title | author |
Notes on : Speech and Language Processing |
Bharathi Ramana Joshi |
- Text normalization: converting text to a more convenient, standard form
- Tokenization : separating out words from running text
- Lemmatization : determining whether two words have same root
- Stemming : stripping suffixes
- Sentence segmentation : breaking at comma, period etc
- Clitic : contractions marked by apostrophes what're
Language Models - models that assign probabilities to sequences of words
Naive approach
\begin{gather*} P(the|its; water; is; so; transparent; that; the) = \frac{C(its; water; is; so; transparent; that; the)}{C(its; water; is; so; transparent; that)} \end{gather*}
Does not work because
- Need large corpus to collect useful frequencies
- Not malleable even to small changes in sentences
- Sparse matrix problems
Formalizing above intuition using chain rule,
\begin{align*} P(w_{1:n}) &= P(w_1)P(w_2\mid w_1)\dots P(w_n\mid w_{1:n - 1})\ &= \Pi_{k = 1}^{n}P(w_k\mid w_{1: k - 1}) \end{align*}
Approximating to only most recent 1 word, 2 words etc we end up with bigram, trigram etc models
Extrinsic evaluation : embed model into application and see how much application improves
Intrinsic evaluation : measures quality independent of application
Perplexity : inverse probability of the test set. Intuition : weighted average branching factor
\begin{align*} \sqrt[N]{\Pi_{i = 1}^{N}\frac{1}{P(w_i\mid w_1\dots w_{i - 1})}} \end{align*}
\begin{enumerate} \item Test set must be hidden from training set, otherwise we end up with an artificially low perplexity \item Perplexities of two models are comparable only if they are trained on the same vocabulary \end{enumerate}
- Closed vocabulary : guarantee that there are no unknown words
- Open vocabulary : handles unknown words by adding a pseudo-word
- Out Of Vocabulary (OOV) rate : percentage of words that appear in the test set, but not training set
- Replace
with some other word with less probability
- Smoothing/discounting : removing probability from some high frequence words to reassign to words appearing in unseen contexts
- Laplace smoothing : add 1 to everything to get rid of nonzero grams
- Add-k : instead of 1, add some k to all unseen words
- Backoff : Decrease
$n$ and see if there are any apperances - Interpolation : add weights instead of compeletly ignoring. For instance, for
linear interpolation
P(w_n\mid w_{n - 2}w_{n - 1}) &= \lambda_1(w_{n-2:n-1}P(w_n|w_{n - 2}w_{n - 1})) \
&+ \lambda_2(w_{n-2:n-1}P(w_n|w_{n - 1})) \
&+ \lambda_3(w_{n-2:n-1}P(w_n))
such that
$\sum_1^3 \lambda_i = 1$ - Kneser-Ney Smoothing \begin{align*} P_{KN}(w_i|w^{i - 1}{i - n + 1}) = \frac{max(c{KN}(w^i_{i-n+1}) - d, 0)} {c_{KN}(w^{i - 1}{i - n + 1})} + \lambda(w^{i - 1}{i - n + 1}) P_{KN}(w_i\mid w^{i - 1}{i - n + 2}) \end{align*} where \begin{align*} c{KN}(\cdot) = \begin{cases} count(\cdot) & \textrm{for highest order}\ continuationcount(\cdot) & \textrm{for lower order} \end{cases} \end{align*} and \begin{align*} \lambda(\cdot) = \frac{d}{c(.)}|{w:c(\cdot,w) > 0}| \end{align*}
- Bayes' Theorem
\begin{align*} P(A|B) = \frac{P(B|A)P(A)}{P(B)} \end{align*}
Naive Bayes classifier, given a document
