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1475 lines (1136 loc) · 38.7 KB

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1475 lines (1136 loc) · 38.7 KB
title author date output
Julin Maloof
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6      ✔ purrr   0.3.4 
## ✔ tibble  3.1.8      ✔ dplyr   1.0.10
## ✔ tidyr   1.2.0      ✔ stringr 1.4.1 
## ✔ readr   2.1.2      ✔ forcats 0.5.2 
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()


  1. What are the three components of a function?

name, arguments, code?

  1. What does the following code return?
x <- 10
f1 <- function(x) {
  function() {
    x + 10
## [1] 11

_11. Note that the initial assignment of x <- 10 is just a distractor. _

  1. How would you usually write this code?
`+`(1, `*`(2, 3))
## [1] 7
1 + 2*3
## [1] 7
  1. How could you make this call easier to read?

mean(, TRUE, x = c(1:10, NA))

mean(, TRUE, x = c(1:10, NA))
## [1] 5.5
mean(c(1:10, NA), na.rm=TRUE)
## [1] 5.5
  1. Does the following code throw an error when executed? Why or why not?
f2 <- function(a, b) {
  a * 10
f2(10, stop("This is an error!"))
## [1] 100

I guessed "no" and I was correct. Because "b" is not evaluated

  1. What is an infix function? How do you write it? What’s a replacement function? How do you write it?


  1. How do you ensure that cleanup action occurs regardless of how a function exits?


Exercises 6.2.5

  1. Given a name, like "mean", lets you find a function. Given a function, can you find its name? Why doesn’t that make sense in R?

I don't even know what this is asking.

  1. It’s possible (although typically not useful) to call an anonymous function. Which of the two approaches below is correct? Why?
function(x) 3()
## function(x) 3()
#> function(x) 3()
(function(x) 3)()
## [1] 3
#> [1] 3

Took me a minute to understand this at all. But the function is a function that will return 3, no matter what is input. The second veresion is what works but I do not understand the syntax

  1. A good rule of thumb is that an anonymous function should fit on one line and shouldn’t need to use {}. Review your code. Where could you have used an anonymous function instead of a named function? Where should you have used a named function instead of an anonymous function?

  2. What function allows you to tell if an object is a function? What function allows you to tell if a function is a primitive function?

f <- function(x) x^2

## [1] "closure"
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
  1. This code makes a list of all functions in the base package.
objs <- mget(ls("package:base", all = TRUE), inherits = TRUE)
funs <- Filter(is.function, objs)

Use it to answer the following questions:

