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Contributing to JBoss Developer

This document covers the various ways that a contribution can be made to JBoss Developer. If you need any help understanding any of the steps, or you want to discuss you contribution, then contact us.

Contact the JBoss Developer Team

Fixing an Issue

To fix an issue:

  1. Assign the JIRA issue to yourself if it isn't already

  2. Fork the project. This creates the project in your own Git with the default remote name 'origin'.

  3. Clone your fork. This creates and populates a directory in your local file system.

     git clone<your-username>/
  4. Change to the directory.

  5. Add the remote upstream repository so you can fetch any changes to the original forked repository.

     git remote add upstream
  6. Get the latest files from the upstream repository.

     git fetch upstream
  7. Create a local topic branch to work with your new quickstart, features, changes, or fixes.

     git checkout -b  <topic-branch-name>
    • If you are fixing a Bugzilla or JIRA, it is a good practice to use the number in the branch name. For new quickstarts or other fixes, try to use a good description for the branch name.

    • The following are examples of Git checkout commands:

         git checkout -b DEVELOPER-123
  8. Contribute new code or make changes to existing files.

  9. Use the git add command to add new or changed file contents to the staging area.

  10. Use the git status command to view the status of the files in the directory and in the staging area and ensure that all modified files are properly staged:

    git status      
  11. Commit your changes to your local topic branch. Make sure you put the JIRA ID in the commit message. This is used by our CI automation to comment and transition the JIRA Issue.

    git commit -m 'DEVELOPER-123 Description of change...'
  12. Update your branch with any changes made upstream since you started.

  • Fetch the latest changes from upstream

    git fetch upstream

  • Apply those changes to your branch

    git rebase upstream/master

  • If anyone has commited changes to files that you have also changed, you may see conflicts. Resolve the conflicted files, add them using git add, and continue the rebase:

    git add git rebase --continue

  • If there were conflicts, it is a good idea to test your changes again to make they still work.

  1. Push your local topic branch to your GitHub forked repository. This will create a branch on your Git fork repository with the same name as your local topic branch name.

    git push origin HEAD            

Note: The above command assumes your remote repository is named 'origin'. You can verify your forked remote repository name using the command git remote -v.

  1. Raise a Pull Request by:
  2. Visit
  3. Click on the "Compare and Pull Request" button next to your topic branch.
  4. Review your code changes and check that only the commit(s) you expect are present.
  5. Check that the PR title contains the JIRA ID and a short description.
  6. Click "Create Pull Request"

The Pull request will then be reviewed by the JBoss Developer team, and you may be requested to make changes. To make a change:

  1. Ensure the clone on your computer is on the topic branch for this issue

  2. Make the requested changes and commit them.

  3. Push your branch to your fork on GitHub:

    git push origin DEVELOPER-123

  4. Comment on the PR to indicate that you think you have made the requested changes.

Developer Materials

Currently we have a number of different types of developer materials that can be searched from These are described as follows:

  1. Quickstarts. These demonstrate a small number of technologies in as simple a way as possible. The guidelines are quite strict around the structure and scope of the quickstarts. This makes it easier for the JBoss Developer team to maintain the large quantity of quickstarts that we have and also gives the user a consistent experience. Currently we only support quickstarts that are located in one of the JBoss Developer quickstarts repositories on
  2. Demos. These are larger applications than quickstarts and don't have as strict guidelines. They can also be located in external repositories outside of the JBoss Developer GitHub organization.
  3. Tutorials. These are much larger applications with thorough, high-quality documentation that steps the user through how to develop the application from scratch. Currently we just have Ticket Monster in this group. There are plans to add more in the future.

The following sections summarise how to contribute developer materials.

How to Contribute a New Quickstart to an Existing JBoss Developer Repository

To contribute a new Quickstart to JBoss Developer:

  1. Identify which JBoss Product or upstream Project it targets.
  2. Find the appropriate quickstart repository. Most of the JBoss Product quickstart repositories are located in the JBoss Developer GitHub organisation. For example, see the JBoss EAP quickstart repository.
  3. Now follow the Contribution guide.
  4. The Quickstart will typically appear on the JBoss Developer site shortly after the next Product or Project release containing your contribution.

