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Heroku CLI Full Release Process

The following is how to do releases for OSX, Windows, and the "main" release (ubuntu, tgz, zip). If you are not a member of the CLI team and performing a release while they are out, you likely do not need to be concerned with this guide and can use the regular, much easier release process.

OSX Release


  • OSX

  • Heroku Developer ID Installer Certificate in Keychain

    • gpg --decrypt-files resources/pkg/certificate.p12.gpg
      • Enter OSX .p12 Certificate password (LastPass Shared CLI Secure Note)
    • open resources/pkg/certificate.p12
      • There is no password on certificate.p12 (it was GPG encrypted instead)
    • rm resources/pkg/certificate.p12 (you do not need it anymore)

To build for testing: bundle exec rake pkg:build. Outputs to ./dist/heroku-toolbelt-X.Y.Z.pkg. To release: bundle exec rake pkg:release.

Windows Release

This is run not from a Windows machine, but from a UNIX machine with Wine.

Mac Prerequisites:

  • Heroku Developer ID Installer Certificate in Keychain
  • Install XQuartz manually, or via the terminal (restart required):
  • brew install osslsigncode
curl -O#
hdiutil attach XQuartz-2.7.6.dmg -mountpoint /Volumes/xquartz
sudo installer -store -pkg /Volumes/xquartz/XQuartz.pkg -target /
hdiutil detach /Volumes/xquartz
rm XQuartz-2.7.6.dmg
  • /opt/X11/bin should be in your $PATH so Xvfb can be started.
  • Install wine: brew install wine
  • The pfx file decrypted from resources/exe/heroku-codesign-cert.pfx.gpg (password in LastPass)
  • Initialize wine: bundle exec rake exe:init-wine

To build for testing: bundle exec rake exe:build. Outputs to ./dist/heroku-toolbelt-X.Y.Z.exe. To release: bundle exec rake exe:release.

Main Release

This process releases the tgz (standalone/homebrew), zip (for autoupdates), deb package and ruby gem. It's everything that is required to not end up with a partial release. This is what the buildserver does for you, so you shouldn't have to do this manually (this is just for reference). Because this builds a deb package, you must be on an Ubuntu box.


  • Running from Ubuntu
  • Make sure you have permissions to heroku gem through gem
  • deb private key
  • Ubuntu prerequisites:
echo ttf-mscorefonts-installer msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula select true | sudo debconf-set-selections
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev curl xvfb wine

If this is your first time, you should first build the packages: bundle exec rake build Then look inside ./dist to test each of the packages.

Once you are confident it works, release: bundle exec rake release. Note that release will automatically build if the packages are not there (there is no need to run rake build).

Note that you can look inside the Rakefile to test out each part of the step on your machine before it is built.

Ruby versions

Toolbelt bundles Ruby using different sources according to the OS:

  • Windows: fetches rubyinstaller.exe from S3.
  • Mac: fetches ruby.pkg from S3. That file was extracted from RailsInstaller.
  • Linux: uses system debs for Ruby.