This is GPU powered Docker image for reinforcement-learning environment with HTML5 VNC Viewer. This image is installed ...
- Open AI roboschool
- Chainer
- ChainerRL
- Keras
- Keras-RL
- Tensorflow
- X11VNC
- And other dependencies.
This image is largely inspired by the following repository.
This image is based on ikeyasu/opengl:cuda8.0-cudnn5-devel-ubuntu16.04. [ikeyasu/opengl] is based on thewtex/opengl.
If you have nvidia GPU
$ docker pull ikeyasu/reinforcement-learning
$ docker run --runtime=nvidia -it -p 6080:6080 ikeyasu/reinforcement-learning:latest
Please open http://localhost:6080 or http://(host ip address):6080 on browser.
Please type the following command on vnc screen.
$ python3 $ROBOSCHOOL_PATH/agent_zoo/