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Install TAP 1.5 through GitOps on TKGm

Official docs to Install Tanzu Application Platform through Gitops with Secrets OPerationS (SOPS)

Choosing ESO vs SOPS, check this docs page. I this guide we will use SOPS.

0. Repo instructions

You'll need a file located in a local-config at the root of this repo containing these three environment variables:

export TANZU_NET_USERNAME="" # Your TanzuNet username
export TANZU_NET_PASSWORD="" # Your TanzuNet password
export REGISTRY_USERNAME="tap-admin" # A Harbor Registry username
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD="" # A Harbor Registry password
export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="" # A GitHub Token
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="" # AWS Access Key ID for Acme DNS challenge if using Route53
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="" # AWS Secret Access Key for Acme DNS challenge if using Route53

Then run:

source ./local-config/

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Install SOPS CLI

SOPS CLI to view and edit SOPS encrypted files. To install the SOPS CLI, see SOPS documentation in GitHub.

# For Mac ARM
curl -JOL
sudo chmod +x sops-v3.7.3.darwin.arm64 && sudo mv sops-v3.7.3.darwin.arm64 /usr/local/bin/sops

1.2 Install Age CLI

Age CLI to create an ecryption key used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data. To install the Age CLI, see age documentation in GitHub.

# For Mac
brew install age

1.3 Prepare k8s cluster

In this guide we will deploy on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid multicloud on vSphere, which is one of the supported scenarios.

It's assumed some infra/k8s components are deployed and prepared beforehand:

  • Existing TKGm 2.1.1 workload cluster deployed with minimum 16 CPUs across all available nodes (2 nodes w/ 8 CPUs per node better than 3 nodes w/ 5 CPUs per node due to DaemonSets), and with 8 GB memory and 100GB disk per node.
  • No TKGm user-managed Packages pre installed in the workload clusters we are targeting for TAP deployment.
  • AVI L4 is enabled in workload cluster (or other L4 solution like MetalLB or Native Cloud LB), but no AVI L7 enabled.
  • This guide will not go over how to provision the above. Oficial docs are available for readers to follow; and alternatively the TKG-Lab can also be used to achieve a similar outcome.

1.4 Get Harbor Ready

You need a registry, and you can use a Harbor installed as a Package in TKGm shared services cluster or standalone Harbor.

  • Ensure that Harbor has a sufficiently large PV for the registry, more than 30GB, tested successfully with 50GB.
  • You need Harbor to be deployed with certificate signed with a trusted CA or you will have to deploy the self-signed cert or untrusted CA in the worker nodes of the TAP cluster to allow TBS and any other app pulling images to trust your Harbor Registry.
    • As an example, the TKG-Lab deploys Harbor Package with Let's Encrypt based certs to have a CA that is trusted by containerd
    • Otherwise make sure you use an overlay with your Harbor CA or self-signed cert when you create the TKG cluster where TAP will run. Docs here.
  • Create a tap-admin user. Use the same password from the REGISTRY_PASSWORD env variable in your .local-config/ file
  • Create a tap project.
  • Assign tap-admin user to tap project as Project Admin.

1.5 Install Tanzu CLI plugins

Download the tanzu-framework bundle from TanzuNet and run these steps from the folder where the .tar file is to add plugins to your existing Tanzu CLI configuration:

mkdir -p tanzu-cli-tap
tar xvf tanzu-framework-darwin-amd64-v0.28.1.1.tar -C ./tanzu-cli-tap
tanzu plugin install --local ./tanzu-cli-tap/cli apps
tanzu plugin install --local ./tanzu-cli-tap/cli accelerator
tanzu plugin install --local ./tanzu-cli-tap/cli services
tanzu plugin install --local ./tanzu-cli-tap/cli insight

1.6 Other assumptions

  • DNS configuration can be set up to point wildcard fqdn (e.g: * to contour-external envoy service VIP. This mapping will be done later in this guide.
  • You have imgpkg CLI installed

2. Relocate Images to Harbor

# Set env vars
export REGISTRY_HOSTNAME="" # Replace with your Harbor Registry hostname 
export TAP_VERSION="1.5.0"
export INSTALL_REPO=tap
export TAP_CLUSTER_NAME="zora"

# login to registries

# To query for the available versions of Tanzu Application Platform on VMWare Tanzu Network Registry, run:
imgpkg tag list -i ${IMGPKG_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME_0}/tanzu-application-platform/tap-packages | sort -V

# Relocate the images with the imgpkg CLI by running:
imgpkg copy -b ${IMGPKG_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME_0}/tanzu-application-platform/tap-packages:${TAP_VERSION} --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/${INSTALL_REPO}/tap-packages --include-non-distributable-layers

