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Runtime API Tracing for OpenCL(TM)


OpenCL(TM) API tracing allows to intercept standard API calls by injecting user-defined callback to function enter and exit points, as well as to read and modify traced function arguments and return value.

OpenCL(TM) runtimes for Intel(R) Processor Graphics, Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor and Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU support special tracing extension functions that can be obtained by clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform call.

The following functions are exposed:

//! Function creates a tracing handle object
cl_int CL_API_CALL clCreateTracingHandleINTEL(
    cl_device_id device,          //!< OpenCL device to create a tracing handle for
    cl_tracing_callback callback, //!< User-defined callback that will be called along with traced
                                  //!< API functions
    void *userData,               //!< Pointer to any data user would like to pass to the callback,
                                  //!< can be NULL
    cl_tracing_handle *handle);   //!< Tracing handle object that describes current tracing session

//! Function allows to specify which target API call should be traced
cl_int CL_API_CALL clSetTracingPointINTEL(
    cl_tracing_handle handle,  //!< Tracing handle object
    cl_function_id functionId, //!< Identifier of the API function from the list
    cl_bool enable);           //!< Flag that shows if the API function should be traced or not

//! Function destroys the tracing handle object and releases all the associated resources
cl_int CL_API_CALL clDestroyTracingHandleINTEL(
    cl_tracing_handle handle); //!< Tracing handle object

//! Function enables the tracing process for the handle
cl_int CL_API_CALL clEnableTracingINTEL(
    cl_tracing_handle handle); //!< Tracing handle object

//! Function disables the tracing process for the handle
cl_int CL_API_CALL clDisableTracingINTEL(
    cl_tracing_handle handle); //!< Tracing handle object

//!  Function requests the tracing state for the handle (if it is enabled or disabled)
cl_int CL_API_CALL clGetTracingStateINTEL(
    cl_tracing_handle handle, //!< Tracing handle object
    cl_bool *enable);         //!< Returns TRUE if tracing handle is enabled and FALSE otherwise

Supported Runtimes:

Supported OS:

  • Linux
  • Windows

Supported HW:

  • Intel(R) Processor Graphics, Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor and Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor

Needed Headers:

Needed Libraries:

How To Use

  1. Get a pointer to the function using clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform call, e.g.:
decltype(clCreateTracingHandleINTEL)* _clCreateTracingHandleINTEL =
          platform, "clCreateTracingHandleINTEL"));
  1. Define the function that will be called along with the traced API, e.g.:
void Callback(cl_function_id fid,
              cl_callback_data* callback_data,
              void* user_data) {
  std::count << "Function " << callback_data->functionName << " is called (" <<
    (callback_data->site == CL_CALLBACK_SITE_ENTER ? "enter" : "exit") <<
    ")" << std::endl;
  1. Create a tracing handle for the target device:
  cl_tracing_handle handle = nullptr;
  cl_int status = _clCreateTracingHandleINTEL(device, callback,
                                              nullptr, &handle);
  assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
  1. Set OpenCL(TM) API functions that should be traced, e.g.:
  status = _clSetTracingPointINTEL(
      handle, CL_FUNCTION_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, CL_TRUE);
  assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
  1. Enable tracing session. Then you will be notified on every traced API call:
  status = _clEnableTracingINTEL(handle);
  assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
  1. To stop tracing, disable it. This call is blocked in a sense it waits for all callbacks, which may be in the process of execution:
  status = _clDisableTracingINTEL(handle);
  assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);
  1. Destroy tracing handle to release all the resources:
  status = _clDestroyTracingHandleINTEL(handle);
  assert(status == CL_SUCCESS);

Usage Details

  • refer to OpenCL(TM) runtime API tracing headers to learn more on tracing interfaces and data types