$d$ and a set of classes$C$ , returns the class$\hat{c}$ with maximum posterior probability. \begin{align*} \hat{c} = \arg\max_{c\in C}P(c|d) \end{align*} Applying Bayes' theorem, \begin{align*} \hat{c} = \arg\max_{c\in C}P(c|d) = \arg\max_{c\in C}\frac{P(d|c)P(c)}{P(d)} \end{align*} denominator$P(d)$ is dropped since the document is fixed for all classes, giving us \begin{align*} \hat{c} = \arg\max_{c\in C}P(d|c)P(c) \end{align*} Here, \begin{enumerate} \item$P(d|c)$ is called the likelihood probability. \item$P(c)$ is called the prior probability. \end{enumerate} Reducing the document to a set of features$F = f_1,\dots,f_n$ ; we have: \begin{align*} \hat{c} = \arg\max_{c\in C}P(f_1,\dots,f_n|c)P(c) \end{align*} Naively assuming independence of features: \begin{align*} \hat{c} = \arg\max_{c\in C}P(c)\prod_{f\in F}P(f|c) \end{align*} In textual context, we can use word positions as features. \begin{align*} \textrm{positions}&\leftarrow \textrm{ all word positions in test document}\ \hat{c} &= \arg\max_{c\in C}P(c)\prod_{i\in positions}P(w_i|c) \end{align*} Because probabilities are small and multiplication is expensive, instead we operate in log-space to avoid underflow and work faster via addition. \begin{align*} \hat{c} = \arg\max_{c\in C}\log{P(c)} + \sum_{i\in positions}\log{P(w_i|c)} \end{align*} -
To train a Naive Bayes classifier, we take
$w_i$ to be the frequency of occurrence of word$i$ in all documents in the class$c$ . Thus, \begin{align*} \hat{P(w_i|c)} = \frac{count(w_i, c)}{\sum_{w\in V}count(w, c)} \end{align*} where$V$ is the vocabulary, set of all words occurring in all documents of all classes.However, even one count on the RHS being zero makes the probability of the entire class zero. Therefore, we use Laplace smoothing and add 1 everywhere: \begin{align*} \hat{P(w_i|c)} = \frac{count(w_i, c) + 1}{\sum_{w\in V}count(w, c) + 1} = \frac{count(w_i, c) + 1}{|V| + \sum_{w\in V}count(w, c)} \end{align*} The prior is computed as the relative frequency of the number of documents in a particular class. \begin{align*} P(c) = \frac{P(D_c)}{P(D)} \end{align*}
Gold label = human labels.
Language tasks with Naive Bayes:
- Spam detection
- Language identification
- Sentiment analysis
Accuracy (% of correct labels) is not a good metric when the goal is to discover something that is rare.
Precision is the relative measure of true positives. \begin{center} Precision =
$\frac{\textrm{TP}}{\textrm{TP + FP}}$ \end{center} -
Recall is the measure of % of items actually present in the input correctly identified by the system. \begin{center} Recall =
$\frac{\textrm{TP}}{\textrm{TP + FN}}$ \end{center} -
F-measure: weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall
Use statistical significance tests to ensure one model is actually performing better than another model, and didn't just get lucky on a particular dataset.
- Two approaches given observable
$X$ and target$Y$ - Generative : statistical model of joint probability distribution
$P(X, Y)$ . E.g. Naive Bayes - Discriminative : statistical model of conditional probability
$P(Y | X = x)$ . E.g. Logistic regression
- Generative : statistical model of joint probability distribution
- Components of a classification ML system
- Feature representation :
$[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ - Classification function :
$p(y|x)$ (sigmoid, softmax) - Objective function : cross-entropy loss function (a measure of how good a particular probability assignment is)
- Optimizing objective function : stochastic gradient descent (an algorithm to optimize 2 based on 3)
- Feature representation :
Defined by \begin{align*} y = \sigma(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}} = \frac{1}{1 + exp(-z)} \end{align*} where
$z = w\cdot x + b$ (i.e. weights dot features shifted by bias) -