How to Contribute a Change to an Existing Quickstart

To contribute an update (e.g bug-fix, typo-fix etc) to an existing quickstart:

  1. Follow the Contribution guide.
  2. The Quickstart change will appear on the JBoss Developer site shortly after the next Product or Project release containing your contribution.

How to contribute an Entire Repository of Quickstarts

If you have a repository of quickstarts that you think would be appropriate for JBoss Developer, then contact us.

How to Contribute a New Demo

A demo is aimed more at demonstrating the features of a product, than at showing how to use a single API or use case. It is also more flexible in its structure and scope. This is in contrast to a quickstart that must follow a very strict structure and needs to be limited to using a minimal amount of technologies.

See the Demos contributing guide for more details.

How to Contribute a Tutorial

If you have a Tutorial that you think would be appropriate for JBoss Developer, then contact us.

How to Contribute an Existing Vimeo or YouTube Video

This process is used for contributing details of a Vimeo or YouTube video.

To add a Vimeo video to the site:

  1. Visit
  2. Login with the JBoss Developer account.
  3. Browse to the video you want to add to the site.
  4. Click on + Collections
  5. In the albums area, tick each product that the video is related to. Just tick the Miscellaneous if it relates to no product. Note: You will see several albums, only those entitled Red Hat JBoss ... are product albums.

To add a YouTube video to the site:

Add the URL of the video to the "YouTube Videos" sheet of this spreadsheet:

Note: YouTube videos cannot yet be associated with products.

If you can't add the video yourself, create a JIRA issue:

  1. Visit:!default.jspa
  2. Select: Project="Jboss Developer" and Issue Type = "Task"
  3. Provide a summary
  4. Provide a description, including: 4.1 The link to the video you want to add 4.2 The name of the JBoss product it relates to (if any)
  5. Click create

Updating Developer Materials Versions

Developer materials, such as quickstarts and tutorials (Ticket Monster) can be updated to use a new version by completing the following steps. EAP quickstarts are used here as an example:

  1. Ensure that a tag exists for the new version in the quickstart repo. E.g. for EAP 6.2.0.GA there is this quickstart tag.

  2. Create a JIRA issue for your change.

  3. If you intend to make the change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.

  4. Go to your checkout of this repo and create a new branch for the change:

     git checkout -b DEVELOPER-123
  5. Change to the directory containing the developer materials to update:

     cd _eap-quickstarts
  6. Fetch the changes to the quickstart repo

     git fetch origin --tags
  7. Checkout the new tag

     git checkout 6.2.0.GA
  8. Move back to root directory

     cd ..
  9. Add and commit the changes

     git add .
     git commit -m "DEVELOPER-123 Update EAP quickstarts t0 version 6.2.0.GA"
  10. Push the branch to your fork of this repo. Assumed to be 'orgin'

     git push origin DEVELOPER-123
  11. Go to GitHub and raise a PR for your change.

Updating Ticket Monster download version

If Ticket Monster has released a new version, the download link in ticket-monster.adoc and the documentation link in _layouts/ticket-monster.html.slim need to be manually updated as well. Follow the above process for creating a git branch and assigning a JIRA ticket. Open the ticket-monster.adoc file and find the correct DOWNLOAD IT link, retreive the new link from GitHub and modify the document. Then follow the above instructions for adding the change, pushing the branch and creating a new pull request.

How to Highlight a particular Developer material

A particular developer material can be highlighted on the main developer materials page. For example, notice the banner visible on the Developer Materials page. To change this:

  1. Create a JIRA issue for your change. Include: 1.1 When you would like the new banner to go live, and when it should expire. 1.2 Any existing image or idea of what the image should look like. 1.3 The link to the developer material that should be associated with the image. This needs to be a link to the details page. See existing banners for examples.

On approval of the change:

  1. Create a DESIGN issue to have a graphic created. 1.2 On completion of graphic creation, a link to the graphic (hosted on should be added to the DEVELOPER issue.
  2. Update the _config/featured_items.yml. Changing: 2.1 image_url: This is the address of the graphic created by the DESIGN JIRA issue and linked in the DEVELOPER issue. 2.2 title: The title of the item being linked to. 2.3 text: A short description of the item being linked to. Most likely the text from the image. 2.4 url: A url to the developer material's details page on
  3. Raise a PR for your change.

