First of all, you're awesome! Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Spina
There's a bunch of ways to help, and we welcome any and all of them:
- Opening issues
- Commenting on open issues
- Sending PRs
- Testing PRs
- Writing tests
- Writing documentation
We always welcome code contributions, be it fixing an issue or adding new features.
The general workflow follows these steps:
- Open an issue / Find an issue / Suggest a feature via our GitHub Issues page
- Discuss the issue/feature with our team of developers and community members
- Take ownership of the issue/feature
- Fork the project
- Create a feature branch and begin work
- Sync your work with the main branch from time to time
- Open PR and iterate
- Accepted and Merged!
In shell commands, that will look something like:
# Fork the repository
$ git clone
$ cd Spina
$ git checkout -b feature/feature_name
# Code
# Run tests
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Adding posts support."
$ git push
# Open PR from your feature branch to master
Thank you.