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Version 2 to Version 3 Migration Guide

This guide outlines the differences between v2.5.1 and v3.0.0 and aims to provide an upgrade path from v2.5.1 to v3.0.0.

Dependency Structure

In v3.0.0, the following modules were condensed into the xrpl-core module:

  • xrpl4j-address-codec
  • xrpl4j-binary-codec
  • xrpl4j-model
  • xrpl4j-keypairs
  • xrpl4j-crypto-core
  • xrpl4j-crypto-bouncycastle

As a result, there are only three primary dependencies created by this project: xrpl4j-bom, xrpl4j-core and xrpl4j-client. Any projects that previously depended on any of the above artifacts should now simply depend on xrpl4j-core and/or xrpl4j-client.

Migrating from xrpl4j-keypairs

All classes in the former xrpl4j-keypairs module have been removed from the library and should be replaced by the classes found in the org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto package in the xrpl-core module. The following section outlines how to migrate from using classes found in xrpl4j-keypairs to classes in v3.0.0.

wallet package

Wallet, WalletFactory, DefaultWalletFactory and SeedWalletGenerationResult have been removed in favor of classes in org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.

Instead of creating a random wallet via WalletFactory.randomWallet, developers should use the org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.Seed class to generate a random seed, which can then be used to derive a org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.KeyPair. The KeyPair's PublicKey can then be used to derive the wallet's Address:

import org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.Seed;
import org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.KeyPair;

Seed randomSeed = Seed.ed25519Seed(); // To generate a random secp256k1 Seed, use Seed.secp256k1Seed()
KeyPair keyPair = randomSeed.deriveKeyPair();
Address = keyPair.publicKey().deriveAddress();

Instead of restoring a wallet from a Base58 encoded seed String, developers can now restore Seeds of various types and derive a KeyPair and Address from the Seed.

import org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.Seed;
import org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.Entropy;
import org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.Passphrase;

// From new, random entropy
Seed seedFromRandomEntropy = Seed.ed25519SeedFromEntropy(Entropy.newInstance));

// From existing entropy bytes
Seed seedFromEntropy = Seed.ed25519SeedFromEntropy(BaseEncoding.base16().decode("0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F10"))

// From existing passphrase        
Seed seedFromPassphrase = Seed.ed25519SeedFromPassphrase(Passphrase.of("Hello World"));

// From existing secret
Seed seedFromSecret = Seed.fromBase58EncodedSecret(Base58EncodedSecret.of("snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb"));

keypairs package

All classes in the org.xrpl.xrpl4j.keypairs package have been removed. org.xrpl.xrpl4j.keypairs.KeyPair has been replaced by org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.KeyPair, and all other classes in the keypairs package do not have a direct replacement. Instead, the functionality contained in these classes is available in org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto through the Seed, KeyPair, and SignatureService interfaces.

The primary interface in the keypairs package was KeyPairService. The following list describes how to migrate from each method in KeyPairService:

  • Instead of KeyPairService.generateSeed(), use Seed.ed25519Seed() or Seed.secp256k1Seed()
  • Instead of KeyPairService.generateSeed(UnsignedByteArray entropy), use Seed.ed25519SeedFromEntropy(Entropy.of(byteArray))
  • Instead of KeyPairService.deriveKeyPair(String seed), use Seed.fromfromBase58EncodedSecret(Base58EncodedSecret.of(secret)).deriveKeyPair()
  • Instead of KeyPairService.sign(UnsignedByteArray message, String privateKey) or KeyPairService.sign(String message, String privateKey), use BcSignatureService.sign(PrivateKey privateKey, T transaction)
  • Instead of KeyPairService.verify(UnsignedByteArray message, String signature, String publicKey) or KeyPairService.verify(String message, String signature, String publicKey), use BcSignatureService.verify(Signer signatureWithPublicKey, T transaction)
  • Instead of KeyPairService.deriveAddress(String publicKey) or KeyPairService.deriveAddress(UnsignedByteAray publicKey), use PublicKey.deriveAddress()

Migrating from xrpl4j-crypto-core and xrpl4j-crypto-bouncycastle

All cryptography operations have been moved to the xrpl4j-core artifact and a majority of the classes found in xrpl4j-crypto-core and xrpl4j-crypto-bouncycastle have been replaced or rewritten. The following section describes how to achieve the same functionality in v3.0.0 as was available in v2.5.1.