How to Make Changes to the Product Pages

The product pages are those linked from This section covers the various contributions that can be made to these pages.

How to Request a new product download

  1. Create a JIRA issue for the change request, specifying:
  2. The product and version to be released
  3. The description for the release. E.g: Minor release of JBoss EAP 6.x series
  4. The tag_line for the release. E.g: Features an updated administrative console that includes a new homepage and exposes the new JBoss EAP patching feature. Also includes domain recovery improvements and support for CDI injection with PicketLink. Try it today!
  5. The date of the release.
  6. The CDN links to each of the download files. E.g: /content/origin/files/sha256/3e/4ed3ea35b5c70f52ad8a7f2cdb40d3ab1a42752c1d3f5f78c76ed571f31g2c60/
  7. The date when you want this change to go live. Typically 'now', but in some case it might be a time in the future.
  8. If the product download has a non-zero micro/patch version (e.g 2.0.1), then the Product Manager will need to approve the change.

How to add a new product download

First add the downloads to the Download Manager.

The following steps are currently required, but will no longer be when the downloads are automatically fetched from the download manager.

  1. Ensure the download is available in the Download Manager.
  2. Add a download item to the associated product's product.yml file. As an example here is JBoss EAP's product.yml
  3. Update the current_version: field in the product.yml only if you are adding a GA release (i.e. not an Alpha or Beta).
  4. Build the site locally
  5. Visit the download page on your local build to verify the download is appearing correctly
  6. Inspect each of the download links and paste the part after into the associated Short URL field of the download item in the Download Manager. Take a look at existing downloads for examples. Remember the preceding / character.
  7. Raise a PR for your change.

How to Highlight a particular Developer material

A particular developer material can be highlighted on each product's developer materials page. For example, notice the banner visible on the EAP Developer Materials page. To change this:

  1. Create a JIRA issue for your change. Include: 1.1 When you would like the new banner should go live, and when it should expire. 1.2 Any existing image or idea of what the image should look like. 1.3 The link to the developer material that should be associated with the image. This needs to be a link to the details page. See existing banners for examples.

On approval of the change:

  1. Create a DESIGN issue to have a graphic created. 1.2 On completion of graphic creation, a link to the graphic (hosted on should be added to the DEVELOPER issue.
  2. Update the featured_items entry in the product's product.yml file (e.g. for EAP: /products/eap/_common/product.yml). Changing: 2.1 image_url: This is the address of the graphic created by the DESIGN JIRA issue and linked in the DEVELOPER issue. 2.2 title: The title of the item being linked to. 2.3 text: A short description of the item being linked to. 2.4 url: A url to the developer material's details page on
  3. Raise a PR for your change.

How to Make a General Change to The Product Pages

Other changes to the product pages should go through the following process. Multiple changes should be done separately, rather than grouped together as one big change. This makes it easier to discuss the changes individually and aids scheduling of non-trivial changes. If you are requesting a series of text changes, then putting them in a single issue will probably be fine.

  1. Raise a JIRA issue for the change request.
  2. If you intend to make the code change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  3. The Product Marketing Manager (PMM) of the related product approves/rejects the change.
  4. Make the changes to the code.
  5. Raise a PR for your change.
  6. The PMM and JBoss Developer team review the PR
  7. The PR is merged.

How to add/remove an item to the Training section

See the EAP Product Overview Page on the right-hand-side for an example of the training links.

  1. Raise a JIRA issue for the change request. Include:
  2. The link to the training overview page.
  3. The link text to display on the product overview page.
  4. If you intend to make the code change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  5. Add the Link to the product's featured_training.adoc file. E.g. see EAP's featured_training.adoc file.
  6. Raise a PR for your change.

How to add/remove an item to the Webinars section

See the EAP Product Overview Page on the right-hand-side for an example of the Webinars links.

