Experimental integration with sorcery. Watch this space...
Normally, if you have steps in your build process that generate source maps - such as minification, or transpiling CoffeeScript to JavaScript - the sourcemap that accompanies the end result only maps back to the penultimate stage, rendering it effectively useless.
Sorcery traces mappings all the way back to the original source. The gobble-sorcery plugin automates this process and links everything together for you.
First, you need to have gobble installed - see the gobble readme for details. Then,
npm i -D gobble-sorcery
var gobble = require( 'gobble' );
module.exports = gobble( 'src/coffee' )
.transform( 'coffee' )
.transform( 'uglify' )
.transform( 'sorcery' );
MIT. Copyright 2014 Rich Harris