The ClinicArrivals application components run in the context of a normal user.
Communications requirements:
- outgoing access on local network to the PMS application using FHIR R4
- outgoing Internet access to the following URLS:
Risk mitigation:
- It does not perform the role of a server - there are no inbound message connections
- The application only accesses clinic appointments - there's no access to any other part of the patient record
- The Twilio SMS gateway uses a webhook to handle incoming SMS messages
- Webhooks are configured to be sent to and include the
- messages are filed under the account ID - Clients also query and pass their account ID as a parameter - the server returns all messages with a matching account ID
- Most messages passing through the SMS proxy will consist of one word answers:
yes | no | joined | arrived
(or variants) - The FHIR server itself is open source (see It doesn't log messages or retain them for more than a day after they have been processed
- The FHIR server is hosted in AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney) - it's possible to run the server elsewhere, or replace it with another server that has the same interface
- Both Jitsi and OpenVidu are implemented for video calls, but only OpenVidu is supported
- An Ubuntu 16.04 server is hosted in AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney), deployed using open-source OpenVidu CloudFormation scripting which includes automatic security updates
- OpenVidu Server is available at
- Server-side components are available at
- The session id is created on the fly by the ClinicArrivals program
- Anyone who has the session id can join the call (this is a feature - it's easy to bring family members or translators into the call)
- Anyone who joins the call is visible to other parties in the call
- The public API cannot create or iterate the sessions (actually, that's a todo)
Note: Jitsi not currently supported.
- users do not need an account or to sign up in any way
- the server is used for video call coordination
- the actual video traffic flows peer to peer, not through a central server
- messages are sent to the nominated mobile number for the patient using the current registered phone number
- incoming messages from mobile phone numbers other than the registered phone, or even from a registered phone not associated with an appointment on the same day are considered as errors and ignored
- if the messages can't be sent or aren't read, then the existing manual workflow will still apply