+This module defines a convenience layer to access the MAD-X interpreter.
+The most interesting class for users is :class:`Madx`.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
+from functools import wraps
+from itertools import product
+from numbers import Number
+import collections.abc as abc
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from . import _rpc
+from . import util
+from .stream import AsyncReader, TextCallback
+__all__ = [
+ 'Madx',
+ 'ArrayAttribute',
+ 'AttrDict',
+ 'BaseTypeMap',
+ 'Command',
+ 'CommandLog',
+ 'CommandMap',
+ 'Element',
+ 'ElementList',
+ 'ExpandedElementList',
+ 'GlobalElementList',
+ 'Metadata',
+ 'Sequence',
+ 'SequenceMap',
+ 'Table',
+ 'TableMap',
+ 'VarList',
+ 'VarParamList',
+ 'Version',
+ # Data
+ 'metadata',
+ # Errors:
+ 'TwissFailed',
class TwissFailed(RuntimeError):
class Version:
"""Version information struct. """
def __init__(self, release, date):
"""Store version information."""
self.release = release
self.date = date
self.info = tuple(map(int, release.split('.')))
def __repr__(self):
"""Show nice version string to user."""
return "MAD-X {} ({})".format(self.release, self.date)
+class NullContext:
+ __enter__ = __exit__ = lambda *_: None
class CommandLog:
"""Log MAD-X command history to a text file."""
def create(cls, filename, prefix='', suffix='\n'):
"""Create CommandLog from filename (overwrite/create)."""
return cls(open(filename, 'wt'), prefix, suffix, own=True)
def __init__(self, file, prefix='', suffix='\n', own=False):
"""Create CommandLog from file instance."""
self._file = file
self._prefix = prefix
self._suffix = suffix
self._own = own
def __del__(self):
def __call__(self, command: str):
"""Log a single history line and flush to file immediately."""
self._file.write(self._prefix + command + self._suffix)
def close(self):
if self._own:
class Madx:
Python interface for a MAD-X process.
For usage instructions, please refer to:
Communicates with a MAD-X interpreter in a background process.
The state of the MAD-X interpreter is controlled by feeding textual MAD-X
commands to the interpreter.
The state of the MAD-X interpreter is accessed by directly reading the
values from the C variables in-memory and sending the results pickled back
over the pipe.
Data attributes:
:ivar command: Mapping of all MAD-X commands.
:ivar globals: Mapping of global MAD-X variables.
:ivar elements: Mapping of globally visible elements.
:ivar base_types: Mapping of MAD-X base elements.
:ivar sequence: Mapping of all sequences in memory.
:ivar table: Mapping of all tables in memory.
def __init__(self, libmadx=None, command_log=None, stdout=None,
history=None, prompt=None, **Popen_args):
Initialize instance variables.
:param libmadx: :mod:`libmadx` compatible object
:param command_log: Log all MAD-X commands issued via cpymad.
:param stdout: file descriptor, file object or callable
:param str prompt: prefix for a new :class:`CommandLog`
:param Popen_args: Additional parameters to ``subprocess.Popen``
If ``libmadx`` is NOT specified, a new MAD-X interpreter will
automatically be spawned. This is what you will mostly want to do. In
this case any additional keyword arguments are forwarded to
``subprocess.Popen``. The most prominent use case for this is to
redirect or suppress the MAD-X standard I/O::
m = Madx(stdout=False)
with open('madx_output.log', 'w') as f:
m = Madx(stdout=f)
m = Madx(stdout=sys.stdout)
if isinstance(command_log, str):
# open new history file:
command_log = CommandLog.create(command_log, prompt or '')
elif hasattr(command_log, 'write'):
# assuming stream already opened:
command_log = CommandLog(command_log, prompt or '')
elif prompt is not None:
assert command_log is None, \
"Passing fully constructed `command_log` instances is " \
"incompatible with parameter `prompt`."
