05.09, Mon
- reran the real motifs categorizing
- found out how to solve root issue of conda container: copy an env as a user instead of using the base env.
04.24, Mon
- amarel maintenance
04.20, Wed
- amarel maintenance
04.19, Tue
- amarel maintenance
04.18, Mon
- read literatures
- amarel maintenance
04.15, Fri
- sick
04.14, Thu
- sick
04.13, Wed
- read literatures
04.13, Wed
- read literatures #scRNA-SeqVariability
- updat manuscript
04.12, Tue
- read literatures
04.12, Tue
- removed n_gained vs n_lost analyses
04.11, Mon
- delta n_motifs
- overall
- passed all 4 filters: stat tests among 3 pert
- didn't pass all 4 filters: stat tests among 3 pert
- positive n_motifs
- negative n_motifs
- overall
- figuring out SCT vs counts, variance change, only check altered genes
#coding - trying conda+jupyterlab singularity recipes
- jlab works
- conda pending trying
04.05, Tue
- activator or repressor
- passed all 4 filters
- didn't pass all 4 filters
- rotation summary #coding
- trying conda+jupyterlab singularity recipes
04.04, Mon
- activator or repressor
- log2FC_72h
- func_72h
04.03, Sun
- updated KW tests into trimmed one way ANOVA
04.03, Sun
- built singularity of more packages installed #scRNA-SeqVariability
- updated manuscript
04.02, Sat
- built singularity container of rserver, and rserver + Bioconductor packages
04.01, Fri #AssessPertX
- updated analyses: check activator and repressor
03.31, Thu
- updated manuscript until the SCT part #AssessPertX
- updated analyses: how many WT.overlapped are removed?
03.30, Wed
- updated manuscript until the SCT part
#AssessPertX - updated the successful/unsuccessful props, perturbed/not perturbed props, and overlapped/not overlapped props
- found a mistake: "Perturbed or not" should be the reversed of "contain_Identical.PertX.MotifIDs.in.sequence"
- now is fixed
- 18:30PM: found everything lost in amarel home directory
03.29, Tue
- finished different cell numbers/type -- all methods finished
- methods: 3, 7, 9, 11, 16
- MWW test finished
03.28, Mon
- continue adding plots showing both motif numbers and statistics #scRNA-SeqVariability
- finished different cell numbers/type
- methods: 13
- finished different cell numbers/type
- methods: 1, 12, 14, 15
- methods: 1, 12, 14, 15
- slides
- add plots showing both motif numbers and statistics (haven't finished)
- substitute Fisher's exact tests with Chi-square tests
- calculating affinities for scenarios of different cell numbers/type:
- condition 1: 100 cells/type; condition2: 100-1000 cells/type
- methods: 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
- manuscript: finished simulation part
- method1 needs high RAM, set as 400G, with 5 cores
- tried installing glmGamPoi
- Error: zlib.h not defined when installing XVector #bug
- Solution: manually define path of zlib.h to $HOME/miniconda3
- in source code of XVector
- in ./src/io_utils.c, line 16: include{zlib.h}
- change zlib.h to absolute path of zlib.h
- re-tar source code and install package from source #debug
- Solution: manually define path of zlib.h to $HOME/miniconda3
- Error: "cannot find -lz" #bug
- Error: zlib.h not defined when installing XVector #bug
- "connection error" when using mclapply #debug #bug
- solutions:
- using absolute paths
- setwd() before writing out files
- alwayse setwd() before sourcing scripts
- solutions:
- revised Rscritps of methods1-14 to avoid duplicating calculations
- check available files: list.files(..., recursive = T)
- get not available fils: not.avail = 1:1000 %>% .[!. %in% avail.files]
- lapply only on not.avail files
- adequate job configs for methods.job (avoid long queues)
- nCPU <= 10, best <=8
- mem <=500G, best <= 200G
- method13, 100cell/type, batch303: #bug
- submit issue to github
- answer from developer: install package glmGamPoi
- Revised .jobs of method
- partition=mem --> less queueing
- more CPUs
- larger RAM
- waiting for the methodN.job to finish