  1. Raise a JIRA issue for the change request. Include:
  2. The link to the Webinar overview page.
  3. The link text to display on the product overview page.
  4. If you intend to make the code change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  5. Create a thumbnail image for the webinar and add it to the associated product's directory under /images/products/. You can probably grab a thumbnail from the webinar's details page.
  6. Add the details to the product's featured_webinar.adoc file. E.g. see EAP's featured_webinar.adoc file. Use existing links as an example of the format.
  7. Raise a PR for your change.

How to add/remove an upstream project from the Community page

See the EAP Community Page, towards the bottom is a list of all upstream projects included in this product. To add or remove from this list:

  1. Raise a JIRA issue for the change request. Include:
  2. The name of the project(s) to add/remove
  3. The name of the product you want modifying
  4. If you intend to make the code change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  5. Edit the value of the upstream_projects key in the product's product.yml file. As an example, here is JBoss EAP's product.yml
  6. Raise a PR for your change.

How to add/remove 'Featured Video' to the 'Resources' page

Upto three videos can be added to the 'Featured Videos' area. To add/remove them:

  1. Open the "Featured Videos" sheet of the Videos spreadsheet
  2. Find the product's column.
  3. Notice the three available slots. Modify these slots, such that there is a URL to each video you want to be displayed on the page.
  4. The change will take effect on the next site build. This is typically within a maximum of 6 hours.

How to add/remove 'More Resources' to the 'Resources' page

To add/remove item(s) in the 'More Resources' area of the 'Resources' page:

  1. Raise a JIRA issue for the change request. Include:
  2. The URL of the resource to add/remove
  3. The text to appear in the link
  4. The text to appear in the short description
  5. If you intend to make the code change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  6. Edit the product's resources.adoc file to add/remove the item. See JBoss EAP's resources.adoc file for an example.
  7. Raise a PR for your change.

Upstream Projects

The upstream projects page is located at This section covers details on how to make changes to the data visible on this page.

How to Add a New Upstream Project

  1. Create a properties file for your project. For example, see the Netty properties file.
  2. Upload the file to some externally visible location. For example, the projects source repository.
  3. Send a link to the properties file to [email protected], asking for it to be added to
  4. Once the project appears on the projects page, check to see if it has an icon. If it doesn't, follow these instructions .

How to Update an Upstream Project's details

If you provided a project properties file:

  1. Make a change to the project's properties file.
  2. Email [email protected] telling them that there is a change in the properties file that you would like reflecting on the projects page.

Otherwise, the data is being pulled from the project's Magnolia page:

  1. Make the change on the project's Magnolia page.
  2. Email [email protected] telling them that there is a change on the project's Magnolia page that you would like reflecting on the projects page.

How to start using a file for an upstream project

By default, project data is pulled from the project's Magnolia page. To start using a file for your project:

  1. Produce a properties file for your project and host it somewhere. For example, in GitHub.
  2. See the Netty properties file for an example.
  3. If your project is not on here: and you think it should be, make sure to tell us when you submit your data.
  4. Send a url to your properties file to [email protected]

How to Change an Upstream Project's Icon

To change the icon currently displayed for a project on

  1. Create a DESIGN JIRA issue
  2. If you intend to do the following steps, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  3. Create a new image for the project
  4. Using the design account, upload it to the project's directory on For example, the AeroGear logo is located at: Take care to follow the exact format as the image links are generated.
  5. Wait a short while for caches to clear before it appears on

Other Site changes

This section covers miscellaneous contributions that can be made.

How to add an Event

To have a new Event added to the Events page and (optionally) the homepage:

  1. Add the event details to the Events spreadsheet

If you don't have access:

  1. Raise a JIRA issue

How to add a book

To add a book to

  1. Check that Google Books knows about the book, by searching for the ISBN13 at
  2. If it doesn’t appear, the details will need filling in manually in a later step. Alternatively the author, or contributor, can work with the publisher as described here.
  3. Open the Books Spreadsheet and add the ISBN13 for the book in the next cell in the list.
  4. This spreadsheet can be shared with anyone who requests it using their Red Hat Google Drive account.
  5. If the book is missing from, or some specific data is missing/incorrect; the fields can be overridden in the spreadsheet row for the book.
  6. Wait 6hrs and check to make sure the book appears.
  7. If it doesn't Create a DEVELOPER JIRA issue

How to fix data associated with a book

If a book entry on is missing data or is displaying incorrect data, then:

  1. Open the Books Spreadsheet and add the ISBN13 for the book in the next cell in the list.
  2. This spreadsheet can be shared with anyone who requests it using their Red Hat Google Drive account.
  3. Find the book's row, keyed on ISBN13.
  4. Fill in or change the data by adding it into the appropriate cell in the row.

