All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed a bug where the a11y checker could be opened twice and cause content to become deleted
- change
$(npm bin)/command
tonpx command
- Change the violation highlight from an absolutely positioned blue box to an outline created with just CSS
- Changes to cope with the RCE being put in browser-native fullscreen
- Fixed a bug that over aggressively kept track of the blue box that shows the element in violation.
- Updated dependency versions
- A new configurable rule that informs users to not use H1 headings
- A changelog to make changes clear
command's paramateradditional_rules
has been renamedadditionalRules
- Bug that caused inconsistent checking behavior between
when using a non-default configuration
- TinyMCE v4 support