##To determine whether any changes are a notable loss in performance:
- Start with the old approach
- Use a fresh database
- Use a large extract, such as France, Germany, Britain, etc. Too small of PBFs may be entirely cached in RAM and not representative of planet performance
- Time the extract, ensuring you have the desired zoom level as set in .env
- Switch to the new approach and use a fresh database once again
- Quickstart.log will have all the time logs.
- If necessary, run an update as well to see if your approach can keep up with live updates on the chosen interval. Currently, weekly updates are the target.
##To determine whether your changes in SQL are lossless:
It is recommended to use the "sqldiff" tool to compare mbtiles.
sqldiff --table tiles new.mbtiles old.mbtiles
This will compare on just the tiles table, ensuring for each zoom, x, y that the tile data is the same between both mbtiles. If sqldiff returns nothing, it means the results are identical.