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Object Oriented JavaScript
Pragim Technologies JavaScript Tutorial (Lessons 53-65)

JavaScript Tutorial

This JavaScript Tutorial series consists of 75 videos published by Pragim Technologies.

It was published from Oct 2014 thru Oct 2015 and covers JavaScript ES5 in the context of ASP.NET. While JavaScript and it's coding conventions have evolved since this series was released, many of the concepts are still relevant and applicable today.

The section of the series covered here, lessons 53-65, relates to using JavaScript in an object-oriented manner to replicate class-based inheritance. This is the style of JavaScript most commonly promoted by Microsoft for use in developing enterprise-based web application systems.

Pragim Technologies

Pragim Technologies publishes video tutorials on a broad range of Dot Net subjects including C#, SQL Server, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, ADO.NET, LINQ, Entity Framework, AngularJS, Angular, AngularCLI, JavaScript, jQuery, and much more.

53. JavaScript and object oriented programming

JavaScript is object oriented programming language. The following are the 4 pillars of any object oriented programming language. We will discuss examples of these in a later lesson.

  1. Inheritance
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Abstraction
  4. Polymorphism

In this lesson let's focus on creating objects in JavaScript. Objects in JavaScript can be broadly classified into 2 categories.

  1. Standard built-in objects
  2. Custom objects

Standard built-in objects: So far in this video series, we have already seen many of the JavaScript standard built-in objects. Examples include string, array, RegExp, Date, etc. In the example below we are creating Date object using the Date constructor function and then using it's getFullYear() method to get the year.

var currentDate = new Date();

Custom objects: In C#, to create a custom object, we create a Custom class and then create an instance of a class. In JavaScript we don't have classes. Instead we use functions. In JavaScript there are two ways to create a custom object.

  1. Constructor function
  2. Literal notation

Creating an object in JavaScript using constructor function

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Constructor function
    function Employee(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

        this.getFullName = function () {
            return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

    var employee = new Employee("Pragim", "Tech");

    document.write("FirstName = " + employee.firstName + "<br/>");
    document.write("LastName = " + employee.lastName + "<br/>");
    document.write("FullName = " + employee.getFullName() + "<br/>");

Live Sample: 53-constructor-function.html

Creating an object in JavaScript using literal notation

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Object literal notation
    var employee = {
        firstName: "Pragim",
        lastName: "Tech",

        getFullName: function () {
            return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

    document.write("FirstName = " + employee.firstName + "<br/>");
    document.write("LastName = " + employee.lastName + "<br/>");
    document.write("FullName = " + employee.getFullName() + "<br/>");

Live Sample: 53-literal-notation.html

Both the examples above produce the same output

FirstName = Pragim
LastName = Tech
FullName = Pragim Tech

What is the difference between creating an object using constructor function and literal notation.

  1. In the constructor function the properties and their values separated using an equal-to sign(=) whereas in the literal version, they are separated using a colon(:)

  2. In constructor function at the end of each property you can have a semi-colons(;) whereas in the literal version properties must be separated with a comma(,)

  3. With literal notation you have already created an object, so to access firstName value you simply use employee.firstName. With the constructor function you have to first create an instance and then use the created instance and the property name separated by DOT as shown below.

    var employee = new Employee("Pragim", "Tech");

54. Object literal vs object constructor

In this lesson we will discuss the main difference between objects created using object literal and constructor function and when to use one over the other. In Part 53 of JavaScript tutorial we discussed some of the syntactical differences.

Creating an object using object literal notation

var employee = {
    name: "John"

// Create a new variable and assign the employee object
var newEmployee = employee;

// Change the name property of the employee object using the new variable = "Mary";

// Retrieve the name property from the original employee object
// Notice that name is changed to Mary

Live Sample: 54-literal-notation.html

Output: Mary

Objects created using object literals are singletons. This means when a change is made to the object, it effects that object across the entire script.

