Automated SMS dashboard with chatbot for automatically monitoring and tabulating patient data. Built Fall 2020 under Hack4Impact Penn.
Project Manager/Technical Lead: Ben Demers, Carol Li
Team Members:
- Cindy Jiang
- Jared Asch
- Subin Lee
- Alex Xu
- Gautam Narayan
- Grace Fujinaga
- Matthew Dong
- Git Clone this repository
- Create a MongoDB Atlas Account
- Create a Heroku account
- Install Node.JS
- Install Yarn Package Manager
$ git clone
$ cd ts-boilerplate
$ yarn setup
Create file called ".env.development" in root directory, it should look like the following:
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = twilio-account-sid-placeholder
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = twilio-auth-token-placeholder
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER = twilio-number-placeholder
Then, create another file called ".env" in "src/client", it should look like the following:
$ # run both server and client
$ yarn dev
$ # run server only
$ yarn server
$ # run client only
$ yarn client
Deploying this project on Heroku is dead simple. Basically, go on Heroku and create a new Heroku app, connect your project Github to your new Heroku app, and hit Deploy. Note, that you will need to configure the enviromental variable under settings.