Graph looks like "S" minimizing at 0 and maximizing at 1
Features designed by examining the training set with linguistic intuitions and linguistic literature on the domain
Representation learning : ways to automatically learn features in an unsupervised way from the input
Naive Bayes vs Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes gives low accuracy probabilities
- Makes strong independence assumptions, which means correlations cannot be exploited
- Faster to implement and very fast to train. Well suited for smaller documents
- Logistic regression exploits correlations
- Better suited for larger documents
Sigmoid is useful for expressing classification probabilities precisely because its values lie between 0 and 1. Say, for binary classification, it can be used as follows
\begin{align*} P(y = 1) &= \sigma(w.x+b)\ &= \frac{1}{1 + exp(-(w.x + b))}\ P(y = 0) &= 1 - \sigma(w.x+b)\ &= 1 - \frac{1}{1 + exp(-(w.x + b))}\ &= \frac{exp(-(w.x+b))}{1 + exp(-(w.x + b))}\ \end{align*}
Cross-entropy loss function
\begin{align*} L_{CE}(\hat{y}, y) = -logp(y|x) = -[ylog\hat{y} + (1 - y)log(1 - \hat{y})] \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \hat\theta = argmin_\theta\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i = 1}^{m}L_{CE}(f(x^{(i)};\theta), y^{(i)}) \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \nabla_\theta L(f(x;\theta), y) = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial w_1}L(f(x;\theta), y) \ \frac{\partial}{\partial w_2}L(f(x;\theta), y) \ \dots \ \frac{\partial}{\partial w_n}L(f(x;\theta), y) \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \theta_{t + 1} = \theta_t - \eta\nabla L(f(x;\theta), y) \end{align*}
Add a regularization term,
$R(\theta)$ to penalize large weights\begin{align*} \hat\theta = argmax_\theta \sum_{i = 1}^{m}log P(y^{(i)}|x^{(i)}) - \alpha R(\theta) \end{align*}
Euclidean distance/L2 regularization/Lasso regression
\begin{align*} R(\theta) = ||\theta||^2_2 = \sum_{j = 1}^{n}\theta^2_j \end{align*}
Manhattan distance/L1 regularization/Ridge regression
\begin{align*} \hat\theta = argmax_{\theta}[\sum_{i = 1}^m logP(y^{(i)}|x^{(i)})] - \alpha\sum_{j = 1}^{n}\theta_j^2 \end{align*}
Softmax function, generalization of sigmoid to multiple dimensions
\begin{align*} softmax(z_i) = \frac{exp(z_i)}{\sum_{j = 1}^{k}exp(z_j)}, 1\leq i\leq k \end{align*}
Negative log likelihood loss
\begin{align*} L_{CE}(\hat{y}, y) &= -log\hat{y}k\ &= -log\frac{exp(w_k.x + b_k)}{\sum{j = 1}^{k}exp(w_j.x+b_j)} \end{align*}
- Distributional hypothesis : linguistic items with similar distributions have similar meanings
- Lemma : root word which is modified in various contexts (e.g. sing is the lemma for sing, sang, sung)
- Wordform : the actual word used in a context
- Propositional meaning : words that are substitutable in a sentence without changing its truth conditions
- Principle of contrast : difference in linguistic form is always associated with some difference in meaning
- Similarity : much more relaxed than synonymity, e.g. cats and dogs aren't synonyms, but are certainly similar
- Relatedness : cup and coffee are neither synonyms nor similar, yet related (called associations in psychology)
- Semantic field : set of words which cover a particular semantic domain and bear structured relations with each other. E.g. some words related by the semantic field hospital are surgeon, scalpel, nurse, anesthetic
- Semantic frame : set of words denoting perspectives or participants in a particular type of event, e.g.
