diff --git a/docs/content/introduction/best-practices.mdx b/docs/content/introduction/best-practices.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..682959d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/introduction/best-practices.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title: Best practices
+description: The dos and dont's of IssueOps
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+import {
+ Do,
+ Dont,
+ DoDontContainer,
+ Note
+} from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+import { StateLabel, Timeline } from '@primer/react'
+import { PersonIcon } from '@primer/octicons-react'
+## GitHub APIs
+ Use GitHub Apps for accessing organization-level APIs
+ Use personal access tokens
+## Sensitive information
+ Use issue forms inputs that accept references to sensitive information in
+ secure locations
+ Accept sensitive information directly in issues
+## Validation
+ Validate issue and comment text at every step in the IssueOps workflow
+ Rely on labels to determine if an issue has been validated or approved
diff --git a/docs/content/introduction/index.mdx b/docs/content/introduction/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fc76cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/introduction/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+title: Overview
+ IssueOps is a framework for using GitHub issues and pull requests as part of
+ workflows
+status: Beta
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+import { Note } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+import { Avatar, Box, StateLabel, Timeline } from '@primer/react'
+import { Blankslate } from '@primer/react/drafts'
+import { BookIcon, PersonIcon } from '@primer/octicons-react'
+## Issues and pull requests
+In GitHub, a pull request (PR) can be interacted with in a lot of the same ways
+as an issue. For example, the
+[List repository issues](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/issues/issues?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-repository-issues)
+REST API will return both issues and PRs for a repository.
+This means that many of the features of an issue are applicable to a PR.
+However, PRs have some extra functionality that can also be used in an IssueOps
+workflow. Depending on the use-case, you might want to select one over the
+other. For example, if you want to use the review and approval functionality for
+changes to repository contents, you'll need to use a PR. If you want to use the
+[issue forms](https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/syntax-for-issue-forms)
+feature, you'll need to use an issue.
+For more information on their structure and usage in IssueOps, see
+[Issues and PRs](/introduction/issues-and-prs).
+## IssueOps concept
+Think of IssueOps as a
+[state diagram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_diagram). An issue is the
+_object_ that changes state in response to specific _events_. As the object
+changes state, certain _actions_ may be performed as part of the _transition_
+(provided any _guard_ conditions are met). Once an _end state_ is reached, the
+issue is considered complete and can be closed.
+### State Diagrams
+The following sections contain definitions and examples of common terms used in
+state diagrams. These terms are used throughout this documentation.
+#### Action
+An atomic task that is performed when a transition is taken.
+ @mona has invited you to collaborate
+#### Event
+An external occurrence that triggers a state change.
+ @octocat self-assigned this
+#### Guard
+A condition that is evaluated when a trigger event occurs. A transition is taken
+only if all associated guard conditions are met.
+#### State
+A point in an object's lifecycle that satisfies certain condition(s).
+ Open
+#### Transition
+A link between two states that, when traversed by an object, will cause certain
+action(s) to be performed.
+## IssueOps workflow
+In general, an IssueOps workflow will follow the same basic pattern:
+1. A user opens an issue and provides information about a request
+1. The issue is validated to ensure it contains the required information
+1. (Optional) Approval is requested from an authorized user or team
+1. The request is processed and the issue is closed
+Let's use a more practical example...
+### Example: GitHub team membership
+_**User Story:** As a developer, I should be able to request membership to
+various teams and, if approved by administrators, be granted membership._
+Suppose you are an admin of an organization and would like to reduce the
+overhead of managing team membership. You can use IssueOps to build an automated
+membership request and approval process.
+We can assume the current, manual workflow looks something like this when
+rendered as a state diagram.
+ In state diagram format, nodes represent the state of an object (the
+ membership request), while transitions represent actions that are taken as the
+ object changes state.
+ 1 : Start
+ 2 : Submitted
+ 3 : Approved
+ 4 : Denied
+ 5 : Closed
+ [*] --> 1
+ 1 --> 2 : Submit request
+ 2 --> 3 : Approve request
+ 2 --> 4 : Deny request
+ 3 --> 5 : Add to team
+ 4 --> 5 : Notify user
+ 5 --> [*]
+When creating an IssueOps workflow, you can use this diagram as a starting point
+to determine what events should trigger state changes, how to represent those
+events in issues, and what actions to take in response to state changes.
+## Event triggers
+In the membership request workflow, there are several events that trigger a
+change in the request state:
+- A user submits a request
+- An admin approves a request
+- An admin denies a request
+- A user is added to a team
+- A user is notified
+In GitHub, there are many ways to trigger events. For a full list, see
+[Events that trigger workflows](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows).
+Here, we will focus on the events that are most relevant to IssueOps.
+### Issues
+Events related to issues seem like a good fit for IssueOps :wink: Issues
+are the entrypoint to the worflow. In particular, the issue being _opened_. You
+can think of this as someone coming to you and saying "Can you add me to this
+team?" Until this event occurs, there's nothing to do!
+However, this is not the only issue event that can be used in a workflow. The
+following table lists other
+[issue events](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#issues)
+and example use-cases.
+| Event | Example |
+| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `opened` | Start a request workflow |
+| `edited` | Re-validate a modified request |
+| `deleted` | Cancel in-flight tasks for a request |
+| `transferred` | Assign ownership of a request to a different department |
+| `pinned` | Upgrade the severity/urgency of a request |
+| `unpinned` | Downgrade the severity/urgency of a request |
+| `closed` | End a request workflow |
+| `reopened` | Restart a request workflow |
+| `assigned` | Ping the assignee in Slack |
+| `unassigned` | Ping the previous assignee in Slack |
+| `labeled` | Track the current state of a request |
+| `unlabeled` | Track the current state of a request |
+| `locked` | See [locking conversations](https://docs.github.com/en/communities/moderating-comments-and-conversations/locking-conversations) |
+| `unlocked` | See [locking conversations](https://docs.github.com/en/communities/moderating-comments-and-conversations/locking-conversations) |
+| `milestoned` | Track requests by type to compare to team goals |
+| `demilestoned` | Track requests by type to compare to team goals |
+ [Access to delete
+ issues](https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-organization-settings/allowing-people-to-delete-issues-in-your-organization)
+ should be carefully controlled. If you delete an issue, you will lose all of
+ the information associated with it, including comments and attachments. You
+ will also lose this request in the history of the repository.
+### Issue comments
+After an issue is opened, other events must take place that change the state and
+drive it through the workflow. In the membership request workflow, for example,
+commenting on an issue is a great way to handle state changes such as an
+administrator approving or denying the request.
+ A core difference between issues and PRs is that issues do not have a built-in
+ approval process. However, this can be implemented using issue comments. For
+ more information, see [Approvals](/workflow/approvals).
+Currently there are only three
+[`issue_comment` events](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#issue_comment)
+that can trigger workflows:
+- `created`
+- `edited`
+- `deleted`
+In all three cases, the _context_ of the comment should be taken into account to
+determine how to transition the request state. For example, if only authorized
+administrators are allowed to approve team membership requests, how should an
+IssueOps workflow react if someone else comments with approval?
+All GitHub Actions workflow runs include important
+[context information](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/contexts)
+that can be accessed by your workflow. The
+[`issue_comment` context](https://docs.github.com/en/webhooks/webhook-events-and-payloads#issue_comment)
+can provide us with information to decide what actions to take, if any. In our
+team membership workflow, we can get the user that created the comment using the
+`github.event.comment.user.login` property. We can then use this to determine if
+the user is authorized to approve the request.
+### Labels
+Labels are a great way to track the state of a request. You can think of these
+as the nodes in a state diagram, while the transitions are the actions that are
+taken as the request changes state. You can also use labels to classify the
+types of requests when your repository supports more than one IssueOps workflow.
+For example, in the membership request workflow, you might have the following
+| Label | Description |
+| ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `team-membership-request` | The type of request |
+| `submitted` | Requests that have been submitted and are pending review |
+Looking at this list, you may ask "why there aren't labels for `approved`,
+`denied`, or `closed` states?" These states don't have any transitions that do
+not lead to the issue being closed. In other words, once a request is approved
+or denied, the issue will **always** reach the `closed` state, regardless of
+whether it was approved or denied. If this workflow had more steps, such as
+requiring multiple approvals, additional states would need to be tracked.
+As with `issue_comment` events, there are only three
+[`label` events](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#label)
+- `created`
+- `edited`
+- `deleted`
+These, however, refer to the actual creation and modification of the label
+itself, so they may not apply to your workflow. You will generally use the
+`issue => labeled` event instead.
+ Anyone with access to create issues can also change labels! Labels are good
+ for state tracking, but should not be used to determine if a request is valid!
+ For more information, see the [Validate](/workflow/validate) step.
+## GitHub features
+You can leverage other GitHub features to dramatically increase the value of
+### Secrets
+let you store sensitive information at the organization, repository, or
+environment level to share with GitHub Actions workflows. You can use secrets to
+store information such as API keys, passwords, or tokens. Secrets are encrypted
+and only exposed to runners at runtime. You can use secrets to store information
+such as API keys, passwords, or tokens that can be used to access external
+resources from your workflows.
+### Projects and milestones
+Keeping track of requests, especially when you have an approval process in
+place, is important.
+make it easy to track requests throughout their lifecycle. You can automatically
+add issues as they are created, and use lifecycle rules to keep track of the
+state of requests without having to manually move them around your project
+You can also combine this with
+to better organize issues and PRs. For example, if your IssueOps repository
+includes workflows for multiple types of requests, you can add issues for each
+request type to a corresponding milestone. That way they are automatically
+categorized in your project.
+[Project insights](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/planning-and-tracking-with-projects/viewing-insights-from-your-project)
+give you a visual snapshot of how requests are being processed. You can create
+custom graphs of to see when and how teams are using your workflows.
+### GitHub Apps
+One of the most important things to consider when creating workflows that
+interact with the GitHub APIs is permissions. GitHub Actions workflows can only
+interact with the repository in which they run. For example, the default
+permissions do not allow GitHub Actions to manage team membership. If you are
+building a workflow that interacts with resources outside of the repository it
+is running in, you should consider creating an organization-level
+[GitHub App](https://docs.github.com/en/apps/overview) and installing it in your
+IssueOps repository. That way, you can use the permissions of the app to
+interact with other resources in your organization.
+For more information, see [GitHub Apps](/reference/github-apps).
diff --git a/docs/content/introduction/issues-and-prs.mdx b/docs/content/introduction/issues-and-prs.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f0cbd14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/introduction/issues-and-prs.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+title: Issues and PRs
+description: The structure of issues and pull requests
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+## Issues
+### Issue structure
+| Component | Format | Description |
+| ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Title | Text | The title of an issue |
+| Body | Markdown | The body of an issue, either entered by the user or generated by a template |
+| Assignees | List | The users assigned to the issue |
+| Labels | List | The labels applied to the issue |
+| Milestones | List | The milestones applied to the issue |
+| Relations | List | The issues and PRs related to the issue |
+| Development | List | The branches or PRs linked to the issue |
+| Projects | List | The projects the issue is associated with |
+| Participants | List | The users who have interacted with the issue |
+| Timeline | List | The events that have occurred on the issue |
+| Comments | Timeline items | The comments that have been added to the issue |
+| Reactions | Timeline items | The reactions that have been added to the issue or its comments |
+### Title
+The title of an issue should be descriptive and concise. It should be easy to
+### Body
+This can be entered directly by the user, or you can enforce a desired format
+using issue forms. Issue forms will help you enforce a standard format that is
+easy to parse and validate.
+### Assignees
+### Labels
+Labels are a great way to control the flow of an issue through the state(s)
+you've defined. Any time a issue is commented on or updated, you can use labels
+to tell where in the flow it is currently, and where it needs to go next.
+### Milestones
+### Relations
+### Development
+### Projects
+### Participants
+### Timeline
+### Comments
+Other than the issue body, comments are how a user will drive your IssueOps
+flow. You should define keywords that your workflow looks for to trigger certain
+actions. Suppose you have a workflow where a user can create a new repository.
+After the issue has been validated, the user can comment on the issue with a
+keyword such as “.submit” to trigger the creation of their repo.
+You can also use them to communicate information back to the user. For example,
+if the issue body contains invalid or incorrect information, you can reply to
+the issue stating what needs to be corrected. For example, in the screenshot,
+you can see that a comment was added to the issue because the request was
+missing information.
+### Reactions
+Though they don't convey as much information as a comment, adding reactions to
+issues and comments are a nice way to let the user know that their input has
+been received and is being processed. If needed, you can follow up with a
+comment when processing is complete.
+## Pull requests
+In a pull request, there are a couple additional features that can be used:
+### Reviews and Approvals
+Currently, issues don't include an approval functionality. If you want to
+implement this in an issue, you will need to do so using comments.
+In a PR, however, you can define specific users or teams that need to approve a
+request before it is completed.
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/branch-deployments.mdx b/docs/content/reference/branch-deployments.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41c4dd44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/branch-deployments.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: Branch deployments
+description: Reliably ship code using IssueOps in PRs
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+One interesting topic to include when talking about IssueOps is branch
+deployments. High-level, branch deployments let you run and control deployments
+from your PRs.
+If you don't already know what they are, the easiest way to explain them is to
+compare them to the traditional merge deploy model. In the merge deploy model:
+A developer creates a feature branch and commits changes.
+The developer opens a PR to get feedback from others.
+Once approved, the PR is merged and a deployment starts from the main branch.
+This works fine, but if there are bugs in the PR, you have to either merge in
+fixes or revert the commits and redeploy. In the branch deploy model, changes
+are deployed from the feature branch and validated before being merged into the
+main branch. This ensures that whatever is in main can be deployed at any time.
+If there is a problem with the deployment from the feature branch, you can
+simply redeploy main as-is.
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/github-apps.mdx b/docs/content/reference/github-apps.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32d1743b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/github-apps.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: GitHub Apps
+description: Control access to organization-level APIs
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
diff --git a/docs/content/workflow/approve.mdx b/docs/content/workflow/approve.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d11b4971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/workflow/approve.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: Approve an issue
+description: Allow processing to continue
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
diff --git a/docs/content/workflow/close.mdx b/docs/content/workflow/close.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ced2e672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/workflow/close.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: Close an issue
+description: Mark this request as done
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
diff --git a/docs/content/workflow/create.mdx b/docs/content/workflow/create.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a833d203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/workflow/create.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: Create an issue
+description: The start of the IssueOps workflow
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
diff --git a/docs/content/workflow/index.mdx b/docs/content/workflow/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a82b6347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/workflow/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: IssueOps workflow
+description: Implementation of the IssueOps workflow
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
diff --git a/docs/content/workflow/submit.mdx b/docs/content/workflow/submit.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b580963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/workflow/submit.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: Submit an issue
+description: Begin processing of the request
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
diff --git a/docs/content/workflow/validate.mdx b/docs/content/workflow/validate.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11aef103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/workflow/validate.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: Validate an issue
+description: Validate early, and validate often!
+status: Alpha
+export { Layout as default } from '@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript'
+The validation step is where you can perform any checks to ensure that the
+request is valid. This is a great place to check for things like:
+Inputs for drop-down fields are one of the available options
+Inputs for text fields are in the correct format
+Inputs for checkboxes are valid
+Validation should be done early and often! After a request is initially
+validated, there is nothing stopping a user from editing the issue and
+submitting it with invalid inputs. Consider re-running validation logic any time
+the following events happen:
+The issue is created
+The issue body is edited
+The issue is closed and reopened
+The request is submitted for provisioning/creation
+After a request is validated successfully, it's helpful to provide a summary of
+the actions that will be taken when the user submits the request. However, if
+you have good validation logic in place, you can probably remove this step and
+move straight to requesting approval after the issue is created. However you’ll
+still need to consider how to handle situations such as an admin approving the
+request and the user updating the issue body (this is simple to do by checking
+the comment timestamps).
diff --git a/docs/src/@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript/nav.yml b/docs/src/@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript/nav.yml
index 6a114d7a..a81afca0 100644
--- a/docs/src/@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript/nav.yml
+++ b/docs/src/@issue-ops/gatsby-theme-doctocat-typescript/nav.yml
@@ -1,32 +1,28 @@
- title: Introduction
- - title: Getting started
- url: /getting-started
- - title: Gatsby CLI
- url: /getting-started/gatsby-cli
- - title: Examples
- url: /getting-started/examples
-- title: Usage
+ - title: Overview
+ url: /introduction
+ - title: Issues and PRs
+ url: /introduction/issues-and-prs
+ - title: Best Practices
+ url: /introduction/best-practices
+- title: IssueOps Workflow
- - title: Local development
- url: /usage/local-development
- - title: Customization
- url: /usage/customization
- - title: Front matter
- url: /usage/front-matter
- - title: Live code
- url: /usage/live-code
- - title: Deployment
- url: /usage/deployment
- - title: Using images
- url: /usage/using-images
-- title: Components
+ - title: About
+ url: /workflow
+ - title: Create
+ url: /workflow/create
+ - title: Validate
+ url: /workflow/validate
+ - title: Submit
+ url: /workflow/submit
+ - title: Approve
+ url: /workflow/approve
+ - title: Close
+ url: /workflow/close
+- title: Reference
- - title: Caption
- url: /components/caption
- - title: Do/Don't
- url: /components/do-dont
- - title: ImageContainer
- url: /components/image-container
- - title: Note
- url: /components/note
+ - title: Branch Deployments
+ url: /reference/branch-deployments
+ - title: GitHub Apps
+ url: /reference/github-apps