command_log = CommandLog(sys.stdout, prompt)
self.reader = NullContext()
# start libmadx subprocess
if libmadx is None:
if stdout is None:
stdout = sys.stdout
if hasattr(stdout, 'write'):
# Detect if stdout is attached to a jupyter notebook:
cls = getattr(stdout, '__class__', type(None))
qualname = cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__
if qualname == 'ipykernel.iostream.OutStream':
# In that case we want to behave the same way as `print`
# (i.e. log to the notebook not to the terminal). On
# linux, python>=3.7 within notebooks 6.4 `sys.stdout` has
# a valid sys.stdout.fileno(), but writing to it outputs
# to the terminal, so we have to use `sys.stdout.write()`:
stdout = stdout.write
# Otherwise, let the OS handle MAD-X output, by passing
# the file descriptor if available. This is preferred
# because it is faster, and also because it means that the
# MAD-X output is directly connected to the output as
# binary stream, without potential recoding errors.
stdout = stdout.fileno()
except (AttributeError, OSError, IOError):
stdout = stdout.write
# Check for text stream to prevent TypeError (see #110).
if callable(stdout):
except (TypeError, ValueError):
stdout = TextCallback(stdout)
Popen_args['stdout'] = \
subprocess.PIPE if callable(stdout) else stdout
# stdin=None leads to an error on windows when STDIN is broken.
# Therefore, we need set stdin=os.devnull by passing stdin=False:
Popen_args.setdefault('stdin', False)
Popen_args.setdefault('bufsize', 0)
self._service, self._process = \
libmadx = self._service.libmadx
if callable(stdout):
self.reader = AsyncReader(self._process.stdout, stdout)
if not libmadx.is_started():
with self.reader:
# init instance variables:
self.history = history
self._libmadx = libmadx
self._command_log = command_log
self.command = CommandMap(self)
self.globals = VarList(self)
self.elements = GlobalElementList(self)
self.base_types = BaseTypeMap(self)
self.sequence = SequenceMap(self)
self.beams = BeamMap(self)
self.table = TableMap(self._libmadx)
self._enter_count = 0
self._batch = None
def __bool__(self):
"""Check if MAD-X is up and running."""
libmadx = self._libmadx
# short-circuit implemented in minrpc.client.RemoteModule:
return bool(libmadx) and libmadx.is_started()
except (_rpc.RemoteProcessClosed, _rpc.RemoteProcessCrashed):
return False
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Resolve missing attributes as commands."""
return getattr(self.command, name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
'Unknown attribute or command: {!r}'.format(name)) from None
def quit(self):
"""Shutdown MAD-X interpreter and stop process."""
with suppress(AttributeError, RuntimeError):
with suppress(AttributeError, RuntimeError):
with suppress(AttributeError, RuntimeError):
if hasattr(self._command_log, 'close'):
self._command_log = None
exit = quit
def __enter__(self):
"""Use as context manager to ensure that MAD-X is terminated."""
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
# Data descriptors:
def version(self) -> Version:
"""Get the MAD-X version."""
return Version(self._libmadx.get_version_number(),
def options(self) -> "Command":
"""Values of current options."""
return Command(self, self._libmadx.get_options())
def beam(self):
"""Get the current default beam."""
return Command(self._madx, self._libmadx.get_current_beam())
# Methods:
__call__ = input
def batch(self):
Collect input and send in a single batch when leaving context. This is
useful to improve performance when issueing many related commands in
quick succession.
>>> with madx.batch():
... madx.globals.update(optic)
self._enter_count += 1
if self._enter_count == 1:
self._batch = []
yield None
self._enter_count -= 1
if self._enter_count == 0:
self._batch = None
def expr_vars(self, expr: str) -> list:
"""Find all variable names used in an expression. This does *not*
include element attribute nor function names."""
if not isinstance(expr, str):
return []
return [v for v in util.expr_symbols(expr)
if util.is_identifier(v)
and v in self.globals
and self._libmadx.get_var_type(v) > 0]
def chdir(self, dir: str) -> util.ChangeDirectory:
Change the directory of the MAD-X process (not the current python process).
:param dir: new path name
:returns: a context manager that can change the directory back
It can be used as context manager for temporary directory changes::
with madx.chdir('/x/y/z'):
return util.ChangeDirectory(dir, self._chdir, self._libmadx.getcwd)
# Turns `dir` into a keyword argument for CHDIR command:
def _chdir(self, dir: str):
return self.command.chdir(dir=dir)
def call(self, file: str, chdir: bool = False):
CALL a file in the MAD-X interpreter.