- Connotation : aspects of a word's meaning related to reader's/writer's emotions, sentiment, opinions, or evaluations
- Three axes of affective meaning variation
- Valence : pleasantness of stimulus
- Arousal : intensity of emotion provoked by stimulus
- Dominancs : degree of control exerted by the stimulus
- Core idea : the meaning of a word is defined by its distribution in language use, i.e. it looks at co-occurrences of words
- Embeddings : vectors that represent words
- Vector semantics can be learnt unsupervised
- Term-document matrix :
- Rows represent words in vocabularies
- Columns represent document in some collection of documents
- Term-term/word-word matrix : both rows and columns words
- Take inner/dot product \begin{align*} v\cdot w = \sum_{i = 1}^N v_iw_i \end{align*}
- Normalized dot product/cosine similarity metric \begin{align*} \frac{v\cdot w}{|v||w|} = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^N v_iw_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^N v_i^2}\sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^N w_i^2}} \end{align*}
- Document frequency : number of documents a word occurs in
- Collection frequency : number of times a word occurs in a collection
- Term frequency : number of times a term occurs in a a particular document
- TF-IDF considers term frequency (TF) and document frequency via its inverse (IDF) \begin{align*} w_{t, d} = tf_{t, f}\times idf_t = log_{10}(count(t, d) + 1)\times log_{10}(\frac{N}{df_t}) \end{align*}
- Intuition : how much more two words co-occur in our corpus than we should have a priori expected them to appear by chance; derived from mutual information \begin{align*} I(x, y) = log_2\frac{P(x, y)}{P(x)P(y)}\ PMI(w, c) = log_2\frac{P(w, c)}{P(x)P(c)} \end{align*}
- Numerator tells us how many times a word
$(w)$ and a context$(c)$ co-occur and the denominator tells us how many times we expect them to co-occur by chance - Since negatives are unreliable unless corpus is enormous, Positive PMI \begin{align*} PPMI(w, c) = max(log_2\frac{P(w, c)}{P(x)P(c)}, 0) \end{align*}
- PPMI matrix
p_{ij} = \frac{f_{ij}}{\sum_{i = 1}^{W}\sum_{j = 1}^{C}f_{ij}}\
p_{i*} = \frac{\sum_{j = 1}^{C}f_{ij}}{\sum_{i = 1}^{W}\sum_{j = 1}^{C}f_{ij}}\
p_{j*} = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{C}f_{ij}}{\sum_{i = 1}^{W}\sum_{j = 1}^{C}f_{ij}}\
PPMI_{ij} = max(log_2\frac{p_{ij}}{p_{i*}p_{j*}}, 0)
$f_ij$ is number of times word$w_i$ occurs in context - A slight variant \begin{align*} PPMI_\alpha(w, c) &= max(log_2\frac{P(w, c)}{P(w)P_\alpha(c)}, 0)\ \textrm{where, }P_\alpha(c) &= \frac{count(c)^\alpha}{\sum_c count(c)^\alpha} \end{align*}
- Laplace smoothing is another possibility
- Static embedding : method learns one fixed embedding for each word in the vocabulary
- Self-supervision : avoids hand-labeled supervision signal. Neural language model can just use the next word in running text as its supervision signal
- Skip-gram with negative sampling (SGNS)
- Treat the target word and a neighboring context word as positive examples
- Randomly sample other words in the lexicon to get negative examples
- Use logistic regression to train a classifier to distinguish those two cases
- Use the learned weights as the embeddings
- Use positive and negative probabilites \begin{align*} P(+|w,c) + P(-|w,c) = 1\ \end{align*}
- Intuition to compute probability : two vectors are similar if they have high dot product \begin{align*} Similarity(w,c)\approx c\cdot w \end{align*}
- Use sigmoid to convert dot product to probability \begin{align*} \sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + exp(-x)} \end{align*}
- Thus, we have \begin{align*} P(+|w,c) = \sigma(c\cdot w) = \frac{1}{1 + exp(-c\cdot w)} \end{align*} to sum things up to 1 \begin{align*} P(-|w,c) = 1 - P(+|w,c) = \sigma(-c\cdot w) = \frac{1}{1 + exp(c\cdot w)} \end{align*} Skip-gram assumes all context words are independent \begin{align*} P(+|w,c_{1:L}) = \Pi_{i = 1}^L\sigma(c_i\cdot w)\ logP(+|w,c_{1:L}) = \sum_{i = 1}^Llog\sigma(c_i\cdot w)\ \end{align*}
- Weighted probability gives better performance since it gives rare noise words slightly higher probability \begin{gather*} P_\alpha(w) = \frac{count(w)^\alpha}{\sum_{w\prime}count(w\prime)^\alpha} \end{gather*}
- Small context windows give semantically similar words with same POS, long context windows give words topically related. For +-2 window, words similar to Hogwarts are Sunnydale (school in Buffy the Vampier Slayer) or Evernight (school from Vampire series), but with +-5 window, words similar to Hogwarts ar Dumbledore, Malfoy, half-blood (i.e. topically related)