Managing Keys

BcKeyUtils has been moved from org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto to org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.bc.keys.

org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.Seed, org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.PrivateKey, and org.xrpl4j.crypto.PublicKey have been replaced by org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.Seed, org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.PrivateKey, and org.xrpl4j.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.PublicKey respectively. All seed/private key generation and restoration, as well as public key and address derivation functionality is now available in these classes. The following example shows how to generate a new random ED25519 Seed, derive a KeyPair from the Seed, and derive an Address from the derived PublicKey in v3.0.0:

Seed seed = Seed.ed25519Seed();
KeyPair keyPair = seed.deriveKeyPair();
PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.publicKey();
PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.privateKey();
Address = publicKey.deriveAddress();

KeyMetadata has been removed altogether. Instead, all private keys are now represented by extensions of org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.keys.PrivateKeyable. PrivateKeyable has two child implementations/extensions: PrivateKey and PrivateKeyReference. PrivateKey represents a private key held in memory in the same runtime. This variant could be useful in the context of an android or native application, but should be avoided in server-side applications as holding private keys in-memory poses a large security threat to applications.

PrivateKeyReference on the other hand is, as the name suggests, a reference to a private key that is held in another system. For example, keys held in an HSM or other custody service can be referenced by a PrivateKeyReference. Different custody systems require different identifying information of private keys. Therefore, developers will likely need to extend or implement PrivateKeyReference for each custody provider they use. In turn, developers must implement SignatureService<MyPrivateKeyReference> to interact with any given custody service, although AbstracSignatureService can be extended to reduce a large portion of this effort.

Signing and Verifying Transactions

The main interface used to sign and verify transactions in version 2 was org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.signing.SignatureService. In version 3, SignatureService has been completely rewritten, though it remains in the same package.

The version 3 SignatureService now contains a generic type extending PrivateKeyable. Developers can now implement the same interface (SignatureService) for both in-memory PrivateKeys and private keys managed by external services (referenced by PrivateKeyReference). This was possible in version 2, but the interface was clunky and unintuitive for in-memory private keys, ie calls to SignatureService.sign required passing in KeyMetadata.EMPTY for all in-memory private keys.

The new SignatureService interface has two implementations: org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.signing.bc.BcSignatureService<PrivateKey> and org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.signing.bc.BcDerivedKeySignatureService<PrivateKeyReference>. In version 2, the analogous classes were org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.signing.SingleKeySignatureService and org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.signing.DerivedKeySignatureService, respectively. However, BcSignatureService can now be used as a singleton and sign transactions for any number of PrivateKeys, unlike SingleKeySignatureService which held a singular PrivateKey.

Changes to Model Objects

v3.0.0 introduces many changes to the objects previously found in the xrpl4j-model dependency. While most of the changes involved removing previously deprecated fields and methods, some changes were not deprecated in v2.5.1.

