BluetoothSmart is a library that allows a more objective approach to communicating with Bluetooth Smart devices.
In order to begin, a device must be created that extends the SmartDevice object:
public class MyDevice extends SmartDevice {
In order to filter the device out, the class must also provide an identifier:
public static boolean identify(byte[] data) {
return Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 9, 11), MY_MANUFACTURER_ID);
To scan for devices, use the DeviceScanner instance:
DeviceScanner scanner = DeviceScanner.getInstance();
if (BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter.isEnabled())
SmartDevice objects can now contain specially annotated variables that can infer data from advertisements:
@AdInteger(start=20) private int mBatteryLevel;
@CharDef(service = SERVICE_UUID, id = CHARACTERISTIC_UUID) public Characteristic BATTERY_LEVEL;
JavaDoc will soon be provided as well as some samples to work with common BLE devices.