:param file: file name with path
:param chdir: temporarily change directory in MAD-X process
if chdir:
dirname, basename = os.path.split(file)
with self.chdir(dirname):
def twiss(self, **kwargs):
:param str sequence: name of sequence
:param kwargs: keyword arguments for the MAD-X command
Note that the kwargs overwrite any arguments in twiss_init.
if not self.command.twiss(**kwargs):
raise TwissFailed()
table = kwargs.get('table', 'twiss')
if 'file' not in kwargs:
return self.table[table]
def survey(self, **kwargs):
:param str sequence: name of sequence
:param kwargs: keyword arguments for the MAD-X command
table = kwargs.get('table', 'survey')
if 'file' not in kwargs:
return self.table[table]
def use(self, sequence: str = None, range: str = None, **kwargs):
Run USE to expand a sequence.
:param str sequence: sequence name
:returns: name of active sequence
self.command.use(sequence=sequence, range=range, **kwargs)
def sectormap(self, elems, **kwargs):
Compute the 7D transfer maps (the 7'th column accounting for KICKs)
for the given elements and return as Nx7x7 array.
self.command.select(flag='sectormap', clear=True)
for elem in elems:
self.command.select(flag='sectormap', range=elem)
with util.temp_filename() as sectorfile:
self.twiss(sectormap=True, sectorfile=sectorfile, **kwargs)
return self.sectortable(kwargs.get('sectortable', 'sectortable'))
def sectortable(self, name='sectortable'):
"""Read sectormap + kicks from memory and return as Nx7x7 array."""
tab = self.table[name]
cnt = len(tab['r11'])
return np.vstack((
tab.kvec(slice(None)).reshape((6, 1, -1)))),
np.hstack((np.zeros((1, 6, cnt)),
np.ones((1, 1, cnt)))),
)).transpose((2, 0, 1))
def sectortable2(self, name='sectortable'):
"""Read 2nd order sectormap T_ijk, return as Nx6x6x6 array."""
tab = self.table[name]
return tab.tmat(slice(None)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2))
def match(self,
method=('lmdif', {}),
**kwargs) -> dict:
Perform a simple MATCH operation.
For more advanced cases, you should issue the commands manually.
:param list constraints: constraints to pose during matching
:param list vary: knob names to be varied
:param dict weight: weights for matching parameters
:param str knobfile: file to write the knob values to
:param dict kwargs: keyword arguments for the MAD-X command
:returns: final knob values
>>> from cpymad.madx import Madx
>>> from cpymad.types import Constraint
>>> m = Madx()
>>> m.call('sequence.madx')
>>> twiss_init = {'betx': 1, 'bety': 2, 'alfx': 3, 'alfy': 4}
>>> m.match(
... sequence='mysequence',
... constraints=[
... dict(range='marker1',
... betx=Constraint(min=1, max=3),
... bety=2)
... ],
... vary=['qp1->k1',
... 'qp2->k1'],
... **twiss_init,
... )
>>> tw = m.twiss('mysequence', **twiss_init)
command = self.command
# MATCH (=start)
if weight:
for c in constraints:
limits = limits or {}
for v in vary:
command.vary(name=v, **limits.get(v, {}))
return dict((knob, self.eval(knob)) for knob in vary)
def verbose(self, switch=True):
"""Turn verbose output on/off."""
self.command.option(echo=switch, warn=switch, info=switch)
def eval(self, expr) -> float:
Evaluates an expression and returns the result as double.
:param str expr: expression to evaluate.
:returns: numeric value of the expression
if isinstance(expr, (float, int, bool)):
return expr
if isinstance(expr, (list, ArrayAttribute)):
return [self.eval(x) for x in expr]
return self._libmadx.eval(expr)
+class _Mapping(abc.Mapping):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """String representation of a custom mapping object."""
+ return str(dict(self))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self)
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ key = util._fix_name(key)
+ try:
+ return self[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(self._missing(key)) from None
+ def _missing(self, key):
+ return key
+class _MutableMapping(_Mapping, abc.MutableMapping):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __setattr__(self, key, val):
+ if key in self.__slots__:
+ object.__setattr__(self, key, val)
+ else:
+ key = util._fix_name(key)
+ self[key] = val
+ def __delattr__(self, key):
+ if key in self.__slots__:
+ object.__delattr__(self, key)
+ else:
+ key = util._fix_name(key)
+ del self[key]
class AttrDict(_Mapping):
def __init__(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, abc.Mapping):
data = dict(data)
self._data = data
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._data[name.lower()]
def __contains__(self, name):
return name.lower() in self._data
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._data.update(*args, **kwargs)
class SequenceMap(_Mapping):
"""Mapping of all sequences (:class:`Sequence`) in memory."""