Creating an object using constructor function

var Emp = function () { = "John";

// Create an instance of employee
// will return John
var employee = new Emp();

// Create an other instance of employee
// will return John
var newEmployee = new Emp();

// Change the name property of the newEmployee object = "Mary";

// Retrieve the name property from the original employee object
// Notice that name is not changed to Mary, it is still John

Live Sample: 54-constructor-function.html

Output : John

Objects defined with the new keyword are created with the function acting as constructor function. Constructors function lets you have multiple instances of that object. This means changes made to one instance, will not affect other instances.

If a function invocation is preceded with the new keyword, it is a constructor invocation.

Note: It's good practice to name constructor functions with an upper-case first letter. (e.g. Emp)

When to use one over the other

If you need multiple instances of the object use constructor function where as if you need just one instance of the object then use literal notation.

55. Global namespace pollution in JavaScript

In this lesson we will understand the problem of global namespace pollution in JavaScript with an example. When working with JavaScript on a big project, you might hear senior developers saying during the code review, this code pollutes the global scope.

In this lesson let's understand the problem of global namespace pollution. In our next lesson we will discuss how to write JavaScript in such a way that it does not pollute the global scope.

Let us say we have 2 software development teams (TeamA & TeamB) working on a large project for Pragim Technologies.

TeamA has created a customer constructor function with 2 parameters (firstName & lastName) and added it to TeamA.js file

function customer(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.getFullName = function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

TeamB has also created a customer constructor function but with 3 parameters (firstName, middleName & lastName) and added it TeamB.js file.

function customer(firstName, middleName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.middleName = middleName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

    this.getFullName = function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.middleName + " " + this.lastName;

So at the moment we have 2 customer constructor functions. One version has 2 parameters (firstName & lastName) and the other version has 3 parameters (firstName, middleName & lastName).

HTML Page code: In this HTML page we want to use the customer constructor function that has 2 parameters (firstName & lastName). Notice that in the header section we are first loading TeamA.js and then TeamB.js.

        <script type="text/javascript" src="TeamA.js" ></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="TeamB.js" ></script>
        <div id="resultDiv"></div>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            var customer1 = new customer('Tom', 'Grover');
            document.getElementById('resultDiv').innerHTML = customer1.getFullName();

When you view the page in the browser, we get the following output. We expected it to print to "Tom Grover".

Tom Grover undefined

This is because JavaScript does not support function overloading and as a result, the customer() constructor function with 3 parameters simply overwrites the customer() constructor function with 2 parameters.

You may be wondering why didn't it happen the other way round. Why didn't customer() constructor function with 2 parameters overwrite the customer() constructor function with 3 parameters. That is because TeamB.js is loaded after TeamA.js. So the customer() constructor function in TeamB.js has overwritten the customer() constructor function in TeamA.js.

The reason, one of the customer() constructor function got overwritten is because we have already polluted the global scope. Let's understand what we mean by this.

  1. window is the Global object in JavaScript.
  2. When TeamA.js script file is loaded, the customer() function in TeamA.js file is added to the global namespace.
  3. When TeamB.js script file is loaded, the customer() function in TeamB.js file is added to the global namespace. Since 2 functions with the same name cannot exist in the global namespace, the customer() function in TeamB.js overwrites the customer() function in TeamA.js. As a result we cannot use the customer() function in TeamA.js file.
  4. In JavaScript if you declare a variable or a function second time, it simply overwrites the one you created earlier. JavaScript does not raise any errors like C# or Java if you redefine a variable or a function.

If we were to console.log(this) from the customer() function in TeamB.js as such.

function customer(firstName, middleName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.middleName = middleName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

    this.getFullName = function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.middleName + " " + this.lastName;


Live Sample: 55-collision.html

It would produce this.

customer {firstName: "Tom", middleName: "Grover", lastName: undefined, getFullName: f}


Polluting global namespace causes name collision. This is especially true in large projects where you may be using several JavaScript libraries (both internally developed as well as third party libraries). That's why it is very important not to add everything to the global namespace. If someone else use the same variable or function names it can lead to name collision.

In our next we will discuss, how to write JavaScript code in such a way that it does not pollute the global scope.

56. Namespaces in JavaScript

In this lesson, we will discuss how to use namespaces to avoid polluting the global scope. This is continuation to Part 55. Please watch Part 55 of JavaScript tutorial to understand the problem of global namespace pollution.

