file_put_contents($file, $contents) write $contents to $file
file_get_contents($file) read $file into a variable
Insert end-of-line code: echo PHP_EOL;
uniqid Generate a unique id string based on timestamp
serialize Generate a (storable) string from an object/array
unserialize Load (stored) string data into an object/array
end(array) Return value of last element in array
compact('items') shorthand for array('items' => $items);
strip_tags($str) strips all html tags from $str
get_class Returns the name of a class from an object
get_class_methods Returns all public methods of a class
is_callable($c, $s) Returns true if the class $c has (public) method $s
method_exists Similar to is_callable, but for all methods (including protected/private)
var_export() Like var_dump, but writes data in a way it can be captured. For instance:
\Log::debug(var_export(DB::getQueryLog(), true)); // writes debug info to the log file
array_merge merge two simple arrays
array_replace_recursive merge two complex arrays; replace matching items
Replace a newline with a
return str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '
', e($model->field));
This is a standard PHP class, used to report information about a class. Official documentation at:
Laravel uses it internally for several things. Externally, we can use it to see a list of available methods for a class. Like this:
$r = new ReflectionClass('ClassFacadeOrAliasName');
$methods = $r->getMethods();
$methodArray = array();
foreach($methods as $method) {
$methodArray[$method->getName()] = $method->getDocComment();
return $methodArray;
It has several interesting things to choose from:
getMethods // gets a list of public methods for the class
getProperties // public properties
getConstants // constants defined by the class
getDocComment // DocBlock comments for a class (or method, or property)
getFileName // Gets the name of the file the class is defined in
getInterfaceNames // List all interfaces the class instanciates
getNamespaceName // Return the full namespace of the class
getParentClass // Return the name of the parent class for this class
We can also use it in testing, to test private and protected methods. There's some disagreement about whether private and protected methods should be tested; doing so makes the tests more brittle, but it will point out precisely where things are failing, if there's an error. For instance:
* @dataProvider getSearchStrings
public function testSplitIntoWords($input, $expected)
// use a reflection class to make this method testable
$class = new \ReflectionClass('KBase\Repositories\Searcher');
$method = $class->getMethod('splitStringIntoWords');
$output = $method->invokeArgs($class, array($input));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
Use &
to pass a reference, rather than a value. For instance, to modify an array in place:
protected function injectTagIntoArrayForId(&$array, $id, $tag=' selected="selected"')
foreach($array as &$item) {
if($item['id']==$id) {
$item['extra'] = $tag;
Non-static: $this->function(x);
Static: self::function(x);
In a static function, you can only call other static functions, unless you create an instance, like so:
$instance = new static;
There are some interesting variations on a couple of static calls:
self::$items items in this class
static::$items items in this class, or descendents of this class
Magic functions run at (given) times. For instance, __call runs whenever a function can not be found, so you can do something else:
public static function __call($name, $args)
$fn = strtolower($name);
if (substr($fn, 0, 8) == 'gettable'){
$table = $this->getTable();
return $table[substr($fn, 8)];
} elseif (substr($fn, 0, 8) == 'getfield') {
$fields = $this->getFields();
return $fields[substr($fn, 8)];
return strtolower($name);
Based off the folder structure.
My project: package/src/Vendor/Package.php
github: jijoel/Package/src/Vendor/Package.php
namespace Vendor\Package
You can call methods from a namespaced class like this:
$foo = (new Foo\Bar)->method();
You can also run tests that call standard functions based on your namespace. For instance, time. If there is no time() function in your namespace, php will just use the default time() function. If you have it declared in your namespace, though, it will use that. eg,
namespace Fizz;
class Foo {
function bar { return time(); }
namespace Fizz;
function time() { return 'buzz'; }
class FooTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function testGetBar() {
$result = (new Foo)->bar();
$this->assertEquals('buzz', $result);
We can do some really interesting things with PHP, Laravel, and closures. For instance, we can use a closure to select scopes from several classes, and assemble the data.
private $sources = [...]; // All of the models that should be used to collect data
public function getSummary(DateRange $dates)
return $this->loadData(function ($model) use ($dates) {
return $model
public function getDetailForCode(DateRange $dates, $accountCode)
return $this->loadData(function($model) use ($dates, $accountCode) {
return $model
->inDateRange($dates) // each of the models must include these scopes
->forAccountCode($accountCode); // (eg, use an interface)
private function loadData($closure)
$data = new Collection();
$class = get_class($this);
$namespace = substr($class, 0, strrpos($class, '\\'));
foreach($this->sources as $source) {
$name = $namespace.'\\'.$source; // Get the fully namespaced name of the model
$model = new $name; // Create a model object to search
$found = $closure($model)->get(); // find data based on the closure
$data = $data->merge($found); // Merge the found data with the collection
return $data;
We can also run something on every field of every table:
public function getFieldList()
$result = $this->forAllFieldsInAllTables(function($table, $field){
return $table.'.'.$field->getName();
return '<p>' . join('</p><p>', $result);
private function forAllFieldsInAllTables($callback)
$schemaManager = DB::connection()->getDoctrineSchemaManager();
$tables = $schemaManager->listTableNames();
$return = [];
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$fields = $schemaManager->listTableColumns($table);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$return[] = $callback($table, $field);
return $return;