Start containers with Graphite, InfluxDB and Graphite. Bootstrap Grafana with data sources for Influx and Grafana, and set up dashboards. Build a local Docker container with built from local sources.
Only the Grafana GUI on port 3000 is exposed to localhost. InfluxDB and Graphite run only on a Docker internal network.
docker-compose up -d --build
Dashboards are read from grafana-setup/dashboards. The grafana db is hosted on a separate Docker volume that has to be deleted separately if needed (see the Docker documentation).
TODO: Serving result pages from sitespeed-results via a web server is not yet functional.
After making changes to dashboards from grafana-setup/dashboards, run the following to push the updated dashboards to Grafana.
docker-compose up --build grafana-setup
The local container with Linux includes all dependencies for connection shaping (e.g. simulating 3G speeds), and recording videos.
Other containers (such as graphite) can be referenced via name on the Docker internal network as in the following example.
docker-compose build sitespeed
docker-compose run sitespeed