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Solana Coding Guidelines

The goal of these guidelines is to improve developer productivity by allowing developers to jump into any file in the codebase and not need to adapt to inconsistencies in how the code is written. The codebase should appear as if it had been authored by a single developer. If you don't agree with a convention, submit a PR patching this document and let's discuss! Once the PR is accepted, all code should be updated as soon as possible to reflect the new conventions.

Pull Requests

Small, frequent PRs are much preferred to large, infrequent ones. A large PR is difficult to review, can block others from making progress, and can quickly get its author into "rebase hell". A large PR oftentimes arises when one change requires another, which requires another, and then another. When you notice those dependencies, put the fix into a commit of its own, then checkout a new branch, and cherry-pick it.

$ git commit -am "Fix foo, needed by bar"
$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b fix-foo
$ git cherry-pick fix-bar
$ git push --set-upstream origin fix-foo

Open a PR to start the review process and then jump back to your original branch to keep making progress. Consider rebasing to make your fix the first commit:

$ git checkout fix-bar
$ git rebase -i master <Move fix-foo to top>

Once the commit is merged, rebase the original branch to purge the cherry-picked commit:

$ git pull --rebase upstream master

How big is too big?

If there are no functional changes, PRs can be very large and that's no problem. If, however, your changes are making meaningful changes or additions, then about 1,000 lines of changes is about the most you should ask a Solana maintainer to review.

Should I send small PRs as I develop large, new components?

Add only code to the codebase that is ready to be deployed. If you are building a large library, consider developing it in a separate git repository. When it is ready to be integrated, the Solana maintainers will work with you to decide on a path forward. Smaller libraries may be copied in whereas very large ones may be pulled in with a package manager.

Getting Pull Requests Merged

There is no single person assigned to watching GitHub PR queue and ushering you through the process. Typically, you will ask the person that wrote a component to review changes to it. You can find the author using git blame or asking on Discord. When working to get your PR merged, it's most important to understand that changing the code is your priority and not necessarily a priority of the person you need an approval from. Also, while you may interact the most with the component author, you should aim to be inclusive of others. Providing a detailed problem description is the most effective means of engaging both the component author and other potentially interested parties.

Consider opening all PRs as Draft Pull Requests first. Using a draft PR allows you to kickstart the CI automation, which typically takes between 10 and 30 minutes to execute. Use that time to write a detailed problem description. Once the description is written and CI succeeds, click the "Ready to Review" button and add reviewers. Adding reviewers before CI succeeds is a fast path to losing reviewer engagement. Not only will they be notified and see the PR is not yet ready for them, they will also be bombarded with additional notifications each time you push a commit to get past CI or until they "mute" the PR. Once muted, you'll need to reach out over some other medium, such as Discord, to request they have another look. When you use draft PRs, no notifications are sent when you push commits and edit the PR description. Use draft PRs liberally. Don't bug the humans until you have gotten past the bots.

What should be in my PR description?

Reviewing code is hard work and generally involves an attempt to guess the author's intent at various levels. Please assume reviewer time is scarce and do what you can to make your PR as consumable as possible. Inspired by techniques for writing good whitepapers, the guidance here aims to maximize reviewer engagement.

Assume the reviewer will spend no more than a few seconds reading the PR title. If it doesn't describe a noteworthy change, don't expect the reviewer to click to see more.

Next, like the abstract of a whitepaper, the reviewer will spend ~30 seconds reading the PR problem description. If what is described there doesn't look more important than competing issues, don't expect the reviewer to read on.

Next, the reviewer will read the proposed changes. At this point, the reviewer needs to be convinced the proposed changes are a good solution to the problem described above. If the proposed changes, not the code changes, generates discussion, consider closing the PR and returning with a design proposal instead.

Finally, once the reviewer understands the problem and agrees with the approach to solving it, the reviewer will view the code changes. At this point, the reviewer is simply looking to see if the implementation actually implements what was proposed and if that implementation is maintainable. When a concise, readable test for each new code path is present, the reviewer can safely ignore the details of its implementation. When those tests are missing, expect to either lose engagement or get a pile of review comments as the reviewer attempts to consider every ambiguity in your implementation.