def __init__(self, madx):
self._madx = madx
self._libmadx = madx._libmadx
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._libmadx.get_sequence_names())
def __getitem__(self, name):
return Sequence(name, self._madx)
except ValueError:
raise KeyError("Unknown sequence: {!r}".format(name)) from None
def __contains__(self, name):
return self._libmadx.sequence_exists(name.lower())
def __len__(self):
return self._libmadx.get_sequence_count()
def __call__(self):
"""The active :class:`Sequence` (may be None)."""
return Sequence(self._libmadx.get_active_sequence_name(),
self._madx, _check=False)
except RuntimeError:
return None
+class BeamMap(_Mapping):
+ """Mapping of all beams (:class:`Beam`) in memory."""
+ def __init__(self, madx):
+ self._madx = madx
+ self._libmadx = madx._libmadx
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._libmadx.get_beam_names())
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ try:
+ return Command(self._madx, self._libmadx.get_beam(name))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise KeyError("Unknown beam: {!r}".format(name)) from None
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ return name in self._libmadx.get_beam_names()
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._libmadx.get_beam_names())
class TableMap(_Mapping):
"""Mapping of all tables (:class:`Table`) in memory."""
def __init__(self, libmadx):
self._libmadx = libmadx
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._libmadx.get_table_names())
def __getitem__(self, name):
return Table(name, self._libmadx)
except ValueError:
raise KeyError("Table not found {!r}".format(name)) from None
def __contains__(self, name):
return self._libmadx.table_exists(name.lower())
def __len__(self):
return self._libmadx.get_table_count()
class Sequence:
MAD-X sequence representation.
def __init__(self, name, madx, _check=True):
"""Store sequence name."""
self._name = name = name.lower()
self._madx = madx
self._libmadx = madx._libmadx
if _check and not self._libmadx.sequence_exists(name):
raise ValueError("Invalid sequence: {!r}".format(name))
def __str__(self):
"""String representation."""
return "<{}: {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._name)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Comparison by sequence name."""
if isinstance(other, Sequence):
other = other.name
return self.name == other
__repr__ = __str__
def name(self):
"""Get the name of the sequence."""
return self._name
def beam(self):
"""Get the beam dictionary associated to the sequence."""
return Command(self._madx, self._libmadx.get_sequence_beam(self._name))
def beam(self, beam):
self._madx.command.beam(sequence=self._name, **beam)
def twiss_table(self):
"""Get the TWISS results from the last calculation."""
return Table(self.twiss_table_name, self._libmadx)
def twiss_table_name(self):
"""Get the name of the table with the TWISS results."""
return self._libmadx.get_sequence_twiss_table_name(self._name)
def elements(self):
"""Get list of elements."""
return ElementList(self._madx, self._name)
def _get_length_parameter(self):
"""Return sequence length in the declaration"""
return self._libmadx.get_sequence_length(self._name)
def length(self):
"""Return sequence length in the declaration"""
return self._get_length_parameter().value
def expanded_elements(self):
"""List of elements including implicit drifts."""
return ExpandedElementList(self._madx, self._name)
def element_names(self):
return self._libmadx.get_element_names(self._name)
def element_positions(self):
return self._libmadx.get_element_positions(self._name)
def expanded_element_names(self):
return self._libmadx.get_expanded_element_names(self._name)
def expanded_element_positions(self):
return self._libmadx.get_expanded_element_positions(self._name)
def is_expanded(self):
"""Check if sequence is already expanded."""
return self._libmadx.is_sequence_expanded(self._name)
def has_beam(self):
"""Check if the sequence has an associated beam."""
return True
except RuntimeError:
return False
def expand(self):
"""Expand sequence (needed for expanded_elements)."""
if self.is_expanded:
if not self.has_beam:
self.beam = {}
def use(self):
"""Set this sequence as active."""
class Command(_MutableMapping):
Raw python interface to issue and view MAD-X commands. Usage example:
>>> madx.command.twiss(sequence='LEBT')
>>> madx.command.title('A meaningful phrase')
>>> madx.command.twiss.betx
__slots__ = ('_madx', '_data', '_attr', 'cmdpar')
def __init__(self, madx, data):
self._madx = madx
self._data = data.pop('data') # command parameters
self._attr = data # further attributes
self.cmdpar = AttrDict(self._data)
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation as MAD-X statement."""