  1. Which base function has the most arguments?
fun.args <- sapply(funs, function(x) length(formals(x))) 

## [1] "scan"
## $file
## [1] ""
## $what
## double()
## $nmax
## -1L
## $n
## -1L
## $sep
## [1] ""
## $quote
## if (identical(sep, "\n")) "" else "'\""
## $dec
## [1] "."
## $skip
## [1] 0
## $nlines
## [1] 0
## $na.strings
## [1] "NA"
## $flush
## [1] FALSE
## $fill
## [1] FALSE
## $strip.white
## [1] FALSE
## $quiet
## [1] FALSE
## $blank.lines.skip
## [1] TRUE
## $multi.line
## [1] TRUE
## $comment.char
## [1] ""
## $allowEscapes
## [1] FALSE
## $fileEncoding
## [1] ""
## $encoding
## [1] "unknown"
## $text
## $skipNul
## [1] FALSE
  1. How many base functions have no arguments? What’s special about those functions?
##   [1] "-"                        ":"                       
##   [3] "::"                       ":::"                     
##   [5] "!"                        "!="                      
##   [7] "...elt"                   "...length"               
##   [9] "...names"                 ".C"                      
##  [11] ".cache_class"             ".Call"                   
##  [13] ""           ".class2"                 
##  [15] ".External"                ""      
##  [17] ".External2"               ".First.sys"              
##  [19] ".Fortran"                 ".Internal"               
##  [21] ".isMethodsDispatchOn"     ".NotYetImplemented"      
##  [23] ".OptRequireMethods"       ".Primitive"              
##  [25] ".primTrace"               ".primUntrace"            
##  [27] ".standard_regexps"        ".subset"                 
##  [29] ".subset2"                 ".tryResumeInterrupt"     
##  [31] "("                        "["                       
##  [33] "[["                       "[[<-"                    
##  [35] "[<-"                      "{"                       
##  [37] "@"                        "@<-"                     
##  [39] "*"                        "/"                       
##  [41] "&"                        "&&"                      
##  [43] "%*%"                      "%/%"                     
##  [45] "%%"                       "^"                       
##  [47] "+"                        "<"                       
##  [49] "<-"                       "<<-"                     
##  [51] "<="                       "="                       
##  [53] "=="                       ">"                       
##  [55] ">="                       "|"                       
##  [57] "||"                       "~"                       
##  [59] "$"                        "$<-"                     
##  [61] "abs"                      "acos"                    
##  [63] "acosh"                    "all"                     
##  [65] "any"                      "anyNA"                   
##  [67] "Arg"                      ""                 
##  [69] "as.character"             "as.complex"              
##  [71] "as.double"                "as.environment"          
##  [73] "as.integer"               "as.logical"              
##  [75] "as.numeric"               "as.raw"                  
##  [77] "asin"                     "asinh"                   
##  [79] "atan"                     "atanh"                   
##  [81] "attr"                     "attr<-"                  
##  [83] "attributes"               "attributes<-"            
##  [85] "baseenv"                  "break"                   
##  [87] "browser"                  "c"                       
##  [89] "call"                     "ceiling"                 
##  [91] "class"                    "class<-"                 
##  [93] "closeAllConnections"      "Conj"                    
##  [95] "contributors"             "cos"                     
##  [97] "cosh"                     "cospi"                   
##  [99] "Cstack_info"              "cummax"                  
## [101] "cummin"                   "cumprod"                 
## [103] "cumsum"                   "date"                    
## [105] "default.stringsAsFactors" "digamma"                 
## [107] "dim"                      "dim<-"                   
## [109] "dimnames"                 "dimnames<-"              
## [111] "emptyenv"                 "enc2native"              
## [113] "enc2utf8"                 "environment<-"           
## [115] "exp"                      "expm1"                   
## [117] "expression"               "extSoftVersion"          
## [119] "floor"                    "for"                     
## [121] "forceAndCall"             "function"                
## [123] "gamma"                    "gc.time"                 
## [125] "getAllConnections"        "geterrmessage"           
## [127] "getLoadedDLLs"            "getRversion"             
## [129] "getTaskCallbackNames"     "getwd"                   
## [131] "globalenv"                "iconvlist"               
## [133] "if"                       "Im"                      
## [135] "interactive"              "invisible"               
## [137] "is.array"                 "is.atomic"               
## [139] ""                  "is.character"            
## [141] "is.complex"               "is.double"               
## [143] "is.environment"           "is.expression"           
## [145] "is.finite"                "is.function"             
## [147] "is.infinite"              "is.integer"              
## [149] "is.language"              "is.list"                 
## [151] "is.logical"               "is.matrix"               
## [153] ""                    ""                 
## [155] "is.nan"                   "is.null"                 
## [157] "is.numeric"               "is.object"               
## [159] "is.pairlist"              "is.R"                    
## [161] "is.raw"                   "is.recursive"            
## [163] "is.single"                "is.symbol"               
## [165] "isS4"                     "l10n_info"               
## [167] "La_library"               "La_version"              
## [169] "lazyLoadDBfetch"          "length"                  
## [171] "length<-"                 "levels<-"                
## [173] "lgamma"                   "libcurlVersion"          
## [175] "licence"                  "license"                 
## [177] "list"                     "loadedNamespaces"        
## [179] "loadingNamespaceInfo"     "log"                     
## [181] "log10"                    "log1p"                   
## [183] "log2"                     "max"                     
## [185] "memory.profile"           "min"                     
## [187] "missing"                  "Mod"                     
## [189] "names"                    "names<-"                 
## [191] "nargs"                    "next"                    
## [193] "nullfile"                 "nzchar"                  
## [195] "oldClass"                 "oldClass<-"              
## [197] "on.exit"                  "pcre_config"             
## [199] ""               "proc.time"               
## [201] "prod"                     "quote"                   
## [203] "R.Version"                "range"                   
## [205] "Re"                       "rep"                     
## [207] "repeat"                   "retracemem"              
## [209] "return"                   "round"                   
## [211] "search"                   "searchpaths"             
## [213] "seq_along"                "seq_len"                 
## [215] ""                  "sign"                    
## [217] "signif"                   "sin"                     
## [219] "sinh"                     "sinpi"                   
## [221] "sqrt"                     "standardGeneric"         
## [223] "stderr"                   "stdin"                   
## [225] "stdout"                   "storage.mode<-"          
## [227] "substitute"               "sum"                     
## [229] "switch"                   "sys.calls"               
## [231] "Sys.Date"                 "sys.frames"              
## [233] "Sys.getpid"               ""                
## [235] "Sys.localeconv"           "sys.nframe"              
## [237] "sys.on.exit"              "sys.parents"             
## [239] "sys.status"               "Sys.time"                
## [241] "tan"                      "tanh"                    
## [243] "tanpi"                    "tracemem"                
## [245] "trigamma"                 "trunc"                   
## [247] "unclass"                  "untracemem"              
## [249] "UseMethod"                "while"                   
## [251] "xtfrm"
sapply(funs[fun.args==0], is.primitive)
