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Jiri Mikulasek edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

GoodData Java SDK uses several testing methods.

Unit tests

Invoked by issuing command:

mvn test

Integration tests with mocked backend

We use Jadler to mock the real GoodData backend and run integration tests.

Invoked by issuing command:

mvn verify

Acceptance test with real backend

These tests have to be run against GoodData API, so one has to first set endpoint and credentials of a regular user. It's being set by environment variables: host, login, password, projectToken, warehouseToken.

Invoked by issuing command:

host=... login=... pass=... projectToken=... warehouseToken=... mvn verify -P at

One can also run only subset by specifying tests or groups to be run:

mvn -Dgroups=featureFlag,project,account verify -P at


mvn -Dit.test=FeatureFlagServiceAT,ProjectServiceAT,AccountServiceAT verify -P at
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