- First-order co-occurrence : words that are typically nearby each other (syntagmatic association)
- Second-order co-occurrence : words that have similar neighbours (paradigmatic association)
- Parallelogram model to solve simiarity questions like "apples are to trees what grapes are to _" word2vec solves this by taking maximizing distance \begin{align*} a:b::a*:b*\ \hat{b} = argmax_x distance(x, a* - a + b) \end{align*}
- Embeddings amplify bias
- Allocation harm : system allocates resources unfairly to different groups
- Representational harm : system demeaning or ignoring some social groups
- Embeddings to study historical semantics
- Neural network : network of small computing units each of which takes a vector of input values and produces a single output value
- Activation : maps weighted sum \begin{align*} z = w.x + b\ y = a = f(z) \end{align*} Some examples of activation functions include sigmoid, tanh, ReLU
- Sigmoid \begin{align*} y = \sigma(z) = \sigma(w.x + b) = \frac{1}{1+exp(-(w.x+b))} \end{align*} ranges from 0 to 1
- tanh \begin{align*} y = \frac{e^z - e^{-z}}{e^z + e^{-z}} \end{align*} ranges from -1 to 1
- ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) \begin{align*} y = max(x, 0) \end{align*}
- Unit = weighted sum + activation function
- Vanishing gradient problem : gradients that are almost 0 cause error signal to get smaller and smaller until it is too small to be used for training
- XOR is not linearly separable function
- Cycle-free network of units
- AKA Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs)
- Hidden units take weighted sum of inputs and apply non-linearity. Each unit takes input the outputs from all the units in the previous layer and there is a link between every pair of units from two adjacent layers
- Each single hidden unit has parameters
$w$ (weights) and$b$ (bias). All units in a layer weights$w_i$ and biases$b_i$ are represented as a weight matrix$W$ and bias matrix$b$ .$W_ji$ is weight of input$i$ connected to hidden unit$h_j$ - Thus output of hidden layer
$h$ can be defined as \begin{align*} h = \sigma(Wx+b) \end{align*} - Neural network is like logistic regression but
- It has many layers, so it is like layer after layer of logistic regression classifiers
- No feature templates are required, prior layers of the network induce feature representations
- Use cross-entropy loss as loss function
- Use error backpropogation/reverse differentiation for calculating error
- Pretraining : relying on another algorithm to have already learned an embedding representation for input words
- One hot vector : vector with one element equal to 1 and all others zero
- Named entity : anything that can be referred to with a proper name (person, location, organization etc)
- Sequence labelling : for each input word
$x_i$ assigning a label$y_i$ such that both input and assigned sequences have same length - Closed class parts of speech : relatively fixed membership (prepositions). A.k.a. function words (of, it, and, you etc). Very short, occur very frequently, have structuring use in grammar
- Open class parts of speech : nouns, verbs (iPhone, fax)
- Nouns : words for people, places, things
- Common nouns : concrete terms like cat and mang, abstractions like algorithm and beauty
- Count noun : occur in singular and plural (goat/goats, relationship/relationships)
- Mass noun : for homogeneous group (snow, salt, communism)
- Proper noun : names of specific persons/entities (Bharath, Lenovo etc)
- Verb : words for actions and processes (draw, provide, go)
- Adjectives : words describing nouns (good, bad, old, young)
- Adverb : modify other adverbs, verb phrases etc
- Directional/locative adverbs : home, here, downhill
- Degree adverbs : extremely, very, somewhat
- Manner adverbs : slowly, delicately
- Temporal adverbs : yesterday, Monday
- Interjections : oh, hey, alas, uh, um
- Prepositions : words expressing spatial/temporal relations occurring before nouns (on it, before then, on time, with gusto)
- Particle : preposition/adverb used in combination with a verb
- Phrasal verb : verb + particle acting as a single unit
- Determiners : this, that etc marking the start of an English noun phrase
- Article : a, an, the; determiners that mark discourse properties of noun
- Conjunction : join two phrases, clauses or sentences
