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EQL Repository Structure

This document is subject to change as EQL is actively being improved. If you find any inconsistencies, please raise an issue in the repository. Your contribution is highly valuable.

The /crates directory in the iankressin/eql repository contains all the Rust code for the project, organized into three main subdirectories: /cli, /core, /wasm and /macros. Each subdirectory houses Rust source code for different components of the EVM Query Language (EQL) project.


This directory contains the source code for the EQL command-line interface (CLI) tool.


    • The entry point for the EQL program. It defines the Arguments struct using the clap crate for parsing command-line arguments, supporting run (to execute a .eql file) and reply (to start an interactive REPL).
    • The ResultHandler struct manages the display of program or query results in a formatted manner.
    • The main function sets up the asynchronous runtime using tokio, initializes the Arguments struct, and handles either execution of EQL expressions via Interpreter::run_program or starts a REPL session.

    • Implements a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) for the EQL CLI, handling user inputs, executing EQL expressions, and displaying results interactively using the crossterm crate for terminal manipulation, eql_core for expression interpretation, and tabled for result formatting.
    • The Repl struct manages REPL session state, including command history, cursor position, current expression, and output display.
    • Key methods include run (loops through user's inputs), redraw_line (updates the current line in the REPL), run_expression (executes expressions using the Interpreter), and display_result (formats and shows the results).


This directory contains the logic for interpreting and executing EQL expressions, divided into two primary modules: interpreter and common.

interpreter Module

Contains the code for executing EQL queries, with key responsibilities split between frontend (parsing and analysis) and backend (query execution).


    • Coordinates the frontend (parsing and analysis) and backend (execution) components.
    • The Interpreter struct implements run_program, run_frontend (parses expressions and performs semantic checks), and run_backend (executes parsed expressions).
    • The eql function serves as the interface for the wasm module.
  • frontend module:

    • Parses expression arguments into an Expression struct.
    • Uses the Pest Parser library to define syntax rules and match expressions into defined structs. Includes functions like parse_expressions (handles different expression types), parse_get_expr (parses GET expressions), and get_fields (handles fields in GET expressions). Pest includes a book and this video provides a simple introduction to it.
    • productions.pest: Contains the syntax rules for EQL expressions. It can be tested in the Pest playground.
    • SemanticAnalyzer: Performs additional checks on parsed expressions, ensuring fields correspond to their entities.
  • backend module:

    • Executes queries using the Alloy library.
    • Processes parsed expressions and executes them, with functions tailored to handle different entity types and their respective query requirements. It implements the run_get_expr (for each entity type, it parse the fields into a vector, resolve the entity IDs and Filters, and call the respective resolve function for that entity).
    • resolve_account: Called in execution engine when Entity::Account, map each account_id to a future list and concurrently collect the results. Two auxiliary functions are to_address (resolve ENS) and get_account (query accounts using alloy::{get_balance, get_transaction_count, get_code_at}).
    • resolve_block: Called in execution engine when Entity::Block, map each block_id to a future list and concurrently collect the results, flattening results into a single vec. Two auxiliary functions are batch_get_block (call get_block to all BlockRange) and get_block (query blocks using alloy::get_block_by_number).
    • resolve_logs: Called in execution engine when Entity::Log, it has one function resolve_log_query (query logs using alloy::get_logs with the provided filter).
    • resolve_transaction: Called in execution engine when Entity::Transaction, map each transaction_id to a future list and concurrently collect the results. The auxiliary functions is get_transaction (query transactions fields using alloy::get_transaction_by_hash).

common Module

Contains types and utilities shared across the program, such as entities, query builders, and results.

  • Defines the EQLBuilder struct for constructing and executing EQL queries, allowing specification of fields, entities, entity_id, entity_filter, chains and dump.
  • Includes various types and enums like Expression, Field, entity-specific fields, with conversion methods for parsing and DumpFormat.
  • Defines the Entity enum for blockchain entities (e.g., Block, Transaction, Account and Logs) and methods for string conversion.
  • Defines the EntityId enum for different entity identifiers, supporting conversions from Pest pairs.
  • Defines the EntityFilter enum represents different types of filter you can make when quering. It's mainly used for Logs.It also supports conversions from Pest pairs.
  • Defines structs for query results corresponding to different entity types, and defining the schema each entity have.
  • Provides the Chain enum, representing various blockchains (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum) with associated RPC URLs and IDs.
  • Implements Ethereum Name Service (ENS) functionality, including address resolution and the namehash algorithm.
  • Implements functionality for dumping query results into different file formats. It provides functions to serialize data into JSON, CSV, and Parquet formats. The main function dump_results takes an ExpressionResult and a Dump configuration, then writes the serialized data to a file based on the specified format.


This directory contains a Rust crate providing WebAssembly bindings for EQL.

  • Exposes an asynchronous function eql that interprets a string-based EQL program using eql_interpreter from eql_core, returning results as JsValue.


This directory contains the procedural macros for eql_core.

  • Defines the only procedural macro currently, called EnumVariants (uses the proc_macro crate to generate all_variants() method for the enum.)

Other Files

  • Cargo.toml: Lists the dependencies required for the crate.
  • src Directory: Contains the Rust source files for each module.


This document outlines the structure and purpose of each component within the EQL repository. For more detailed and up-to-date information, refer directly to the source code, and contribute improvements or report issues via the repository's issue tracker.