overrides = {k: v.value for k, v in self._data.items() if v.inform}
if self._attr.get('parent', self.name) == self.name:
return util.format_command(self, **overrides)
return self.name + ': ' + util.format_command(self.parent, **overrides)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._attr[name]
except KeyError:
return _Mapping.__getattr__(self, name)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._data[name.lower()].value
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Unknown command: {!r}".format(name)) from None
def __delitem__(self, name):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
self(**{name: value})
def __contains__(self, name):
return name.lower() in self._data
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __call__(*args, **kwargs):
"""Perform a single MAD-X command."""
self, args = args[0], args[1:]
if self.name == 'beam' and self.sequence:
kwargs.setdefault('sequence', self.sequence)
return self._madx.input(util.format_command(self, *args, **kwargs))
def clone(*args, **kwargs):
Clone this command, assign the given name. This corresponds to the
colon syntax in MAD-X, e.g.::
madx.command.quadrupole.clone('qp', at=2, l=1)
translates to the MAD-X command::
qp: quadrupole, at=2, l=1;
self, name, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
name + ': ' + util.format_command(self, *args, **kwargs))
return self._madx.elements.get(name)
def _missing(self, key):
return ('Unknown attribute {!r} for {!r} command!'
.format(key, self.name))
def defs(self):
return AttrDict({
key: par.definition
for key, par in self.cmdpar.items()
class Element(Command):
def __getitem__(self, name):
value = Command.__getitem__(self, name)
if isinstance(value, list):
return ArrayAttribute(self, value, name)
return value
def __delitem__(self, name):
if self.parent is self:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can't delete attribute {!r} in base element {!r}"
.format(self.name, name))
self[name] = self.parent[name]
def parent(self):
name = self._attr['parent']
return (self if self.name == name else self._madx.elements[name])
def base_type(self):
name = self._attr['base_type']
return (self if self.name == name else self._madx.elements[name])
class ArrayAttribute(abc.Sequence):
def __init__(self, element, values, name):
self._element = element
self._values = values
self._name = name
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._values[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
if index >= len(self._values):
self._values.extend([0] * (index - len(self._values) + 1))
self._values[index] = value
self._element[self._name] = self._values
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._values == other
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._values < other
def __le__(self, other):
return self._values <= other
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._values > other
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._values >= other
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._values)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._values)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._values)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._values)
+class BaseElementList:
+ """
+ Immutable list of beam line elements.
+ Each element is a dictionary containing its properties.
+ """
+ def __contains__(self, element):
+ """Check if sequence contains element with specified name."""
+ try:
+ self.index(element)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ """Return element with specified index."""
+ if isinstance(index, str):
+ # allow element names to be passed for convenience:
+ try:
+ index = self.index(index)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise KeyError(
+ "Unknown element: {!r}".format(index)) from None
+ # _get_element accepts indices in the range [0, len-1]. The following
+ # extends the accepted range to [-len, len+1], just like for lists:
+ _len = len(self)
+ if index < -_len or index >= _len:
+ raise IndexError("Index out of bounds: {}, length is: {}"
+ .format(index, _len))
+ if index < 0:
+ index += _len
+ data = self._get_element(index)
+ data['index'] = index
+ if data['base_type'] == 'sequence':
+ return Sequence(data['name'], self._madx)
+ else:
+ return Element(self._madx, data)
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Get number of elements."""
+ return self._get_element_count()
+ def index(self, name):
+ """
+ Find index of element with specified name.
+ :raises ValueError: if the element is not found
+ """
+ if len(self) == 0:
+ raise ValueError('Empty element list.')