- Pronoun : shorthand for referring to an entity or event
- Personal pronouns : refer to persons/entities (you, she, I, it)
- Possessive pronouns : personal pronouns that indicate either actual possession or abstract relation between person and some object
- Wh-pronouns (what, who, whom, whoever)
- Auxiliary verbs : mark semantic features of a main verb such as its tense (is it completed, is it negated, is it necessary, possible, suggested or desired). E.g. be, do, have
- POS tagging as a disambiguation task : role of POS is to resolve ambiguities
- Always compare an algorithm with most frequent class baseline
- BIO tagging :
- B : begins a span of interest
- I : inside a span of interest
- O : Outside any span of interest
- BIOES : BIO + End + single span
- Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
$Q = q_1,\dots,q_n$ set of$N$ states -
$A[n\times n]$ transition probability matrix -
$O[T]$ observations drawn from vocabulary$v_1\dots v_V$ -
$B = b_i(o_t)$ observation likelihoods -- probability of observing$o_t$ when in state$q_i$ -
$\pi = \pi_1\dots \pi_N$ initial probability distribution
- First order hidden Markov Model
- Markov assumption
$P(q_i|q_1,\dots,q_{i - 1}) = P(q_i|q_{i - 1})$ - Output Independence
$P(o_i | q_1,\dots,q_i,\dots,q_T,\dots,o_1,\dots,o_i,\dots,o_T) = P(o_i | q_i)$
- Markov assumption
- Components of HMM
$A$ matrix : tag transition probabilities \begin{align*} P(t_i|t_{i - 1}) = \frac{C(t_{i - 1}, t_i)}{C(t_{i - 1})} \end{align*} -
$B$ matrix : emission probabilities \begin{align*} P(w_i|t_i) = \frac{C(t_i, w_i)}{C(t_i)} \end{align*}
- HMM tagging as decoding : given as input a HMM
$\lambda = (A, B)$ and a sequence of observations$O = o_1,o_2,\dots,o_T$ find the most probable sequence of states$Q = q_1q_2\dots q_T$ \begin{align*} \hat{t}{1:n} &= argmax{t_1\dots t_n}P(t_1\dots t_n | w_1\dots w_n)\ &= argmax_{t_1\dots t_n}\frac{P(w_1\dots w_n | t_1\dots t_n) P(t_1\dots t_n)}{P(w_1\dots w_n)}\textrm{(Baye's rule)}\ &= argmax_{t_1\dots t_n}P(w_1\dots w_n | t_1\dots t_n) P(t_1\dots t_n) \end{align*}
Two further assumptions by HMM taggers
$P(w_1\dots w_n | t_1\dots t_n)\approx\prod_{i=1}{n}P(w_i|t_i)$ , i.e. probability of word depends only on its tag and is independent of neighbouring tags and words -
$P(t_1\dots t_n)\approx\prod_{i = 1}{n} P(t_i|t_{i - 1})$ i.e. bigram assumption : probability of a tag is dependent only on the previous tag, rather than entire sequence
Therefore, \begin{align*} \hat{t}{1:n} &= argmax{t_1\dots t_n}P(w_1\dots w_n | t_1\dots t_n) P(t_1\dots t_n)\ &= argmax_{t_1\dots t_n}\prod_{i = 1}^{n} P(w_i|t_i)P(t_i|t_{i - 1}) \end{align*}
i.e. emission
- Viterbi algorithm : observation sequence
$\times (A, B)\rightarrow$ best tag sequence, tag sequence prob
- Autoregressive generation : randomly samle a word to begin a sequence based on its suitability as the start of a sequence and sample further words conditioned on our previous choices until we reach a pre-determined length or end of sequence token is generated
- Neural networks with loops
- Critical difference is that RNNs have a temporal dimension since it does not impose a fixed-length limit on the prior context -- the context embodied in the previouis hidden layer includes information extending back to the beginning of the sequence
- Parallel, unlike RNN which process one word at a time
- Positional encoder : vector that gives context based on position of word in
- Attention : importance of each word when generating the next word
- Self attention : how relevant is English word[i] to other words in same sentence
- Self attention : how relevant is French word[i] to other words in same sentence
- Encoder-decoder attention : each vector represents relationship of word
with all other words (both English and French)
- Generate tokens
Q, K, V : used to compute attention vectors, each extracts different feature of input word
BERT : Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers
stack of transfomers
Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) :
Masked Language Modeling (MLM) : Tokens -> Embeddings (Token + Segment + Position) -> NSP + MLM -> softmax + cross entropy loss
- Supervised learning
- Two bidirectional RNNs, tranied to preserve context
- Forward lawer capture right to left context, backward layer capture right to left context
- Weighted sum of two context vectors, naive input
CRF : log-linear model assigns probability to entire tag sequence Y, given entire input sequence X