The following individuals have contributed to this training material:
- Andreas Richter
- Anton Nekrutenko (@nekrut)
- Anika Erxleben (@erxleben)
- Bérénice Batut (@bebatut)
- Björn Grüning (@bgruening)
- Devon Ryan (@dpryan79)
- Fabian Kilpert (@kilpert)
- Fidel Ramirez (@fidelram)
- Friederike Duendar (@friedue)
- Gildas Le Corguillé (@lecorguille)
- Loraine Brillet-Guéguen (@loraine-gueguen)
- Stephanie Le Gras (@slegras)
- Thomas Manke (@thomasmanke)
- Torsten Houwaart
- Markus Wolfien (@mwolfien)
- Jennifer Del Giudice (@jennydg)
- Yvan Le Bras (@yvanlebras)
- Simon Gladman (@simongladman1)
- Nicola Soranzo (@nsoranzo)
- Dave Clements (@tnabtaf)
- Anne Pajon (@pajanne)
- Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 992 - Medical Epigenetics
- de.NBI - German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure
- NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health (USA)
- NSF - National Science Foundation (USA)