  • Transaction.computeMultiSigFee has been removed in favor of FeeUtils.computeMultisigNetworkFees(FeeResult, SignerListObject)
  • Transaction.closeDate() has been removed in favor of TransactionResult.closeDate() as this field is only present in responses to RPC calls.
  • Similarly, Transaction.closeDateHuman() has been removed in favor of TransactionResult.closeDateHuman().
  • Transaction.hash() has been removed in favor of AccountTransactionsTransactionsTransaction.hash() which are present in AccountTransactionResult.transactions().
  • Transaction.ledgerIndex() has been removed in favor of AccountTransactionsTransactionsTransaction.ledgerIndex() which are present in AccountTransactionResult.transactions().
  • AccountTransactionsResult.ledgerIndexMin() and AccountTransactionsResult.ledgerIndexMax have been removed in favor of AccountTransactionsResult.ledgerIndexMinimum() and AccountTransactionsResult.ledgerIndexMaximum() respectively
  • AccountTransactionsTransactionResult.transaction() has been removed in favor of AccountTransactionsTransactionResult.resultTransaction(). The transaction's hash and ledgerIndex can be found in resultTransaction().hash() and resultTransaction().ledgerIndex(), respectively.
  • AccountTransactionsRequestParams.builder() has been renamed to AccountTransactionsRequestParams.unboundedBuilder()
  • AccountTransactionsRequestParams.ledgerIndexMin() has been removed in favor of AccountTransactionsRequestParams.ledgerIndexMinimum()
  • AccountTransactionsRequestParams.ledgerIndexMax() has been removed in favor of AccountTransactionsRequestParams.ledgerIndexMaximum()
  • The LedgerIndex(String value) constructor, LedgerIndex.of(String value), and LedgerIndex.of(UnsignedLong value) have been removed from the public API. LedgerIndexes should only be constructed via the LedgerIndex.of(UnsignedInteger value) static constructor.
  • LedgerIndex.CURRENT, LedgerIndex.CLOSED, and LedgerIndex.VALIDATED have been removed. Ledger index shortcut values can be specified via the LedgerSpecifier class.
  • LedgerIndex.unsignedLongValue() and LedgerIndex.value() have been removed. To get the underlying value of the LedgerIndex, use LedgerIndex.unsignedIntegerValue()
  • other) has been removed. Only the UnsignedInteger variant is still supported.
  • SubmitMultiSignedResult.result() has been removed in favor of SubmitMultiSignedResult.engineResult() whose type has changed from Optional<String> to String
  • SubmitMultiSignedResult.resultCode() has been removed in favor of SubmitMultiSignedResult.engineResultCode() whose type has changed from Optional<Integer> to Integer
  • SubmitMultiSignedResult.resultMessage() has been removed in favor of SubmitMultiSignedResult.engineResultMessage() whose type has changed from Optional<String> to String
  • SubmitResult.result() has been removed in favor of SubmitResult.engineResult() whose type has changed from Optional<String> to String
  • SubmitResult.resultCode() has been removed in favor of SubmitResult.engineResultCode() whose type has changed from Optional<Integer> to Integer
  • VersionType has been renamed to KeyType
  • Transaction.publicKey() is now typed as a PublicKey instead of an Optional<String>

The following classes' .ledgerHash() and .ledgerIndex() methods have been removed in favor of .ledgerSpecifier():

  • AccountChannelsRequestParams
  • AccountCurrenciesRequestParams
  • AccountInfoRequestParams
  • AccountLinesRequestParams
  • AccountObjectsRequestParams
  • AccountOffersRequestParams
  • AccountTransactionsRequestParams
  • LedgerRequestParams
  • RipplePathFindRequestParams

Additionally, .ledgerSpecifier() no longer defaults to LedgerSpecifier.CURRENT, so developers must explicitly set LedgerSpecifier in each of the classes above.

The following classes .ledgerIndex() and .ledgerHash() methods have been changed from @Nullable to Optional

  • AccountChannelsResult
  • AccountCurrenciesResult

Changes to XrplClient

Some methods have been removed from XrplClient.

Submission Methods

XrplClient.submit(Wallet wallet, T unsignedTransaction), XrplClient.submit(org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.signing.SignedTransaction), and XrplClient.submit(org.xrpl.xrpl4j.model.client.transactions.SignedTransaction) have been removed in favor of XrplClient.submit(SingleSignedTransaction signedTransaction).

To create a SingleSignedTransaction, use BcSignatureService like this:

KeyPair keyPair = Seed.ed25519Seed().deriveKeyPair(); 
BcSignatureService signatureService = new BcSignatureService();
SingleSignedTransaction<Transaction> signedTransaction = signatureService.sign(keyPair.privateKey(), transaction);

XrplClient.submitMultisigned(T transaction) has been removed in favor of XrplClient.submitMultisigned(MultiSignedTransaction<T> transaction).

To create a MultiSignedTransaction, use BcSignatureService like this:

Set<Signer> signers = Lists.newArrayList(aliceKeyPair, bobKeyPair).stream()
  .map(keyPair -> signatureService.multiSignToSigner(keyPair.privateKey(), unsignedPayment))

// Then we add the signatures to the Payment object and submit it
MultiSignedTransaction<Payment> multiSigPayment = MultiSignedTransaction.<Payment>builder()

SubmitMultiSignedResult<Payment> paymentResult = xrplClient.submitMultisigned(multiSigPayment);

For a more complete example, see SubmitMultiSignedIT.

Signing Methods

XrplClient.signTransaction(Wallet wallet, T unsignedTransaction) has also been removed. A SignatureService should be used instead to sign transactions.

Query Methods

XrplClient.serverInfo() has been removed in favor of XrplClient.serverInformation(). XrplClient.serverInformation() returns an org.xrpo.xrpl4j.model.client.serverinfo.ServerInfoResult, which could contain one of RippledServerInfo, ReportingModeServerInfo, or ClioServerInfo depending on which type of XRPL server was queried.