3. Prepare GitOps repo and Deploy Key

# Go to your loca-config folder in this repo
cd ./local-config
# Generate ssh key with Ed25519 algorithm
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
# chose a new name like "tap_id_ed25519" for buth public and private keys to be generated in the folder

Now Create a new Deploy Key in the repository that you will use for this GitOps approach using the public key you just generated. Follow instructions here

4. Download and unpack Tanzu GitOps Reference Implementation (RI)

# Extract RI
tar xvf $HOME/Code/tap/1.5/tanzu-gitops-ri-*.tgz -C $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/
# Commit the initial state:
cd $HOME/Code/tap-gitops
git add . && git commit -m "Initialize Tanzu GitOps RI"
git push -u origin

5. Create full-cluster configuration

cd $HOME/Code/tap-gitops
git add . && git commit -m "Add full-tap-cluster"
git push

6. Configure Tanzu Application Platform

6.1 Preparing sensitive Tanzu Application Platform values

# Go to the /local-config folder of this repo
cd $HOME/Code/tap-zone/
# Generate age key
age-keygen -o ./local-config/key.txt
export SOPS_AGE_RECIPIENTS=$(cat ./local-config/key.txt | grep "# public key: " | sed 's/# public key: //')
# Copy the sample sensitive values file to your private local-config
cp ./gitops/tap-sensitive-values.yaml ./local-config/tap-sensitive-values.yaml
# Inject sensitive values in sensitive values file (we use the same registry for tap images and app images, but different repos)
yq e -i '.tap_install.sensitive_values.shared.image_registry.username = strenv(INSTALL_REGISTRY_USERNAME)' ./local-config/tap-sensitive-values.yaml
yq e -i '.tap_install.sensitive_values.shared.image_registry.password = strenv(INSTALL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD)' ./local-config/tap-sensitive-values.yaml
# Encrypt sensitive values file
sops --encrypt ./local-config/tap-sensitive-values.yaml > ./local-config/tap-sensitive-values.sops.yaml
# Copy encrypted file to gitos repository
mv ./local-config/tap-sensitive-values.sops.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/values/
export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=$HOME/Code/tap-zone/local-config/key.txt

6.2 Prepare Let's Encrypt Cluster Issuer

GoogleCloudDNS steps below. Replace your email and zone/project details in the env var exports. This also needs gcloud-dns-credentials.json in your ./local-config folder.

cd $HOME/Code/tap-zone/
export ACME_EMAIL="[email protected]"
export GCLOUD_PROJECT="fe-jaguilar"
export GCLOUD_CREDENTIAL_BASE64=$(base64 -i ./local-config/gcloud-dns-credentials.json)
# Prepare Cluster Issuer
cp ./gitops/gclouddns-lets-encrypt-cluster-issuer.yaml ./local-config/lets-encrypt-cluster-issuer.yaml
yq e -i ' = env(ACME_EMAIL)' ./local-config/lets-encrypt-cluster-issuer.yaml
yq e -i '.spec.acme.solvers[0].dns01.cloudDNS.project = env(GCLOUD_PROJECT)' ./local-config/lets-encrypt-cluster-issuer.yaml
# Prepare Gcloud Credentials Secret
cp ./gitops/gclouddns-credential-secret.yaml ./local-config/gclouddns-credential-secret.yaml
yq e -i '.data."credentials.json" = env(GCLOUD_CREDENTIAL_BASE64)' ./local-config/gclouddns-credential-secret.yaml
# Encrypt sensitive data
sops --encrypt ./local-config/gclouddns-credential-secret.yaml > ./local-config/gclouddns-credential-secret.sops.yaml
# Copy files to gitos repository to the new dependant-resources folder to be processed after tap packages
mkdir -p $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/dependant-resources/
mv ./local-config/lets-encrypt-cluster-issuer.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/dependant-resources/
mv ./local-config/gclouddns-credential-secret.sops.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/dependant-resources/

# Create dependent-resources app in the repo to a general config folder that gets processed with tap packages
# This will create the App after TAP packages are deployed and sync the dependant-resources
mkdir -p $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/config/general
cp ./gitops/dependant-resources-app.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/config/general/
export DEPENDANT_RESOURCES_GIT_SUBPATH="clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/dependant-resources"
yq e -i '.spec.fetch[0].git.subPath = env(DEPENDANT_RESOURCES_GIT_SUBPATH)' $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/config/general/dependant-resources-app.yaml

6.2 Preparing non-sensitive Tanzu Application Platform values

Update the ./gitops/tap-values.yaml file in this repo with the corect values for registries, repositories and other environment specific and non-sensitive parameters.

