#Developing ForgeEssentials#
###This is a guide for setting up a clean environment for WORKING ON ForgeEssentials. Not the API.###
You do not need to follow these instructions if you wish to use the API. The API is downloadable from Jenkins.
1 Get a clean Forge install. DO NOT DECOMPILE YET, the AT has to be applied!
3 Make a directory in the forge folder (where install.cmd/sh is), named 'accesstransformers'.
3 COPY src/FE_SRC_COMMON/forgeessentials_at.cfg to the accesstransformers folder you just created.
4 Run install.sh.
1 From the folder you have cloned the repo into (or extracted a zipball), COPY all the files there into the forge/mcp folder.
2 Install Eclipse
3 Set the typical MCP workspace as your workspace. There should be 3 linked sources under the Minecraft project, namely src (minecraft code), FE_SRC_COMMON (FE common/server code), and FE_SRC_CLIENT (client addon code)
1 Load Eclipse and click on the down arrow next to the green play button. Under it, select Run Configurations.
2 Under Client, select the Arguments tab
3 In VM Arguments, copy in the following code: -Dfml.coreMods.load=com.ForgeEssentials.core.preloader.FEPreLoader
4 Do the same, but for Server this time. This time, add: -Dforgeessentials.client.developermode=true
You're good to go!