How to Change the Homepage Banner

To request a change to the banner on the homepage:

  1. Raise a JIRA issue
  2. Specify when you would like the new banner to go live, and when it should expire.
  3. If you have an existing image or an idea of what the image should look like, attach or link to it in the issue
  4. Provide the link that should be followed when the user clicks on the banner.

On approval of the change:

  1. Create a DESIGN JIRA issue to have a desktop and mobile banner graphic created.
  2. On completion of graphic creation, a link to the graphic (hosted on should be added to the DEVELOPER issue (created above).
  3. To change the image:
  4. Add the mobile and desktop images to
  5. Open
  6. Change the '/ Hero Slider' section of the code: 1. Each .large-24.slide section represents an individual banner in the carousel in the order it shows on the site. 2. Either replace an existing item, or add a new one in the right place. 3. Remember to remove any old images if you remove the item from the carousel. 4. Remember to set the link, image and alt text for the banner you are adding.
  7. Raise a PR for your change.

How to Create a 'Solution'

The simplest way to create a solution is to use the default template and drop in pieces of text and images into the place-holders. Look at the example solution code for what is required.

See the Unified Push Solution's code for an example that uses an entirely custom layout. The Docker Solution code provides an example of where the default layout was used, but with an additional custom layout section at the bottom. Look at the live Docker page and notice that above the "Available Docker Images" title is using the default layout and under this title is a custom layout.

To create a solution:

  1. Create your initial layout by copying the example solution code.
  2. Think of an ID for your solution. This will be used to identify it in several place and will become part of the URL of its page. E.g:
  3. Good names are short, descriptive and contain just lower-case alpha-numeric characters.
  4. Rename the solution's directory to that of your solution: mv ./solution/example ./solution/mysolution
  5. Modify the example Solution to create your solution. See below for documentation on what can be edited.
  6. When your solution is ready for review, raise a PR for your change.

The solution.yml file

This file is used to configure various aspects of your solution.

The following table describes the purpose of each key. Note: items marked with a (*) are required.

Key Value
name* The name is used as a short title to identify your solution in a variety of places on the site. Keep it short and human readable.
sub_title An optional sub-title that will appear under the main title on the Solution's main page.
long_description* A long description to show when the user clicks on the Solution in the all Solutions page.
overview_links An optional list of links to show when the user clicks on the Solution in the all Solutions page.
speech_bubble An optional speech bubble to show towards the top of the Solution's main page.
image_link An optional link to display under the Solution's logo towards the top of the Solution's main page.
related_solutions An optional list of related solutions to show down the right-hand side of the Solution's main page. Solution IDs are used to identify each related Solution.

The index.adoc File

This file provides the majority of the content to that is displayed on the Solution's main page. A default layout is used.

Note that level two headings (identified by the preceding '==') are keys used to identify fragments of content. Headings at a greater level than two (E.g '===') can be used to place headings in your content. The following table describes the purpose of each key. Note: all items are optional.

Key Value
Overview Content to replace the 'speech bubble' if it was removed from the solution.yml file.
Left Section Content to be placed in the left-hand side of the double column area.
Right Section Content to be placed in the right-hand side of the double column area.
Extra Section Title The title to use for an extra section that is displayed under the double column area
Extra Section The content to place under the extra section title

Note: The solution logo will only appear on the Solution's main page if either the 'speech bubble' or 'overview text' is provided.

Custom Layouts

Custom layouts can be added below the content displayey by the default template. This is automatically added when the Solution's template is present. For example, create: _partials/solution-partial-mysolution.html.slim. See the other _partials/solution-partial-*.html.slim files for examples.

