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Map Introductions

To play custom map as a mod, place Civ6Map file under the directory of C:\Users\{your user name}\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\WorldBuilder.

Aegean Sea, the cradle of European civilizations, hosts five different civilization leaders. In contrast to few hexagons in True Start Europe or Mediterranean, this map grants the possibility of chariots, horsemen, galleys and quadriremes fighting on the enormous area of land and sea. To revive the glory of Roman empire, one must reign the fertile land of Constantinople and conquer Mount Olympus.

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Civlizations: Athens, Byzantine, Macedonia, Ottoman, Phoenicia, Sparta

City States: Hattusa, Preslav

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Pamukkale

Africa, birthplace of mankind, is the second largest continent with a vast amount of untapped natural resources. Since the map covers more than just Africa, you get to choose your role in the game. Whether the indigenous tribe leader who intends to fight the intruders or the foreign colonizer who seeks to exploit the exotic land, everyone can find a role to play in the long history of the civilization.

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Civlizations: Arab, Athens, Babylon, Byzantine, Egypt, Ethiopia, France Culture, France Eleanor, France Espionage, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kongo, Macedonia, Mali, Netherlands, Nubia, Ottoman, Persia, Phoenicia, Poland, Portugal, Rome, Scythia, Spain, Sparta, Sumer, UK Eleanor, UK Victoria, Zulu

City States: Akkad, Antananarivo, Armagh, Bologna, Brussels, Cardiff, Carthage, Chinguetti, Fes, Geneva, Granada, Hattusa, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Kumasi, Mogadishu, Ngazargamu, Preslav, Taruga, Valletta, Venice, Vilnius, Wolin, Yerevan, Zanzibar

Natural Wonders: Cliff of Dover, Dead Sea, Eye of Sahara, Fountain of Youth, Giant's Causeway, Gobustan, Lake Retba, Matterhorn, Mount Vesuvius , Mount Kilimanjaro, Pamukkale, Sahara el Beyda, Tsingy de Bemaraha

Although Antarctic Treaty demilitarize the polar desert, will it really stop the ambitious leaders in Civilization 6? To add fuel to the fire, numerous mineral deposits are sitting beneath the giant ice sheet. Nonetheless, beware of blistering snowstorm! All the urban development can be destroyed in three rounds of blizzard. Lack of food yield on snow/tundra terrains can be a great obstacle to colonize Antarctica. Play your strategy well to survive in the eternal cold.

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Civlizations: Australia, Brazil, China Kubilai, Colombia, Inca, Indonesia, Kongo, Mali, Maori, Mapuche, Zulu

City States: Antananarivo, Auckland, Bandar Brunei, Buenos Aires, Chinguetti, Fes, Granada, Hong Kong, Hunza, Johannesburg, Kumasi, Nan Madol, Nazca, Ngazargamu, Rapa Nui, Singapore, Taruga

Natural Wonders: Chocolate Hills, Eye of Sahara, Fountain of Youth, Great Barrier Reef, Lake Retba, Mount Roraima, Pantanal, Païtiti, Piopiotahi, Torres del Paine, Tsingy de Bemaraha, Uluru

Arctic circle is a regional map that covers the majority of the northern hemisphere. The haute couture of this map is the very north. Strategic resources in this map is scarcely distributed across the continents yet concentrated inside Arctic circle. Mineral resources are modified so they can be spawned and mined on the terrains such as snow and snow hill. Leaders in this map have been given carte blanche to tap into the potential resources under the ice. Imagine a war on Greenland or Svalbard over the occurrence of aluminum. Arctic shipping routes become the new normal. This might be the future we are about to live in.

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Civlizations: America Cavalry, America Government, Canada, China Kubilai, China Qin, Cree, France Culture, France Eleanor, France Espionage, Germany, India Ghandi, Japan, Mongolia Kubilai, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Scythia, Sweden, UK Eleanor, UK Victoria

City States: Armagh, Brussels, Caguana, Cahokia, Cardiff, Geneva, La venta, Lahore, Nalanda, Samarkand, Vilnius, Wolin

Natural Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Cliff of Dover, Crater Lake, Delicate Arch, Eyjafjallajökull, Fountain of Youth, Giant's Causeway, Ik-Kil, Lysefjord, Mato Tipila, Mount Everest, Ubsunur Hollow, Yosemite, Zhangye Danxia

Say you want to play the map of archipelago because you are a leader of maritime civilization. What could be better than Southeast Asia where you have more than twenty-five thousand islands in the region? Sailing rafts in the uncharted water to conquer tropical islands is the only way to bring prosperity in this map. Embrace the wildfire, the volcano eruption and the flood. Good rewards come after navigating these natural disasters well.