The PR Title

The PR title should contain a brief summary of the change, from the perspective of the user. Examples of good titles:

  • Add rent to accounts
  • Fix out-of-memory error in validator
  • Clean up process_message() in runtime

The conventions here are all the same as a good git commit title:

  • First word capitalized and in the imperative mood, not past tense ("add", not "added")
  • No trailing period
  • What was done, whom it was done to, and in what context

The PR Problem Statement

The git repo implements a product with various features. The problem statement should describe how the product is missing a feature, how a feature is incomplete, or how the implementation of a feature is somehow undesirable. If an issue being fixed already describes the problem, go ahead and copy-paste it. As mentioned above, reviewer time is scarce. Given a queue of PRs to review, the reviewer may ignore PRs that expect them to click through links to see if the PR warrants attention.

The Proposed Changes

Typically the content under the "Proposed changes" section will be a bulleted list of steps taken to solve the problem. Oftentimes, the list is identical to the subject lines of the git commits contained in the PR. It's especially generous (and not expected) to rebase or reword commits such that each change matches the logical flow in your PR description.

When will my PR be reviewed?

PRs are typically reviewed and merged in under 7 days. If your PR has been open for longer, it's a strong indicator that the reviewers aren't confident the change meets the quality standards of the codebase. You might consider closing it and coming back with smaller PRs and longer descriptions detailing what problem it solves and how it solves it. Old PRs will be marked stale and then closed automatically 7 days later.

How to manage review feedback?

After a reviewer provides feedback, you can quickly say "acknowledged, will fix" using a thumb's up emoji. If you're confident your fix is exactly as prescribed, add a reply "Fixed in COMMIT_HASH" and mark the comment as resolved. If you're not sure, reply "Is this what you had in mind? COMMIT_HASH" and if so, the reviewer will reply and mark the conversation as resolved. Marking conversations as resolved is an excellent way to engage more reviewers. Leaving conversations open may imply the PR is not yet ready for additional review.

When will my PR be re-reviewed?

Recall that once your PR is opened, a notification is sent every time you push a commit. After a reviewer adds feedback, they won't be checking on the status of that feedback after every new commit. Instead, directly mention the reviewer when you feel your PR is ready for another pass.

Draft Pull Requests

If you want early feedback on your PR, use GitHub's "Draft Pull Request" mechanism. Draft PRs are a convenient way to collaborate with the Solana maintainers without triggering notifications as you make changes. When you feel your PR is ready for a broader audience, you can transition your draft PR to a standard PR with the click of a button.

Do not add reviewers to draft PRs. GitHub doesn't automatically clear approvals when you click "Ready for Review", so a review that meant "I approve of the direction" suddenly has the appearance of "I approve of these changes." Instead, add a comment that mentions the usernames that you would like a review from. Ask explicitly what you would like feedback on.

Rust coding conventions

  • All Rust code is formatted using the latest version of rustfmt. Once installed, it will be updated automatically when you update the compiler with rustup.

  • All Rust code is linted with Clippy. If you'd prefer to ignore its advice, do so explicitly:

    rust #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]

    Note: Clippy defaults can be overridden in the top-level file .clippy.toml.

  • For variable names, when in doubt, spell it out. The mapping from type names to variable names is to lowercase the type name, putting an underscore before each capital letter. Variable names should not be abbreviated unless being used as closure arguments and the brevity improves readability. When a function has multiple instances of the same type, qualify each with a prefix and underscore (i.e. alice_keypair) or a numeric suffix (i.e. tx0).

  • For function and method names, use <verb>_<subject>. For unit tests, that verb should always be test and for benchmarks the verb should always be bench. Avoid namespacing function names with some arbitrary word. Avoid abbreviating words in function names.

  • As they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." A good patch should acknowledge the coding conventions of the code that surrounds it, even in the case where that code has not yet been updated to meet the conventions described here.


Inventing new terms is allowed, but should only be done when the term is widely used and understood. Avoid introducing new 3-letter terms, which can be confused with 3-letter acronyms.

Terms currently in use

Design Proposals

Solana's architecture is described by docs generated from markdown files in the docs/src/ directory, maintained by an editor (currently @garious). To add a design proposal, you'll need to include it in the Accepted Design Proposals section of the Solana docs. Here's the full process:

  1. Propose a design by creating a PR that adds a markdown document to the docs/src/proposals directory and references it from the table of contents. Add any relevant maintainers to the PR review.
  2. The PR being merged indicates your proposed change was accepted and that the maintainers support your plan of attack.
  3. Submit PRs that implement the proposal. When the implementation reveals the need for tweaks to the proposal, be sure to update the proposal and have that change reviewed by the same people as in step 1.
  4. Once the implementation is complete, submit a PR that moves the link from the Accepted Proposals to the Implemented Proposals section.