How to use NaniteTree's Mesh Simplification node in your native version of Houdini Note
注: 在这里测试了Houdini 18.5以及Houdini 19.5, 编译测试了Visual Studio2019 以及2022均没有问题
ps.Tested Houdini 18.5 and Houdini 19.5 here, compiled and tested Visual Studio2019 and 2022 without problems
Go to C:\Users\ your computer name \Documents\houdini19.0 Create a dso folder
HOUDINI_DSO_PATH = $HOME\houdini19.0\dso;&
Write these sentences to ensure that you can print out the error Log of the dso when you assign the dll to the DSO folder.
可以将DSO的error Log打印出来,如果需要提Issue请复制这个log
If you need to Issue, please copy the dso error log in the houdini console when opening hda/hip files
官⽹有样例 HDK: Compiling HDK Code (sidefx.com)
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.6 )
project( NaniteSimplification )
# CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH must contain the path to the toolkit/cmake subdirectory of
# the Houdini installation. See the "Compiling with CMake" section of the HDK
# documentation for more details, which describes several options for
# specifying this path.
list( APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "$ENV{HFS}/toolkit/cmake" )
# Locate Houdini's libraries and header files.
# Registers an imported library target named 'Houdini'.
find_package( Houdini REQUIRED )
find_package(Eigen3 3.1.0 QUIET) #(3.1.0 or greater)
# include(CGAL_Eigen3_support)
# if(TARGET CGAL::Eigen3_support)
# create_single_source_cgal_program("edge_collapse_garland_heckbert.cpp")
# target_link_libraries(edge_collapse_garland_heckbert PUBLIC CGAL::Eigen3_support)
# else()
# message(STATUS "NOTICE: Garland-Heckbert polices require the Eigen library, which has not been found; related examples will not be compiled.")
# endif()
set( library_name NaniteSimplification )
# Code generation for the embedded DS file in Mesh_Simplification.cpp.
houdini_generate_proto_headers( FILES Mesh_Simplification.cpp )
# Add a library and its source files.
add_library( ${library_name} SHARED
#add ThirdPartyInclude
list( APPEND ThirdPartIncludePath "include")
list( APPEND ThirdPartIncludePath "$ENV{BOOST_INCLUDEDIR}")
list( APPEND ThirdPartIncludePath "$ENV{CGAL_DIR}/include")
list( APPEND ThirdPartIncludePath "$ENV{CGAL_DIR}/auxiliary/gmp/include")
# list( APPEND ThirdPartIncludePath "D:/JainiceResearch/vcpkg/installed/x64-window")
target_include_directories( ${library_name} PRIVATE
#add ThirdPartylib
# list( APPEND ThirdPartLibPath "D:/JainiceResearch/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/gmp/lib/libmpfr-4.lib")
# list( APPEND ThirdPartLibPath "D:/JainiceResearch/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/gmp/lib/libgmp-10.lib")
target_link_libraries( ${library_name} ${ThirdPartLibPath})
# Link against the Houdini libraries, and add required include directories and
# compile definitions.
target_link_libraries( ${library_name} Houdini )
# Include ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} for the generated header.
target_include_directories( ${library_name} PRIVATE
# Sets several common target properties, such as the library's output directory.
houdini_configure_target( ${library_name} )
./vcpkg.exe install cgal:x64-windows
./vcpkg.exe install boost:x64-windows
./vcpkg.exe integrate install
本文PATH均为系统变量的PATH In this article, PATH is the System PATH
PATH C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin
PATH C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\debug\bin
在 开始菜单 --> 键入Houdini 会自动搜索匹配项 --> Command Line Tools
CMakeLists widget in Start menu --> Type Houdini will automatically search for matches --> Command Line Tools
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 ..
Open the generate sln right mouse button set NaniteSimplification to start the project and click Generate. After success, you can see the item
打开Houdini,创建⼀个Geometry节点,进⼊节点内部,按tab键,找到Custom就可以看到CPP自定义的节点 MeshSimplification
Open Houdini, create a Geometry node, go inside the node, press the tab key, find Custom node MeshSimplification