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Civlizations: Australia, Indonesia, Khmer, Maori, Vietnam

City States: Ayutthaya, Bandar Brunei, Singapore

Natural Wonders: Chocolate Hills, Fountain of Youth, Great Barrier Reef, Hạ Long Bay

There is only one strategic chokepoint in north Europe – Baltic Sea. From Vikings to Tsars, everyone is fighting for the area where amber is scattered like shellfish. Amber is like bonus resource rather than luxury resource in this map. The dynamic weather in Scandinavian Peninsula is always a challenge. Extensive coverage of forests, tundra combined with unpredictable blizzards is the ultimate survival test of great civilizations.

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Civlizations: Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden

City States: Vilnius, Wolin

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Lysefjord

This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.

Yes, that’s what Caribbean map is all about. We all know the original game offers The Pirates scenario which resembles Sid Meier's Pirates but that doesn’t feel like a true civilization game. In this map, you get to play as indigenous leaders in Mesoamerica or four colonization powers plus Teddy Roosevelt. Be aware of Black Pearl Frigate. The pirates will raid the merchant ships and bury your treasure in a remote island. Also, these pirates are seeking the legendary natural wonder — youth fountain. It will be a fool not to join, savvy?

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Civlizations: America Cavalry, America Government, Aztec, Colombia, France Culture, France Eleanor, France Espionage, Maya, Netherlands, Spain, UK Eleanor, UK Victoria

City States: Caguana, Hunza, La venta, Mitla

Natural Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Fountain of Youth, Ik-Kil

The problem with TSL earth/huge earth is the ocean, simply too much water on the surface. Civilizations are spending a lot of time sailing rather than exploring. Whereas in distorted earth, only 30% of the surface is water. The map bears a resemblance to TSL earth with a much smaller Atlantic and Pacific. The exciting news is distorted earth doesn’t only preserve most of the terrains, features and resources in TSL earth, but it also includes all the natural wonders, city states and resources which do not get spawned in TSL earth.

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Civlizations: America Cavalry, America Government, Arab, Athens, Australia, Aztec, Babylon, Brazil, Byzantine, Canada, China Kubilai, China Qin, Colombia, Cree, Egypt, Ethiopia, France Culture, France Eleanor, France Espionage, Gaul, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Inca, India Ghandi, India Maurya, Indonesia, Japan, Khmer, Kongo, Korea, Macedonia, Mali, Maori, Mapuche, Maya, Mongolia Genghis, Mongolia Kubilai, Netherlands, Norway, Nubia, Ottoman, Persia, Phoenicia, Poland, Portugal, Rome, Russia, Scotland, Scythia, Spain, Sparta, Sumer, Sweden, UK Eleanor, UK Victoria, Vietnam, Zulu

City States: Akkad, Anshan, Antananarivo, Armagh, Auckland, Ayutthaya, Bandar Brunei, Bologna, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Caguana, Cahokia, Cardiff, Carthage, Chinguetti, Fes, Geneva, Granada, Hattusa, Hong Kong, Hunza, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Kabul, Kandy, Kumasi, La venta, Lahore, Mexico City, Mitla, Mogadishu, Mohenjo-Daro, Muscat, Nalanda, Nan Madol, Nazca, Ngazargamu, Preslav, Rapa Nui, Samarkand, Singapore, Stockholm, Taruga, Valletta, Vatican City, Venice, Vilnius, Wolin, Yerevan, Zanzibar

Natural Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Chocolate Hills, Cliff of Dover, Crater Lake, Dead Sea, Delicate Arch, Eye of Sahara, Eyjafjallajökull, Fountain of Youth, Galápagos Islands, Giant's Causeway, Gobustan, Great Barrier Reef, Hạ Long Bay, Ik-Kil, Lake Retba, Lysefjord, Mato Tipila, Matterhorn, Mount Everest, Mount Roraima, Mount Vesuvius , Mount Kilimanjaro, Pamukkale, Pantanal, Païtiti, Piopiotahi, Sahara el Beyda, Torres del Paine, Tsingy de Bemaraha, Ubsunur Hollow, Uluru, Yosemite, Zhangye Danxia

This is the land where both Romans and Moors have ruled. Islam used to co-exist in harmony with Christianity. Build Casa de Contratación if you want to be a colonizer and leave your footprints to the other side of Mediterranean Sea. Or build Alhambra Palace if you intend to start a civil war and unify Al-Andalus. Or build Torre de Belém if you chase mercantilism and ignite the spark of Age of Sail.

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Civlizations: France Culture, France Eleanor, France Espionage, Portugal, Spain

City States: Fes, Granada

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth

Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. With Tibetan Plateaus and Himalaya mountains at the north, this is the scared battlefield for apostles. The diversity of religions also nurtures the richness of cultures. The great prosperity in this map lies in the shrines and the wonders you build. West to Arab and east to ASEAN, make good use of Indian Ocean to expand your cultural and religion influence.

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Civlizations: Babylon, China Qin, India Ghandi, India Maurya, Khmer, Persia, Sumer, Vietnam

City States: Akkad, Anshan, Ayutthaya, Kabul, Kandy, Lahore, Mohenjo-Daro, Muscat, Nalanda, Samarkand

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Mount Everest

Italy was not a country until Vittorio Emanuele unified Papel State, Sicilia, Toscana, Sardinia, Napoli and Venetia. Although it’s a tiny country, size doesn’t matter, right? It has a decent variety of terrains such as snow-capped Dolomites in the north and sunny Amalfi coastline in the south. There are plenty of city states where you can choose to conquer or take suzerainty as well.

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Civlizations: Hungary, Rome

City States: Bologna, Carthage, Geneva, Valletta, Venice

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Matterhorn, Mount Vesuvius

Kingdoms of Camelot may seem to be a small place. Yet, many Anglo-Saxon leaders are fighting over this fertile land. The legend goes “whoever pulls Excalibur out of the stone is entitled to the throne of England”. And this land which crowns King Arthur will be the beginning of an empire that the sun never sets and the beacon of industrial revolution.

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Civlizations: France Culture, Scotland, UK Eleanor, UK Victoria

City States: Armagh, Cardiff

Natural Wonders: Cliff of Dover, Fountain of Youth, Giant's Causeway

When it comes to middle east, people always picture it with yellow and dry desert extending towards the horizon. That may be one of its terrestrial features but not all. There are plenty of mountains in Iran, Turkey and South Caucasus. Tigris and Euphrates river, the birthplace of civilizations, also happen to be in the fertile crescent. The spot where middle east sits connects Asia, Europe and Africa altogether. The cultural mixing pot nourishes numerous religions such as Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. So prepare for crusades if you intend to build an empire here.

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Civlizations: Arab, Athens, Babylon, Byzantine, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Macedonia, Nubia, Ottoman, Persia, Phoenicia, Sparta, Sumer

City States: Akkad, Carthage, Hattusa, Jerusalem, Kabul, Lahore, Mohenjo-Daro, Muscat, Ngazargamu, Samarkand, Valletta, Yerevan

Natural Wonders: Dead Sea, Fountain of Youth, Gobustan, Mount Vesuvius , Pamukkale, Sahara el Beyda

Even though Columbus intended to find the spices in the far east, he ended up discovering the new world for the Europeans. English, French, Spanish, Dutch, they all came here to colonize the continent. But instead, the continent colonized the colonizers. With the Great Plains as one of the largest prairies in the world, any civilization that manages to root here is destined to prosper. The leader that conquers North America will conquer the world one day.

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Civlizations: America Cavalry, America Government, Aztec, Canada, Cree, Maya

City States: Cahokia, La venta, Mitla

Natural Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Crater Lake, Delicate Arch, Eyjafjallajökull, Fountain of Youth, Galápagos Islands, Ik-Kil, Lysefjord, Mato Tipila, Yosemite

Oceania is the smallest continent famous for its sandy beach coastline and crystal-clear waters. In fact, it has diverse landscapes ranging from fjord in New Zealand, coral reefs in Australia, volcanic peaks in Indonesia and rainforests in Papua New Guinea. Thousands of islands with few indigenous peoples occupied, every superpower civilization is looking forward to colonizing the region.

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Civlizations: Australia, Indonesia, Maori

City States: Auckland

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Great Barrier Reef, Piopiotahi, Uluru

This is where Moses divided the water and led Israelites running away from Egyptians. This is Red Sea, a narrow body of water that separates Africa from Arab. This sacred region is surrounded by some of the most ancient and culturally rich lands in the world. The sea connects civilizations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. It’s a strategically important location of trade, culture and commerce among Europe, Asia and Africa since the beginning of the civilization. From Assyrians, Persians, Alexander the Great to Byzantine, Arabs, Ottoman, who will be the next civilization to control the great Red Sea?

