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Heimdall Documentation & Architecture

This document describes the architecture & design decisions of the Heimdall iOS app.

Secret Keys

Secret keys should never be committed to the repository, as it is public & open source. Instead, we add the secrets to a file This file is ignored in git and needs to be created by the developer themselves. A is committed to the repo and shows the general structure and env vars that need to be set for the app to work. Developers should copy the example file to and add their keys to it.

Travis CI automatically injects the correct environment variables so no need to have a there.

During an Xcode pre-compile script phase, the is sourced. These keys are then passed to Sourcery.


#check if exists
if [ -f ./ ]
source ./
#no `else` case needed if the CI works as expected
mint run krzysztofzablocki/[email protected] "sourcery --templates ./Heimdall/Other --sources . --output ./Heimdall/Other --args infurakey=$GNS_INFURA_KEY"

New keys need to be added to Secrets.stencil which is the template file for Secrets.generated.swift (ignored in git). That file is compiled with Xcode and exposes an enum with the keys. They also need to be added to Travis CI as a hidden variable (as our repo & travis is open & readable by everyone.


For complete information on dependencies and their versions check out the Cartfile.

BigInt For Numbers

All numbers that are used for Solidity & Ethereum cross compat need to be instances of BigInt or BigUInt, as Ethereum supports integers up to 256 bits, which is bigger than the largest int in Swift.

PureLayout for AutoLayout

For creating constraints in code, we use PureLayout. It is not a full DSL, rather a set of methods that allow for easy creation of constraints.


Amounts of ether should always be returned as instances of EtherAmount. This struct can be used to format ether amounts and it codifies the denomications of ether.

You can either instantiate an instance with the denomination given, e.g. EtherAmount(wei: BigInt(1_000_000)) or EtherAmount(ether: BigInt(1)) or you can use the extension provided on BigInt that allows you to create instances in a natural language way.

Code example:

// Create an amount of 1 million Wei
let amountOfWei = BigInt(1_000_000).wei
print(amountOfWei.description) // prints "1000000 Wei"
print(amountOfWei.descriptionAsWei) // prints "1000000 Wei"
print(amountOfWei.descriptionAsEther) // prints "0.0000 Ξ"

// Create an amount of 1 Ether
let amountOfEther = BigInt(1).ether
print(amountOfEther.description) // prints "1.0000 Ξ"
print(amountOfEther.descriptionAsWei) // prints "1000000000000000000 Wei"
print(amountOfEther.descriptionAsEther) // prints "1.0000 Ξ"

Architecture Patterns

General Architecture

MVVM with Coordinators implements a kind of graph. The highest level is the AppCoordinator, which is created by the AppDelegate, which then transfers all control to it. AppCoordinator is the root of the coordinator graph.

Coordinators can start as many child coordinators as they want. For example, the LoggedInCoordinator is TabBarCoordinator, which has many TabCoordinator children.

Coordinators then present view controllers. This is done by creating the view model for the view controllers and instantiating them with it. View controllers then instantiate their UIView subclass.

Everything is connected with Reactive glue (from leaf to root):

View controllers bind the view properties (e.g. label texts) to view model outputs (e.g. Property<String>). They also connect view actions (e.g. button taps) to view model inputs (SafePublishSubject<Void>).

View models take model properties and changes and bind them to their outputs. Also they observe their inputs and act accordingly (e.g. updating & storing a model object).

Coordinators that created the view models bind to their outputs that they cannot handle themselves (stuff that needs navigation/coordination). For example the SafeListViewModel exposes an addSafe PublishSubject. The SafeListCoordinator observes this subject (see code excerpt in Coordinators section). In case of a new event there, it starts the AddSafe flow, which is a new coordinator. On a successful result from the AddSafe flow, the coordinator adds a new safe to the store which the view model then immediately picks up and displays.


Heimdall uses the Coordinator pattern as described in this fantastic article. The UPTech team has demonstrated a nice MVVM-Rx way of using it, which we are using in a version modified for ReactiveKit.

The base class for all coordinators is BaseCoordinator which outlines the general flow and handling for coordinators. It has a start() method, which returns a ReactiveKit.Signal of its associated CoordinationResult type. This allows coordinators to represent complete flows of actions (e.g. adding a safe) which can easily be chained.