# copy tap-values file to gitops repo
cd $HOME/Code/tap-zone/
cp ./gitops/tap-values.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/values/tap-non-sensitive-values.yaml
# Change all properties for registries, repositories and other environment specific and non-sensitive parameters with the right values

# copy CNR overlay to gitops repo to a general config folder that gets processed with tap packages
mkdir -p $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/config/general
cp ./gitops/cnrs-network-config-overlay.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/config/general/cnrs-network-config-overlay.yaml

# Create namespace config for namespace provisioner to sync from gitops repo
mkdir -p $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/namespace-provisioner/namespaces
cp ./gitops/desired-namespace.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/namespace-provisioner/namespaces/desired-namespace.yaml
cp ./gitops/namespaces.yaml $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/cluster-config/namespace-provisioner/namespaces/namespaces.yaml

6.3 Generate Tanzu Application Platform installation and Tanzu Sync configuration

# Set env variables
export INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME="" # replace with your registry hostname
export INSTALL_REGISTRY_USERNAME=$REGISTRY_USERNAME # you set these earlier via ./local-config/
export INSTALL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$REGISTRY_PASSWORD # you set these earlier via ./local-config/
export GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat $HOME/Code/tap-zone/local-config/tap_id_ed25519)
export GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS=$(ssh-keyscan
export SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(cat $HOME/Code/tap-zone/local-config/key.txt)
export # replace with your registry hostname

# Generate the Tanzu Application Platform install and the Tanzu Sync configuration files by using the provided script
cd $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/ # replace with the right cluster name (last folder)
git add cluster-config/ tanzu-sync/
git commit -m "Configure install of TAP 1.5.0"
git push

6.4 Deploy Tanzu Sync

# change context to your cluster where you plan to deploy TAP
kubectl config use ${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}-admin@${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}
# Run deploy script from the gitops repo, cluster folder
cd $HOME/Code/tap-gitops/clusters/${TAP_CLUSTER_NAME}/

At this point TAP is installed in your cluster

7. Configure TAP post initial install

The following is a combination of addtional config steps that are not included in the gitops approach because:

  • They are used more independently through demonstrations, or
  • I'm still working on incorporating them to the gitops approach

7.1 Set up GitOps repository secret for Supply Chain

Official docs to set up the GIt secret for GitOps

Create token based secret

cd $HOME/Code/tap-zone/
cp ./config/git-secret.yaml ./local-config/git-secret.yaml
yq e -i '.stringData.username = strenv(GITHUB_USERNAME)' ./local-config/git-secret.yaml
yq e -i '.stringData.password = strenv(GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN)' ./local-config/git-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./local-config/git-secret.yaml -n myapps
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -n myapps -p '{"secrets": [{"name": "git-secret"}]}'

7.2 Deploy Tekkton Pipline and Scan Policy`

# relocate gradle image
imgpkg copy -i gradle:latest --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/${INSTALL_REPO}/gradle --include-non-distributable-layers
# edit ./config/tekton-pipeline.yaml to use your relocated image instead
kubectl apply -f ./config/tekton-pipeline.yaml -n myapps
kubectl apply -f ./config/scan-policy.yaml -n myapps

8. Deploy Sample Apps

8.1 Deploy Tanzu Java Demo Application

Get tanzu-java-web-app from Accelerator. Replace the default value dev.local in the prefix for container image registry field with the registry in the form of SERVER-NAME/REPO-NAME. The SERVER-NAME/REPO-NAME must match what was specified for registry as part of the installation values for ootb_supply_chain_basic. Example: "". This value will be injected in the Tiltfile used for the Inner Loop. Unzip and push to a public Git repository, remember that registry url to use it in the "git" configuration of the workload.yaml used below:

tanzu apps workload create tanzu-java-web-app \
  -f ./config/tjwa-workload.yaml \
  -n myapps \

Import workload backstage catalog info into TAP GUI

  1. Log into TAP GUI using the url defined in your tap-values.yaml file. Example:
  2. On the software catalog page click on the Register button
  3. Use for the url in the form
  4. Follow the rest of the instructions in the wizard

8.2. Deploy .NET Core Steeltoe Application

Get weatherforecast-steeltoe from Accelerator. Unzip and push to a public Git repository, remember that registry url to use it in the "git" configuration of the workload.yaml used below:

tanzu apps workload create weatherforecast \
  -f ./config/wfs-workload.yaml \
  -n myapps \

Import workload backstage catalog info into TAP GUI

  1. Log into TAP GUI using the url defined in your tap-values.yaml file. Example:
  2. On the software catalog page click on the Register button
  3. Use for the url in the form
  4. Follow the rest of the instructions in the wizard

Things to tweak/confirm/complete:

  • git secret
    • Create via gitops
  • techdocs
    • Incldue in both values and sensitive values
  • parametrize the non-sensitive values to make this reusable
    • Include PARAMS_YAML