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Civlizations: Arab, Babylon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia, Phoenicia, Sumer

City States: Akkad, Jerusalem

Natural Wonders: Dead Sea, Fountain of Youth, Sahara el Beyda

Sahara, the grassland turned into desert, is a vast and formidable region with sand dunes, rocky mountains and scorching temperatures. The turbans and the camels create ancient trade routes connecting Mali to Egypt. Numerous civilizations have flourished around oasis towns and fertile river valleys since the establishment of Timbuktu-Sijilmasa trade route. With a range of unique challenges and opportunities, players can explore the Sahara and build their empires while navigating the harsh environment and discovering the rich history and culture of this iconic region.

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Civlizations: Arab, Babylon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mali, Nubia, Phoenicia, Sparta, Sumer

City States: Akkad, Carthage, Chinguetti, Fes, Granada, Jerusalem, Kumasi, Ngazargamu, Taruga, Valletta

Natural Wonders: Dead Sea, Eye of Sahara, Fountain of Youth, Lake Retba, Sahara el Beyda

South America doesn’t span the most degrees of latitude but it certainly retains the most diverse landscapes. You have tropical rainforest along Amazon river, the pampas plains where you get the cattles, and Andes mountains with snow, volcano and Atacama desert. Whether you want to be the indigenous tribe leaders to revive the glory of Aztec, Inca, Maya or create a post-colonization civilization to claim independence, anything can be possible in this map.

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Civlizations: Brazil, Colombia, Inca, Mapuche

City States: Buenos Aires, Caguana, Hunza, Nazca

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Mount Roraima, Pantanal, Païtiti, Torres del Paine

To defend people, liberty, sovereignty and civilization, this map focuses on Black Sea and Caspian Sea. To be more specific, the map is a salute to the warriors in Ukraine who bravely fight against the dictator and his invasion. Unfortunately, there is no Ukrainian leader in the game. There are only two options left – Jadwiga of Poland and Tamar of Georgia. Fight for the post-soviet prosperity, fight for the honor and fight for the democracy!

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Civlizations: Georgia, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Sweden

City States: Wolin

Natural Wonders: Fountain of Youth, Gobustan

What could be the destiny of Vikings? Aquaculture in Vinland, Ragnarok in Valhalla, longship to Faroes or pillages and raids in Anglo-Saxon? Yes, this is what the map of Scandinavian peninsula is about. Now the chance is given to reshape the narrative of your civilization in Norse mythology. The population is booming and the food yield is stagnant. Grab the axe and the shield to expand the territory.

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Civlizations: France Culture, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Ottoman, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Sweden, UK Eleanor, UK Victoria

City States: Armagh, Brussels, Cardiff, Preslav, Vilnius, Wolin

Natural Wonders: Cliff of Dover, Eyjafjallajökull, Fountain of Youth, Giant's Causeway, Lysefjord

Script Instructions

The script leverages python to create fantastic in-game map from basemap package (of any latitude, longitude, altitude, angle and projection). This can even be replicated on any image with designated color2terrain mapping. It will automate the geotagging of natural wonders, terrains, features, continents, resources, rivers, cliffs, true start locations of civilizations and city-states. An example is showed below.

Arctic circle from Python Basemap

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Arctic circle converted to Civ6Map

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Source of all geospatial data can be found here.

The script can process a choropleth image and reverse engineer colors back to the original scale-free data with latitudes and longitudes.

Best tool to recover spatial dataset from geotiff images and filter 95 percentile of the data.

Mindat is an excellent and free mineral database. The script scrapes the website to extract localities of different mineral deposits and dump into a nice and tidy dataframe.

Similar to geotiff image reader, the script utilizes the same package to extract coordinates from shape file.

All relevant information regarding terrains, features and resources are stored inside XML files across DLC folders and Base Gameplay folders. This is a friendly helper to aggregate information such as tile size, spawning conditions and probabilities.

Mod Demonstrations

The river is one of the most complicated features in civ6map. The lack of documentation took me a whole damn afternoon to grasp on how it works in the database. Rivers pass on the edge of each hexagon. There are six edges for each hexagon but each hexagon effectively controls only three edges -- the bottom left, the bottom right and the right. Normally we’d call them southwest, southeast and east edge of a hexagon. However, they are called northeast, northwest and west in civ6map as the orientation is based upon the hexagon that share a common edge with our target ID.

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The flow direction is purely clockwise. In clockwise direction, the first edge of the hexagon is 0, the second is 1, so on and so forth. When no water flows through the edge, the direction is denoted by -1.

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