+ name = name.lower()
+ if name == '#s':
+ return 0
+ elif name == '#e':
+ return len(self) - 1
+ index = self._get_element_index(name)
+ if index == -1:
+ raise ValueError("Element not in list: {!r}".format(name))
+ return index
class ElementList(BaseElementList, abc.Sequence):
def __init__(self, madx, sequence_name):
Initialize instance.
self._madx = madx
self._libmadx = madx._libmadx
self._sequence_name = sequence_name
def at(self, pos):
"""Find the element at specified S position."""
return self._get_element_at(pos)
def _get_element(self, element_index):
return self._libmadx.get_element(self._sequence_name, element_index)
def _get_element_count(self):
return self._libmadx.get_element_count(self._sequence_name)
def _get_element_index(self, element_name):
return self._libmadx.get_element_index(self._sequence_name, element_name)
def _get_element_at(self, pos):
return self._libmadx.get_element_index_by_position(self._sequence_name, pos)
def __repr__(self):
return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(
class ExpandedElementList(ElementList):
def _get_element(self, element_index):
return self._libmadx.get_expanded_element(
self._sequence_name, element_index)
def _get_element_count(self):
return self._libmadx.get_expanded_element_count(self._sequence_name)
def _get_element_index(self, element_name):
return self._libmadx.get_expanded_element_index(
self._sequence_name, element_name)
def _get_element_at(self, pos):
return self._libmadx.get_expanded_element_index_by_position(
self._sequence_name, pos)
def __repr__(self):
return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(
class GlobalElementList(BaseElementList, _Mapping):
"""Mapping of the global elements in MAD-X."""
def __init__(self, madx):
self._madx = madx
self._libmadx = libmadx = madx._libmadx
self._get_element = libmadx.get_global_element
self._get_element_count = libmadx.get_global_element_count
self._get_element_index = libmadx.get_global_element_index
def __iter__(self):
return iter(map(self._libmadx.get_global_element_name, range(len(self))))
def __repr__(self):
return '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join(self))
+def cached(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def get(self, *args):
+ try:
+ val = self._cache[args]
+ except KeyError:
+ val = self._cache[args] = func(self, *args)
+ return val
+ return get
class CommandMap(_Mapping):
def __init__(self, madx):
self._madx = madx
self._names = madx._libmadx.get_defined_command_names()
self._cache = {}
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._names)
def __getitem__(self, name):
madx = self._madx
data = madx._libmadx.get_defined_command(name)
except ValueError:
raise KeyError(
"Not a MAD-X command name: {!r}".format(name)) from None
return Command(madx, data)
def __contains__(self, name):
return name.lower() in self._names
def __len__(self):
return len(self._names)
def __repr__(self):
return '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join(self))
class BaseTypeMap(CommandMap):
def __init__(self, madx):
self._madx = madx
self._names = madx._libmadx.get_base_type_names()
self._cache = {}
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._madx.elements[name]
class Table(_Mapping):
MAD-X twiss table.
Loads individual columns from the MAD-X process lazily only on demand.
def __init__(self, name, libmadx, *, columns='all', rows='all', _check=True):
"""Just store the table name for now."""
self._name = name = name.lower()
self._libmadx = libmadx
self._columns = columns
self._rows = rows
self._cache = {}
if _check and not libmadx.table_exists(name):
raise ValueError("Invalid table: {!r}".format(name))
def selection(self, columns='selected', rows=None) -> "Table":
Return a Table object that only retrieves the specified rows and
columns by default.
:param columns: list of names or 'all' or 'selected'
:param rows: list of indices or 'all' or 'selected'
If only ``columns`` is given, ``rows`` defaults to 'selected'
unless ``columns`` is set to 'all' in which case it also defaults
to 'all'.
if rows is None:
rows = columns if isinstance(columns, str) else 'selected'
return Table(
self._name, self._libmadx,
columns=columns, rows=rows,
def __getitem__(self, column):
"""Get the column data."""
if isinstance(column, int):
return self.row(column)
return self._cache[column.lower()]
except KeyError:
return self.reload(column)
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over all column names."""
return iter(self.col_names())
def __len__(self):
"""Return number of columns."""
return self._libmadx.get_table_column_count(self._name, self._columns)
def __repr__(self):
return "<{} {!r}: {{{}}}>".format(
self.__class__.__name__, self._name, ', '.join(self))
def summary(self):
"""Get the table summary."""
return AttrDict(self._libmadx.get_table_summary(self._name))
def selected_columns(self):
"""Get list of column names that were selected by the user (can be
return self._libmadx.get_table_column_names(self._name, selected=True)
def selected_rows(self):
"""Get list of row indices that were selected by the user (can be
return self._libmadx.get_table_selected_rows(self._name)
def col_names(self, columns=None):
"""Get list of all columns in the table."""
if columns is None:
columns = self._columns
if isinstance(columns, str):
return self._libmadx.get_table_column_names(
self._name, selected=columns == 'selected')
return columns
def row_names(self, rows=None):
Get table row names.
