immutable collection implementations (e.g. List, Vector) and non-mutable collection traits (e.g. scala.collection.Traversable, scala.collection.Seq) have their element type parameter declared as covariant. A controversial exception is Set which isn't covariant because of its contains and apply methods (a Set can be seen as a predicate, i.e. function from its element type to Boolean).

NOTE: we have made a distinction between immutable and non-mutable collections. The word immutable refers to collection traits and classes which are guaranteed to never change their contents. These usually inhabit the scala.collection.immutable package. However, there are also traits in the scala.collection package which are base traits for both immutable and mutable collections. To these we refer as non-mutable because while they may be extended by mutable collection implementations, by themselves they don't expose any mutating API. That alone is enough in order to make them covariant.