JavaScript lack namespaces. However we can use objects to create namespaces.

The following line says use the PragimTech object if it already exists, otherwise create an empty object.

var PragimTech = PragimTech || {};

The following line adds a nested namespace. A nested namespace is a namespace inside another namespace. In JavaScript to define a nested namespace, you define an object inside another object.

PragimTech.TeamA = PragimTech.TeamA || {};

Modify the script in TeamA.js file as shown below. In this example we are adding customer() function to PragimTech.TeamA namespace.

var PragimTech = PragimTech || {};
PragimTech.TeamA = PragimTech.TeamA || {};

PragimTech.TeamA.customer = function (firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

    this.getFullName = function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

    // {customer: f, firstName: "Tom", lastName: "Grover", getFullName: f}

PragimTech will be added to the global namespace. window is the alias for global namespace in JavaScript. You can now access customer() function as shown below.

PragimTech.TeamA.customer("Tom", "Grover")


window.PragimTech.TeamA.customer("Tom", "Grover")

Modify the script in TeamB.js file as shown below. In this example we are adding customer() function to PragimTech.TeamB namespace.

var PragimTech = PragimTech || {};
PragimTech.TeamB = PragimTech.TeamB || {};

PragimTech.TeamB.customer = function (firstName, middleName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.middleName = middleName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

    this.getFullName = function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.middleName + " " + this.lastName;

    // {customer: f, firstName: "Tom", middleName: "T", lastName: "Grover", getFullName: f}

PragimTech will be added to the global namespace. You can now access customer() function as shown below.

PragimTech.TeamB.customer("Tom", "T", "Grover")


window.PragimTech.TeamB.customer("Tom", "T", "Grover")

On any given HTML page you should be able to access both the versions of customer() function as shown below.

        <script type="text/javascript" src="TeamA.js" ></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="TeamB.js" ></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var cust1 = new PragimTech.TeamA.customer("Tom", "Grover");
            var cust2 = new PragimTech.TeamB.customer("Tom", "T", "Grover");

            document.writeln(cust1.getFullName() + '<br>');

Live Sample: 56-namespaces.html

57. Private members in JavaScript

In any object oriented programming language, classes can have private and public members. For example a class in C# can have private and public fields and functions.

An example is shown below.

// CSharp
public class Employee
    // Private Field
    private string privateFullName;

    // Public Fields
    public string firstName;
    public string lastName;

    // Private Function
    private string privateGetFullName()
        privateFullName = this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
        return privateFullName;

    // Public Function
    public string publicGetFullName()
        return privateGetFullName();

JavaScript is object oriented programming language, so objects in JavaScript can also have private and public fields and functions. An example is shown below.

// JavaScript
function Employee(firstName, lastName) {
    // Private Field
    var privateFullName;

    // Public Fields
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

    // Private Function
    var privateGetFullName = function () {
        privateFullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
        return privateFullName;

    // Privileged Function
    this.privilegedGetFullName = function () {
        return privateGetFullName();

    // Public Function
    Employee.prototype.publicGetFullName = function () {
        return this.privilegedGetFullName();

In the example above, we also have a privileged Function. So, what is a Privileged Function?

  1. Privileged methods are created using this keyword and Public methods are created using prototype property of the constructor function.
  2. Privileged method can access private variables and methods
  3. Public methods can call Privileged methods but not Private methods.
  4. Like Public methods, Privileged methods are also available outside the constructor function.

Public fields and functions are available both inside and outside of the Employee() constructor function.

Private fields and functions are available only inside the Employee() constructor function. Attempting to access private fields and properties outside of the constructor function will result in undefined error.

var employee = new Employee("Tom", "Grover");

employee.publicGetFullName();       // Calling public function - "Tom Grover"
employee.privilegedGetFullName();   // Calling Privileged function - "Tom Grover"
employee.privateGetFullName();      // Calling private method - Uncaught TypeError
employee.privateFullName;           // Calling private field - undefined error

Live Sample: 57-member-calls.html

Can we modify a private field outside of the constructor function? Straight answer, no you can't.