You can fully customise the layout of the Solution's main page by removing all the optional sections from the index.adoc file and the speech_bubble from the solution.yml file and then provide a layout file in the _partials directory.

How to create a Microsite

Microsites can either be single paged or multi-paged. Take a look at the following mockups to see which variation meets your needs.

Type Description Resources
Single Page A single page microsite, with no sub-navigation Live, Source
Multi-page A multiple-page microsite with a single level of sub-navigation Live, Source

Before creating a Microsite, please contact us to ensure that a 'Microsite' is the right place for your content.

Microsite Constraints

The following constraints are imposed on JBoss Developer Microsites in order to retain consistency and to make them fit within the JBoss Developer brand.

  1. The JBoss Developer header must remain present
  2. Microsites may have 0 or 1 levels of navigation.

Single Page Microsites

To create a new single page microsite at<microsite_id>:

  1. Copy microsite.html.slim to <microsite_id>.html.slim
  2. Configure the banner graphic
  3. Edit the page further to suite your needs
  4. When your microsite is ready for review, raise a PR for your change.

Multiple Page Microsites

Note: This section is un-tested as JBoss Developer doesn't currently host any multi-page microsites.

To create a new multi-page microsite at<microsite_id>:

  1. Create a <microsite_id> directory
  2. Copy microsite-multi-page.html.slim to <microsite_id>/index.html.slim
  3. Configure the banner graphic
  4. Edit the nav: section of <microsite_id>/index.html.slim to specify the navigation to each of the sub pages
  5. Make a copy of <microsite_id>/index.html.slim for each of the sub-pages. E.g. <microsite_id>/my_subpage.html.slim.
  6. Ensure the sub-pages match those specified in the navigation.
  7. Edit the pages further to suite your needs
  8. When your microsite is ready for review, raise a PR for your change.

Configure the Banner Graphic

  1. Create a 2000x500 pixel banner graphic and place it at /images/<microsite_id>/<microsite_id>_microsite_hero.jpg

  2. Create a Sass Stylesheet at stylesheets/_<microsite_id>.scss. You can add your own styles here, but do so with care as this stylesheet will be loaded for the entire JBoss Developer site. Minimally, this stylesheet needs to specify the banner graphic and should contain the following. Replace the <microsite_id> text with the id of your Microsite.

     .wide-hero.<microsite_id> {
             background: cdn('../images/<microsite_id>/<microsite_id>_microsite_hero.jpg');
  3. Import the stylesheet into stylesheets/app.scss by adding the following import line after the existing imports:

     @import "<microsite_id>";
  4. Add the following line to the header section of <microsite_id>.html.slim (for single page microsites) or <microsite_id>/index.html.slim for multi-page microsites.

     hero_class: <microsite_id>

JBoss Heroes

This documentation covers

How do I add a new Hero?

  1. Raise a JIRA issue for the change request. Include:
  2. A link to the profile of each hero to add. Ensure the profile(s) contains a bio, a hero cannot be added without one.
  3. If you intend to make the code change, assign to yourself. Otherwise leave unassigned and skip the following steps.
  4. Edit heroes.yml
  5. Add a new entry for each hero, using an existing one as a template
  6. Notice the image URL. This is a relative path to the location of the profile image added in the next step
  7. For each hero you are adding, download the profile image from the profile page (download the default one if no real one set) and save it to the heroes images directory.
  8. If the Bio contains a twitter ID, remove it and tidy up the text so it still makes sense. Then ensure the twitter property is set.
  9. Raise a PR for your change.
  10. After the PR is merged and the change is online, email: [email protected] to notify.

General changes

If you have a general change that doesn't fall into the categories above, create a JIRA issue.


  1. Images below 20kb should normally be saved as PNGs. The site build automatically compresses PNGs, so just save the PNG out.
  2. Images above 20kb should normally be saved as JPEGs, however if you have a text, or line, heavy image, consider using a PNG - save both and look at the file size. The site build does not automatically compress JPEGs, so run them through first.
  3. Images should normally be 100kb or less.

General Feedback

contact us for general feedback that doesn't constitute a bug report or feature request.

Feature Requests and Bug reporting

If you find a bug on or if you have a feature request, please file a JIRA issue.