##                        -                        :                       :: 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      :::                        !                       != 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   ...elt                ...length                 ...names 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                       .C             .cache_class                    .Call 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   .class2                .External 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               .External2               .First.sys 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                 .Fortran                .Internal     .isMethodsDispatchOn 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##       .NotYetImplemented       .OptRequireMethods               .Primitive 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##               .primTrace             .primUntrace        .standard_regexps 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                  .subset                 .subset2      .tryResumeInterrupt 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                        (                        [                       [[ 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                     [[<-                      [<-                        { 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                        @                      @<-                        * 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                        /                        &                       && 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      %*%                      %/%                       %% 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                        ^                        +                        < 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                       <-                      <<-                       <= 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                        =                       ==                        > 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                       >=                        |                       || 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                        ~                        $                      $<- 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      abs                     acos                    acosh 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      all                      any                    anyNA 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      Arg                     as.character 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               as.complex                as.double           as.environment 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               as.integer               as.logical               as.numeric 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   as.raw                     asin                    asinh 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                     atan                    atanh                     attr 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   attr<-               attributes             attributes<- 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                  baseenv                    break                  browser 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                        c                     call                  ceiling 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                    class                  class<-      closeAllConnections 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                     Conj             contributors                      cos 
##                     TRUE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##                     cosh                    cospi              Cstack_info 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                   cummax                   cummin                  cumprod 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   cumsum                     date default.stringsAsFactors 
##                     TRUE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##                  digamma                      dim                    dim<- 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                 dimnames               dimnames<-                 emptyenv 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               enc2native                 enc2utf8            environment<- 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      exp                    expm1               expression 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##           extSoftVersion                    floor                      for 
##                    FALSE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##             forceAndCall                 function                    gamma 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                  gc.time        getAllConnections            geterrmessage 
##                     TRUE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##            getLoadedDLLs              getRversion     getTaskCallbackNames 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##                    getwd                globalenv                iconvlist 
##                    FALSE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                       if                       Im              interactive 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                invisible                 is.array                is.atomic 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                     is.character               is.complex 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                is.double           is.environment            is.expression 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                is.finite              is.function              is.infinite 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               is.integer              is.language                  is.list 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               is.logical                is.matrix           
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                           is.nan                  is.null 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               is.numeric                is.object              is.pairlist 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                     is.R                   is.raw             is.recursive 
##                    FALSE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                is.single                is.symbol                     isS4 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                l10n_info               La_library               La_version 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##          lazyLoadDBfetch                   length                 length<- 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                 levels<-                   lgamma           libcurlVersion 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                  licence                  license                     list 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##         loadedNamespaces     loadingNamespaceInfo                      log 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##                    log10                    log1p                     log2 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                      max           memory.profile                      min 
##                     TRUE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##                  missing                      Mod                    names 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                  names<-                    nargs                     next 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                 nullfile                   nzchar                 oldClass 
##                    FALSE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               oldClass<-                  on.exit              pcre_config 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                    FALSE 
##                     proc.time                     prod 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                    quote                R.Version                    range 
##                     TRUE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##                       Re                      rep                   repeat 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##               retracemem                   return                    round 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   search              searchpaths                seq_along 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                     TRUE 
##                  seq_len                             sign 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   signif                      sin                     sinh 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                    sinpi                     sqrt          standardGeneric 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   stderr                    stdin                   stdout 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##           storage.mode<-               substitute                      sum 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                   switch                sys.calls                 Sys.Date 
##                     TRUE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##               sys.frames               Sys.getpid        
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##           Sys.localeconv               sys.nframe              sys.on.exit 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##              sys.parents               sys.status                 Sys.time 
##                    FALSE                    FALSE                    FALSE 
##                      tan                     tanh                    tanpi 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                 tracemem                 trigamma                    trunc 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                  unclass               untracemem                UseMethod 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE                     TRUE 
##                    while                    xtfrm 
##                     TRUE                     TRUE