WARNING: using ``row_names`` after calling ``USE`` (before recomputing
the table) is unsafe and may lead to segmentation faults or incorrect
if rows is None:
rows = self._rows
return self._libmadx.get_table_row_names(self._name, rows)
def range(self):
"""Get the element names (first, last) of the valid range."""
row_count = self._libmadx.get_table_row_count(self._name)
range = (0, row_count-1)
return tuple(self._libmadx.get_table_row_names(self._name, range))
def reload(self, column):
"""Reload (recache) one column from MAD-X."""
data = self._cache[column.lower()] = self.column(column)
except ValueError:
raise KeyError(
"Unknown table column: {!r}".format(column)) from None
return data
def column(self, column: str, rows=None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Retrieve all specified rows in the given column of the table.
:param column: column name
:param rows: a list of row indices or ``'all'`` or ``'selected'``
if rows is None:
rows = self._rows
return self._libmadx.get_table_column(self._name, column.lower(), rows)
def row(self, index, columns=None):
"""Retrieve one row from the table."""
if columns is None:
columns = self._columns
return AttrDict(self._libmadx.get_table_row(self._name, index, columns))
def copy(self, columns=None, rows=None) -> dict:
Return a frozen table with the desired columns.
:param list columns: column names or ``None`` for all columns.
:returns: column data
:raises ValueError: if the table name is invalid
if rows is None:
rows = columns if isinstance(columns, str) else self._rows
if rows == self._rows:
table = self
table = self.select(rows=rows)
return {column: table[column] for column in self.col_names(columns)}
def dframe(self, columns=None, rows=None, *, index=None):
Return table as ``pandas.DataFrame``.
:param columns: column names or 'all' or 'selected'
:param rows: row indices or 'all' or 'selected'
:param str index: column name or sequence to be used as index, or
``None`` for using the ``row_names``
:returns: column data as ``pandas.DataFrame``
:raises ValueError: if the table name is invalid
WARNING: using ``index=None`` is unsafe after calling ``USE``.
In this case, please manually specify another column to be used,
e.g. ``index="name"``.
import pandas as pd
if index is None:
index = self.row_names(rows)
elif isinstance(index, str):
index = util.remove_count_suffix_from_name(self[index])
index = index
return pd.DataFrame(self.copy(columns, rows), index=index)
def getmat(self, name, idx, *dim):
s = () if isinstance(idx, int) else (-1,)
return np.array([
self[name + ''.join(str(i+1) for i in ijk)][idx]
for ijk in product(*map(range, dim))
def kvec(self, idx, dim=6):
return self.getmat('k', idx, dim)
def rmat(self, idx, dim=6):
return self.getmat('r', idx, dim, dim)
def tmat(self, idx, dim=6):
"""2nd order sectormap."""
return self.getmat('t', idx, dim, dim, dim)
def sigmat(self, idx, dim=6):
"""Beam matrix."""
return self.getmat('sig', idx, dim, dim)
class VarList(_MutableMapping):
"""Mapping of global MAD-X variables."""
__slots__ = ('_madx', 'cmdpar')
def __init__(self, madx):
self._madx = madx
self.cmdpar = VarParamList(madx)
def __repr__(self):
return str({
key: par.definition
for key, par in self.cmdpar.items()
if par.inform
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.cmdpar[name].value
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
var = self.cmdpar[name]
v, e = var.value, var.expr
except (TypeError, KeyError):
v, e = None, None
if isinstance(value, Number):
if value != v or e:
self._madx.input(name + ' = ' + str(value) + ';')
if value != e:
self._madx.input(name + ' := ' + str(value) + ';')
def __delitem__(self, name):
raise NotImplementedError("Can't erase a MAD-X global.")
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate names of all non-constant globals."""
return iter(self.cmdpar)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.cmdpar)
def defs(self):
return AttrDict({
key: par.definition
for key, par in self.cmdpar.items()
class VarParamList(_Mapping):
"""Mapping of global MAD-X variables."""
__slots__ = ('_madx', '_libmadx')
def __init__(self, madx):
self._madx = madx
self._libmadx = madx._libmadx
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._libmadx.get_var(name.lower())
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate names of all non-constant globals."""
return iter(self._libmadx.get_globals())
def __len__(self):
return self._libmadx.num_globals()
+metadata = Metadata()