In the example below, when we call the private field employee.privateFullName, it results in undefined error. On the next line we are adding a new public field with same name as the private field to the employee object. Is this going to change the private field (privateFullName). The answer is NO. You cannot access or modify private fields outside of the object. In this example, you are just adding new public field (employee.privateFullName) to the employee object.

var employee = new Employee("Tom", "Grover");
employee.privateFullName            // Calling private field - undefined error

employee.privateFullName = "ABC";   // Add a field with same name as private field
employee.publicGetFullName();       // "Tom Grover"
employee.privateFullName;           // "ABC"


  • Private fields - Declared using the var keyword inside the object, and can only be accessed by private functions and privileged methods.

  • Public fields - Declared using this keyword and are available outside the object.

  • Private functions - Declared inside the object using one of the two ways shown below. Private functions can only be called by privileged methods or other private functions.

    var privateGetFullName = function () {
        privateFullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
        return privateFullName;
    // OR
    function privateGetFullName() {
        privateFullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
        return privateFullName;
  • Privileged methods - Declared using this keyword and are available both within and outside the object. Privileged methods can access private fields and private methods.

    this.privilegedGetFullName = function () {
        return privateGetFullName();
  • Public methods - Defined by using the object's prototype property and are available both within and outside the object. Public methods can call privileged methods but they cannot access private fields or call private methods.

    Employee.prototype.publicGetFullName = function () {
        return this.privilegedGetFullName();

58. Properties in JavaScript

In an object oriented programming language, classes can have properties. For example a class in C# can have the following types of properties.

  1. Read / Write properties
  2. Read only properties
  3. Write only properties

An example of a C# Employee class is shown below. name is read-only property and age is read/write property.

// CSharp
public class Employee
    string _name;
    int _age;

    public Employee(string name, int age) {
        _name = name;
        _age = age;

    // Read/Write property
    public int age {
        get { return _age; }
        set { _age = value; }

    // ReadOnly property
    public string name {
        get { return _name; }

Since JavaScript is also an object oriented programming language, objects in JavaScript can also have properties.

Why do we need properties when we have public fields Encapsulation is one of the pillars of object oriented programming language. Properties provide encapsulation. If you use public fields you cannot control on what is assigned and returned from that public field.

In the example below we have an employee object with age public field. There is nothing stopping us from setting the age value of the employee object to 1000. Using properties you can control on what values can be assigned. You can also use properties to create just read-only or write-only properties.

function Employee(age) {
    this.age = age;

var employee = new Employee(50);
// Nothing stops you from assigning a value of 1000 to age field
employee.age = 1000;

An example is shown below. In the example name is read-only property and age is read/write property.

function Employee(name, age) {
    var _name = name;
    var _age = age;

    Object.defineProperty(this, 'age', {
        get: function () {
            return _age;
        set: function (value) {
            if (value > 100 || value < 1) {
                alert("Invalid age");
            } else {
                _age = value;

    Object.defineProperty(this, "name", {
        get: function () {
            return _name;

var employee = new Employee("Tom", 55); = "Tommy";    // value of name property will not change (read-only)
employee.age = 195;         // Will alert an error - Invalid age

document.write( + " " + employee.age); // "Tom 55"

Live Sample: 58-properties.html

59. Static Members in JavaScript

In an object oriented programming language, classes can have static members, that is static methods and static fields. For example a class in C# is shown below. In this example PI is a static field and _radius is an instance field.

public class Circle
    // Static field
    static float PI = 3.141F;

    // Instance field
    public int Radius;

    public Circle(int radius)
        this.Radius = radius;

    public float CalculateArea()
        return Circle.PI * this.Radius * this.Radius;

What is the difference between static member and instance member and when to use one over the other?

An instance member belong to a specific instance. So if I create 3 instances (objects) there will be 3 copies of instance fields in memory where as there will ever be only one copy of a static field no matter how many instances we create.

In the above example, radius is specific to the circle instance you are creating but the PI value need to be shared by all the circle objects. So, if you want a member to be shared by all instances then make it a static member.