Example from SafeListCoordinator.start():

    .flatMapLatest { _ in
            AddSafeCoordinator(navigationController: self.navigationController))
    .flatMap { (result: AddSafeCoordinator.CoordinationResult) -> Safe? in
        guard case .safe(let newSafe) = result else {
            return nil
        return newSafe
    .observeNext { safe in
        _ = try? safeStore.add(safe)
    .dispose(in: disposeBag)

This listens for the addSafe Signal in the ViewModel, navigates to the AddSafe flow, which is free to present alerts or view controllers, and then acts according to the result (either .cancel or .safe(Safe)).


Heimdall does not use storyboards or Xib files for anything (except for the launchscreen).

UI is created completely in code with AutoLayout in UIView subclasses. Heimdall includes two helper classes for this process, AutolayoutView & AutolayoutScrollView. These should be subclassed and then you should override setupSubviews() and setupInitialConstraints() for your subviews and their constraints.

As we create all UI in code, our ViewControllers only assign the correct instance of their view to their view property in loadView(). This is facilitated with a generic SeparatedViewController<ViewType> class, which already does initializes and assigns an instance of ViewType. That ViewType needs to have an empty initialiser (for easy creation). Initialising any UIView or UIViewController subclass with a coder or a nib file is not possible, the app will crash.

Example SafeListView:

class SafeListView: AutoLayoutView {
    let tableView = UITableView()

    override func setupSubviews() {
                           forCellReuseIdentifier: String(describing: ReactiveUITableViewCell.self))

    override func setupInitialConstraints() {

Example SafeListViewController:

class SafeListViewController: SeparatedViewController<SafeListView> [...] {
    let viewModel: SafeListViewModel

    init(viewModel: SafeListViewModel) {
        self.viewModel = viewModel

        // Bind ViewModel inputs/outputs here
        // Example:
        viewModel.items.bind(to: customView.tableView) {

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { dieFromCoder() }


SeparatedViewController already instantiates and correctly assigns the view type you specialise on. The view is available as customView without casting from UIView.

Storage & Models

The app includes multiple storage options.

There is a class for secure storage (SecureDataStore), backed by the keychain, which are currently used for securing the credentials of the authenticated user. There is also a class for regular disk storage (DiskStore), currently backed by json files on the disk. Both implement the protocol DataStore which is a simple key value store.

There is also a higher level store (AppDataStore<Element>), which can be backed by anything implementing DataStore and allows for storage of lists of Elements. Elements need to implement the protocol Storable which only exposes a storageKey property which has to be unique in the app.

Models (e.g. Token) are simple Swift structs that implement Storable (which also required Codable & Equatable).

Example Model:

struct Token: Storable {
    let address: String
    let name: String
    let symbol: String
    let decimals: Int
    let whitelisted: Bool

    static var storageKey: String {
        return "Token"

// MARK: - Equatable
extension Token: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: Token, rhs: Token) -> Bool {
        return lhs.address == rhs.address

This, in combination with let tokenStore = AppDataStore<Token>(store: storageBackend), is all that is needed to store elements on the disk and react to changes (AppDataStore exposes a signal when the contents change).

Stores should be created once and passed from top coordinators to bottom coordinators and view models, otherwise changes are not picked up and it might come to race conditions when two stores accessing the same models want to write at the same time.

Dependency Injection

In Heimdall we use constructor dependency injection. This means you should create stores & network clients in a higher level than where you're using it and pass it into the object via constructor.

For example if a ViewModel needs access to an instance of AppDataStore<Token>, you should create that store in the object that creates the view model (e.g. the coordinator). Then you inject that in to the view model.

This pattern allows the ViewModel to be easily tested by injecting a mock.

If you need certain stores multiple times in your application at different locations and you want to get notified of changes that occur in other locations, you should create them only one and pass them down from level to level to the place where they are needed. This is necessary because the stores do not listen to storage backend events. Change events are only propagated in the same store instance.

For example if you need the token store in the TokenListViewModel and the SafeListViewModel, create it in the LoggedInCoordinator, as that is the coordinator that creates both the TokenListCoordinator and the SafeListCoordinator.


Heimdall includes some helpers for easier handling of some things.


A regular UITableViewCell subclass including a ReactiveKit DisposeBag which is disposed in prepareForReuse. Use this directly if you only need to default styles or to create subclasses for specific tables.

die(_ error:)

Call die(_ error: Swift.Error) from any point in the application if you encounter a terminal failure. It will print out the error nicely and also put it in the device log (not only stderr) via NSLog(). You can define the error for example as a subtype of your model:

struct Credentials: Codable {
    enum Error: String, Swift.Error {
        case invalidMnemonicPhrase

// some other place: