4/7 solved
Link: https://github.com/asadse7en/fypCTF{:target="_blank" rel="noopener"}
The flag is in the tags:
Flag: aupCTF{5t4r-th3-r3p0}
After looking up his name Ash in Google with Combo Breaker Champion I find an esports player and found that he won 19 tournaments.
Flag: aupCTF{19}
Link: https://iasad.me/{:target="_blank" rel="noopener"}
I use a DNS records lookup service to find the TXT record.
Flag: aupCTF{st0p-l00k1ing-my-dns-r3c0rds}
Putting it into Google image search, I find that it is A university library{:target="_blank" rel="noopener"}. I found this part of their website{:target="_blank" rel="noopener"} which shows the number of books, which is 113600.
However, there is no number of journals. I went to web archive and found this. Number of journals was: 102+13+11490 = 11605
Flag: aupCTF{113600-11605}