Since JavaScript is also an object oriented programming language, objects in JavaScript can also have static and instance fields and methods. Here is an example. In this example PI is a static field and _radius is an instance field.

function Circle(radius) {
    // Instance field
    this.Radius = radius;

    // Static field
    Circle.PI = 3.141;

    this.CalculateArea = function() {
        return Circle.PI * this.Radius * this.Radius;

var circleObject = new Circle(10);
document.write('Area = ' + circleObject.CalculateArea());

Live Sample: 59-static-field.html

Points to remember

  1. Define a static member using the name of the constructor function.
  2. To invoke a static member use the name of the constructor function.
  3. To invoke an instance member use the instance of the constructor function.

Static methods in JavaScript

In the following example ShowCount() is a static method. Notice that, just like a static variable, static method is also defined using the name of the constructor function. To keep track of the number of Shape objects created we are using Shape.Count static field.

Shape.ShowCount() method returns the count of shapes when called.

function Shape(shapeName) {
    // Instance field
    this.ShapeName = shapeName;

    // Static field
    Shape.Count = ++Shape.Count || 1;

    // Static method
    Shape.ShowCount = function() {
        return Shape.Count;

var shape1 = new Shape('Circle');
var shape2 = new Shape('Rectangle');
var shape3 = new Shape('Triangle');

document.write('Shape.Count = ' + Shape.ShowCount());

Live Sample: 59-static-method.html

Since we have created 3 shapes, the output will be 3.

60. Prototype in JavaScript

In this lesson we will discuss the Prototype object in JavaScript. Let us understand it's use with an example.

The following Employee constructor function constructs an Employee object.

function Employee(name) { = name;

There are several ways to add a function to the Employee object. One way is as shown below. This works but the problem with this approach is that, if you create 100 employee objects there will be 100 copies of the getName() function.

function Employee(name) { = name;

    // privileged method
    this.getName = function () {

var e1 = new Employee("Mark");
var e2 = new Employee("Sara"); 

document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>"); 
Output: = Mark = Sara

Live Sample: 60-privileged-method.html

We don't want to be creating copies of functions, instead we want all the objects to share the same function code. This can be achieved using JavaScript prototype object.

In this example, the getName() function is added just to the e1 object, and not to e2 object. So e2.getName() would throw an undefined error.

function Employee(name) { = name;

var e1 = new Employee("Mark");

// instance method
e1.getName = function () {

var e2 = new Employee("Sara");

document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>");

Live Sample: 60-instance-method.html

In the following example getName() function is added to the Employee object using the name of the constructor function. This would also result in undefined error.

function Employee(name) { = name;

// static method
Employee.getName = function () {

var e1 = new Employee("Mark");
var e2 = new Employee("Sara");

document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>");

Live Sample: 60-static-method.html

Using the prototype object to add functions

The following are the advantages of using the prototype object to add functions.

  1. No matter how many objects you create, functions are loaded only once into memory
  2. Allows you to override functions if required.
function Employee(name) { = name;

Employee.prototype.getName = function () {

var e1 = new Employee("Mark");
var e2 = new Employee("Sara");

document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>");
Output: = Mark = Sara

Live Sample: 60-prototype-method.html

61. Overriding JavaScript Functions

In this lesson we will discuss how to override a JavaScript function. This is continuation to Part 60. Please review Part 60 from JavaScript tutorial before proceeding.

In Part 60, we discussed that one of the advantages of using prototype property to add functions is that it enables us to override an existing function if required. Let us continue with the same example we worked with in Part 60.

function Employee(name) { = name;

Employee.prototype.getName = function () {

var e1 = new Employee("Mark");
var e2 = new Employee("Sara");

document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>");
Output : = Mark = Sara

Let us say for some reason we want to override getName() function of Employee object. Notice that in GetEmployeeDetails() function we have overridden getName() function of the Employee object. The overridden version converts the name of the employee to UPPERCASE.

<script type="text/javascript">

    function GetEmployeeDetails() {
        Employee.prototype.getName = function () {

        var e1 = new Employee("Mark");
        var e2 = new Employee("Sara");

        document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
        document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>");

    function Employee(name) { = name;

    Employee.prototype.getName = function () {
Output : = MARK = SARA

Live Sample: 61-override-function1.html

In this example, all the JavaScript is in the same file. i.e

  1. The JavaScript that creates Employee constructor function and getName() function
  2. The script that overrides getName() function

The JavaScript that creates Employee constructor function and getName() function could even be present in a separate JavaScript file.

  1. Lets add a new JavaScript file and name it EmployeeScript.js.

  2. Copy and paste the following JavaScript code in EmployeeScript.js file.

    function Employee(name) { = name;
    Employee.prototype.getName = function () {
  3. Modify the code on the HTML page as shown below.

            <script src="employee.js"></script>
                function GetEmployeeDetails() {
                    Employee.prototype.getName = function () {
                    var e1 = new Employee("Mark");
                    var e2 = new Employee("Sara");
                    document.write(" = " + e1.getName() + "<br/>");
                    document.write(" = " + e2.getName() + "<br/>");

Live Sample: 61-override-function2.html

Run the page and the output should be exactly the same as the previous example.

JavaScript built-in methods can also be overridden. The following example overrides the built-in JavaScript alert() function.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Overriding JavaScript alert function to write to the page
    // instead of displaying the alert dialog box
    var alert = function (msg) {

    // The following calls will invoke the overridden alert() method   
    window.alert(" JavaScript");
Output : Hello JavaScript

Live Sample: 61-override-alert.html

62. Inheritance in JavaScript

In this lesson we will discuss Inheritance in JavaScript with an example.

Object oriented programming languages support inheritance. Since JavaScript is also an object oriented programming language, it supports inheritance.

In object-oriented programming, languages like C# and Java implement inheritance when a class inherits from another class.

In JavaScript, we don't have a traditional class inheritance model. Instead, JavaScript inheritance is prototype-based. This means that to implement inheritance in JavaScript, an object inherits from another object. Let us understand this with an example.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Employee will be the base object (Similar to base class in c#)
    var Employee = function (name) { = name;

    // getName() function is added to the base object (Employee)
    Employee.prototype.getName = function () {

    // PermanentEmployee will be the derived object
    var PermanentEmployee = function (annualSalary) {
        this.annualSalary = annualSalary;

    // Use prototype to associate Employee as the base object for PermanentEmployee
    PermanentEmployee.prototype = new Employee("Mark");

    var pe = new PermanentEmployee(50000);
    // Derived object (permanentEmployee) can see the
    // base object (Employee) getName() method

    alert(pe instanceof Employee);          // Returns true
    alert(pe instanceof PermanentEmployee); // Returns true

Live Sample: 62-derived-object.html

Notice that the derived object (PermanentEmployee) can see the base object (Employee) getName() method. When getName() method is called, JavaScript first tries to find this method in the derived object. If it can't find the method there, it goes up the chain to the parent object and finds it there.

If you add a new method to the parent object, it becomes available in the derived object.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var Employee = function (name) { = name;

    Employee.prototype.getName = function () {

    // Adding getNameLength() method to the parent object
    // which becomes available in the derived object
    Employee.prototype.getNameLength = function () {
        return + " characters";

    // PermanentEmployee will be the derived object
    var PermanentEmployee = function (annualSalary) {
        this.annualSalary = annualSalary;

    PermanentEmployee.prototype = new Employee("Mark");

    var pe = new PermanentEmployee(50000);
    // Call getNameLength() method added to the parent object
    document.write(pe.getNameLength()); // Output: 4 characters

Live Sample: 62-derived-object2.html

Use hasOwnProperty() method to determine if a property is defined on the actual object or it's prototype. Here is an example.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var Employee = function (name) { = name;

    var PermanentEmployee = function (annualSalary) {
        this.annualSalary = annualSalary;

    var employee = new Employee("Mark");

    PermanentEmployee.prototype = employee;

    var pe = new PermanentEmployee(50000);

    document.write(" " +
                     employee.hasOwnProperty('name') + "<br/>");
    document.write("Employee.annualSalary: " +
                     employee.hasOwnProperty('annualSalary') + "<br/><br/>");

    document.write(" " +
                     pe.hasOwnProperty('name') + "<br/>");
    document.write("PermanentEmployee.annualSalary: " +
                     pe.hasOwnProperty('annualSalary') + "<br/>");

Output true
Employee.annualSalary: false false
PermanentEmployee.annualSalary: true

Live Sample: 62-hasOwn.html

63. Abstract classes in JavaScript

In this lesson we will discuss, how to implement the concept of abstract classes in JavaScript.

