This is one of the 100+ free recipes of the IPython Cookbook, Second Edition, by Cyrille Rossant, a guide to numerical computing and data science in the Jupyter Notebook. The ebook and printed book are available for purchase at Packt Publishing.
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Chapter 4 : Profiling and Optimization
Python's native cProfile module and the corresponding %prun
magic break down the execution time of code function by function. Sometimes, we may need an even more fine-grained analysis of code performance with a line-by-line report. Such reports can be easier to read than the reports of cProfile.
To profile code line-by-line, we need an external Python module named line_profiler
. In this recipe, we will demonstrate how to use this module within IPython.
To install line_profiler
, type conda install line_profiler
in a terminal.
We will profile the same simulation code as in the previous recipe, line-by-line.
- First, let's import NumPy and the
IPython extension module that comes with the package:
import numpy as np
%load_ext line_profiler
- This IPython extension module provides an
magic command to profile a Python function line-by-line. It works best when the function is defined in a file and not in the interactive namespace or in the Notebook. Therefore, here we write our code in a Python script using the %%writefile cell magic:
import numpy as np
def step(*shape):
# Create a random n-vector with +1 or -1 values.
return 2 * (np.random.random_sample(shape)<.5) - 1
def simulate(iterations, n=10000):
s = step(iterations, n)
x = np.cumsum(s, axis=0)
bins = np.arange(-30, 30, 1)
y = np.vstack([np.histogram(x[i,:], bins)[0]
for i in range(iterations)])
return y
- Now, let's import this script into the interactive namespace so that we can execute and profile our code:
from simulation import simulate
- We execute the function under the control of the line profiler. The functions to be profiled need to be explicitly specified in the
magic command. We also save the report in a file namedlprof0
%lprun -T lprof0 -f simulate simulate(50)
*** Profile printout saved to text file 'lprof0'.
- Let's display the report:
print(open('lprof0', 'r').read())
The %lprun
command accepts a Python statement as its main argument. The functions to profile need to be explicitly specified with -f
. Other optional arguments include -D
, -T
, and -r
, and they work in a similar way to their %prun
magic command counterparts.
The line_profiler
module displays the time spent on each line of the profiled functions, either in timer units or as a fraction of the total execution time. These details are essential when we are looking for hotspots in our code.
Tracing is a related method. Python's trace module allows us to trace program execution of Python code. That's particularly useful during in-depth debugging and profiling sessions. We can follow the entire sequence of instructions executed by the Python interpreter. More information on the trace module is available at
In addition, the Online Python Tutor is an online interactive educational tool that can help us understand what the Python interpreter is doing step-by-step as it executes a program's source code. The Online Python Tutor is available at
Here are a few references:
repository at
- Profiling your code easily with cProfile and IPython
- Profiling the memory usage of your code with memory_profiler