By: Greg Zborovsky
- Proper OBJ/MTL loading
- Proper Texture Loading
- Bilinear Filtering
- Orthographic Camera
- Normal Mapping
- Gamma Correction
- Anti-Aliasing
- Proper OBJ/MTL loading
- Supports triangles & quadrilaterals, UV texture coordinates, vertex normals, multiple objects, and different texture types
- Proper Texture Loading
- Off by one errors have been eliminated, some code refactoring
- Bilinear Filtering
- When reading from a texture, interpolate between the closest four colors to get an approximate "in-between" color
- Orthographic Camera & LookAt mode
- Previously only had a Perspective Camera, an Orthographic Camera mirrors what we have done in class
- LookAt mode allows me to choose a position to point my camera at rather than explicitly use Euler angles
- Normal Mapping
- Based on a texture, offset the direction of the normals of a surface, allows for highly detailed but low-poly surfaces
- Gamma Correction
- Raise input colors to power of 2.2 (gamma), and output to 1/2.2 - Accounts for how humans perceive light
- Anti-Aliasing
- Done using a basic super sampling by rendering to 2w x 2h dimensions and scaling down to w x h using bilinear filtering
- MDL & Animation were not included, but had animation been included, I would have opted for a keyframe-based system
- Other existing features include: Offscreen clipping, Per-object transforms, Perspective-Correct Interpolation
To run the default example (Warning: Uses around 2GB of memory): Extract the resources folder from the zip in the link below:
And drop the resources folder into the root folder of this project
. ├── ├── makefile ├── ├── resources │ ├── skybox.mtl │ ├── skybox.obj │ ├── StandardCubeMap.ppm │ ├── tcmodimt_2K_Albedo.ppm │ ├── ... └── src ├── Camera.cpp ├── Camera.hpp ├── ...
Note - is primarily intended for developer use and requires using Python3 and having Pillow installed. Paths to images should also be absolute paths.
- Render to ppm/ImageMagick/png
- Basic 3d command input
- Bresenham line drawing
- Matrix transformations in 3d
- Circle, hermite, and bezier curve drawing
- Box, sphere, and torus primitives
- Scanline triangle fill
- Object-space transformations
- Perspective/Orthographic Euler and LookAt Camera
- Texture Mapping
- Tangent Space Normal Mapping
- Sky maps
- Blinn-Phong Lighting, Phong Shading
- Gamma Correction
- OBJ/MTL Support
- 2x Supersampling
- Better animation support
- Quaternions
- Ray tracing
- Shadow Mapping