Object oriented programming languages like C# and Java, support abstract classes. Abstract classes are incomplete in and of themselves. So, trying to create an instance of an abstract class raises a compiler error. Abstract classes can only be used as base classes.

Let us first look at a simple C# example.

  1. Open visual studio and create a new empty web application project.

  2. Add a web form to the project. Name it WebForm1.aspx. Copy and past the following code in the code-behind file.

using System;
namespace Demo
    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Error: Cannot create an instance of an abstract class
            // Shape s = new Shape();

            Circle circle = new Circle();
            circle.shapeName = "Circle";
            Response.Write(circle.draw() + "<br/><br/>");

            Response.Write(circle is Shape + "<br/>");  // Returns true
            Response.Write(circle is Circle + "<br/>"); // Returns true

    public abstract class Shape
        public string shapeName = "None";
        public string draw()
            return "Drawing " + this.shapeName;

    public class Circle : Shape
        // Code specific to Circle class

Since JavaScript is also an object oriented programming language, it also supports the concept of abstract classes. Here is an example.

Add a new HTML page to the project. Name it HTMLPage1.htm. Copy and paste the following code in HTMLPage1.htm.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Create a Shape object which is abstract
    var Shape = function () {
        this.shapeName = "None";
        throw new Error("Cannot create an instance of abstract class");

    // Error : Cannot create an instance of abstract class
    // var shape = new Shape();

    // Add draw function to the Shape prototype
    // Objects derived from Shape should be able to call draw() method
    Shape.prototype.draw = function () {
        return "Drawing " + this.shapeName;

    // Create a Circle object
    var Circle = function (shapeName) {
        this.shapeName = shapeName;

    // Make shape the parent for Circle
    // Object.create() allows to create an object without using constructor
    Circle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);

    var circle = new Circle("Circle");
    // Since Circle inherits from abstract Shape object, it can call draw() method

    alert(circle instanceof Circle); // Returns true
    alert(circle instanceof Shape);  // Returns true

Live Sample: 63-abstract-class.html

64. Object reflection in JavaScript

In this lesson we will discuss, object reflection in JavaScript with an example.

Object oriented programming languages like C# and Java, support reflection. Reflection allows us to inspect meta data of assemblies, modules and types. Since JavaScript is also an object oriented programming language, it also supports the concept of reflection.

Let's understand object reflection in JavaScript with an example.

The Employee object in the following example has 4 public properties.

  1. firstName
  2. lastName
  3. email
  4. gender

It also has 3 public functions.

  1. getFullName()
  2. getEmail()
  3. getGender()
var Employee = function (firstName, lastName, gender, email) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.gender = gender; = email;

Employee.prototype.getFullName = function () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

Employee.prototype.getEmail = function () {

Employee.prototype.getGender = function () {
    return this.gender;

Sample 1

The following code creates an object instance and then retrieves all the public properties and methods of the employee1 object.

Code 1

var employee1 = new Employee("Mark", "Matt", "Male", "[email protected]");

for (var property in employee1) {
    document.write(property + "<br/>");

Output 1


Live Sample: 64-object-reflection1.html

Sample 2

The following code retrieves all the public properties & functions of the Employee object along with their values.

Code 2

for (var property in employee) {
    document.write(property + " : " + employee[property] + "<br/>");

Output 2

firstName: Mark
lastName: Matt
gender: Male
email: [email protected]
getFullName: function () { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }
getEmail: function () { return; }
getGender: function () { return this.gender; }

Live Sample: 64-object-reflection2.html

Sample 3

The following code retrieves only the public properties of the Employee object.

Code 3

for (var property in employee) {
    if (typeof employee[property] != "function") {
        document.write(property + " : " + employee[property] + "<br/>");

Output 3

firstName : Mark
lastName : Matt
gender : Male
email :

Live Sample: 64-object-reflection3.html

Sample 4

The following code retrieves only the public functions of the Employee object.

Code 4

for (var property in employee) {
    if (typeof employee[property] == "function") {
        document.write(property + " : " + employee[property] + "<br/>");

Output 4

getFullName : function () { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }
getEmail : function () { return; }
getGender : function () { return this.gender; }

Live Sample: 64-object-reflection4.html

Sample 5

When 2 objects are related thru inheritance, the child object will have access to parent object methods and properties. In this example, PermanentEmployee is a child of Employee. The following code shows all the properties and methods of the PermanentEmployee object including those it inherited from the Employee object.

Code 5

var employee = new Employee("Mark", "Matt", "Male", "[email protected]"); 

var PermanentEmployee = function (annualSalry) {
    this.annualSalary = annualSalry;

PermanentEmployee.prototype = employee;

var pe = new PermanentEmployee(50000);

for (var property in pe) {
    document.write(property + " : " + pe[property] + "<br/>");

Output 5

annualSalary : 50000
firstName : Mark
lastName : Matt
gender : Male
email : [email protected]
getFullName : function () { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }
getEmail : function () { return; }
getGender : function () { return this.gender; }

Live Sample: 64-object-reflection5.html

Sample 6

In this example, we are using hasOwnProperty() method to determine if a property is defined on the actual object or it's prototype. This method returns true if the property is defined by the object itself, otherwise false.

The following code retrieves only the public members that are defined in the PermanentEmployee object. The members inherited from the base Employee object are excluded.

Code 6

for (var property in pe) {
    if (pe.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
        document.write(property + " : " + pe[property] + "<br/>");

Output 6

annualSalary : 50000

Live Sample: 64-object-reflection6.html

Sample 7

The following code retrieves only the public members inherited from the parent object. Public members defined in PermanentEmployee object are excluded.

Code 7

for (var property in pe) {
    if (!pe.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
        document.write(property + " : " + pe[property] + "<br/>");

Output 7

firstName : Mark
lastName : Matt
gender : Male
email : [email protected]
getFullName : function () { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }
getEmail : function () { return; }
getGender : function () { return this.gender; }

Live Sample: 64-object-reflection7.html

65. Polymorphism in JavaScript

In this lesson we will discuss, how to implement polymorphism in JavaScript with an example.

Object oriented programming languages like C# and Java, support polymorphism. Here is a C# example.

public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Shape[] shapes = new Shape[]
            new Shape(), new Circle(), new Square(), new Triangle()

        foreach (Shape shape in shapes)
            Response.Write(shape.draw() + "<br/>");

public class Shape
    public virtual string draw()
        return "I am a generic shape";

public class Circle : Shape
    public override string draw()
        return "I am a circle";

public class Square : Shape
    public override string draw()
        return "I am a square";

public class Triangle : Shape
{ }


I am a generic shape
I am a circle
I am a square
I am a generic shape 

Since JavaScript is also an object oriented programming language, it also supports the concept of polymorphism. Here is an example.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Shape object is be the base object
    var Shape = function () { };

    // Add draw function to the Shape prototype
    // Objects derived from Shape will be able to override the draw() method
    Shape.prototype.draw = function () {
        return "I am a generic shape";

    // Create a Circle object
    var Circle = function () { }

    // Make shape the parent for Circle
    Circle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);

    // Circle object overrides draw() method
    Circle.prototype.draw = function () {
        return "I am a circle";

    var Square = function () { };
    Square.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);
    Square.prototype.draw = function () {
        return "I am a square";

    var Triangle = function () { };
    Triangle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);

    var shapes = [new Shape(), new Circle(), new Square(), new Triangle()];

    shapes.forEach(function (shape) {
        document.write(shape.draw() + "<br/>");

Live Sample: 65-polymorphism.html


I am a generic shape
I am a circle
I am a square
I am a generic shape