many are primitives, the rest return something without input

  1. How could you adapt the code to find all primitive functions?
objs <- mget(ls("package:base", all = TRUE), inherits = TRUE)
funs <- Filter(is.function, objs)
primfuns <- Filter(is.primitive, objs)
  1. What are the three important components of a function?

Arguments, body, environment

  1. When does printing a function not show the environment it was created in?

when the function exists in the global environment

## function (..., na.rm = FALSE)  .Primitive("sum")
## function(x) x^2
## function (x, ...) 
## UseMethod("aggregate")
## <bytecode: 0x13473d040>
## <environment: namespace:stats>

6.4.5 Exercises

  1. What does the following code return? Why? Describe how each of the three c’s is interpreted.
c <- 10
c(c = c)
##  c 
## 10

I predict 10. Answer is c=10. The first "c" is an object name, a reference to the value 10. The second c calls the c() function. The third c is used as a name for the first element in the vector that c is creating, and the final c refers to the "c" object.

  1. What are the four principles that govern how R looks for values?

masking, fresh start, functions separate from variables, dynamic lookup

  1. What does the following function return? Make a prediction before running the code yourself.
f <- function(x) { # this is the f that gets called
  # x = 10
  f <- function(x) {
    f <- function() {
      x ^ 2
    f() + 1 
  f(x) * 2 # calls the first nested function, which calls the innermost function.  So 202
## [1] 202

6.5.4 Exercises

  1. What important property of && makes x_ok() work?
x_ok <- function(x) {
  !is.null(x) && length(x) == 1 && x > 0

## [1] FALSE
#> [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

with && it doesn't keep evaluating once a FALSE is reached

What is different with this code? Why is this behaviour undesirable here?

x_ok <- function(x) {
  !is.null(x) & length(x) == 1 & x > 0

## logical(0)
#> logical(0)
## [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

& is going to evaluate all code. We want a single T or F and that is not what is being returned here.

  1. What does this function return? Why? Which principle does it illustrate?
f2 <- function(x = z) {
  z <- 100
## [1] 100

should return 100 and illustrates that arguments can be assigned internal in the function. I hate this

  1. What does this function return? Why? Which principle does it illustrate?
y <- 10
f1 <- function(x = {y <- 1; 2}, y = 0) {
  c(x, y)
## [1] 2 1
## [1] 10

I don't get it

  1. In hist(), the default value of xlim is range(breaks), the default value for breaks is "Sturges", and
## [1] "Sturges" "Sturges"
#> [1] "Sturges" "Sturges"

Explain how hist() works to get a correct xlim value.

it is using the Sturges function

  1. Explain why this function works. Why is it confusing?
show_time <- function(x = stop("Error!")) {
  stop <- function(...) Sys.time()
## [1] "2022-10-16 15:40:07 PDT"
#> [1] "2021-02-21 19:22:36 UTC"

because x is evaluated inside the function and a new stop function has been defined inside of the show_time function

  1. How many arguments are required when calling library()?
## function (package, help, pos = 2, lib.loc = NULL, character.only = FALSE, 
##     logical.return = FALSE, warn.conflicts, quietly = FALSE, 
##     verbose = getOption("verbose"), mask.ok, exclude, include.only, 
##     attach.required = missing(include.only)) 

Zero arguments, but not sure how to figure this out.

6.6.1 Exercises

1. Explain the following results:

sum(1, 2, 3)
## [1] 6
#> [1] 6
mean(1, 2, 3)
## [1] 1
#> [1] 1

sum(1, 2, 3, na.omit = TRUE)
## [1] 7
#> [1] 7
mean(1, 2, 3, na.omit = TRUE)
## [1] 1
#> [1] 1

Part 1: sum() has a ... argument first and it will sum up all argumetns given, aside from its final argument na.rm = FALSE. In mean(), the ... argument comes last; mean() only takes the mean of its first argument; the ... argument is for passing arguments to other functions.

Part 2: Somehow na.omit = TRUE is getting evaluated to 1 in sum and included in the total. This doesn't happen for mean for the reasons described above

2. Explain how to find the documentation for the named arguments in the following function call:

plot(1:10, col = "red", pch = 20, xlab = "x", col.lab = "blue")

?plot tells us that ... is passed to other methods, such as par() so look at ?par

3. Why does plot(1:10, col = "red") only colour the points, not the axes or labels? Read the source code of plot.default() to find out.

Because plot.default uses Axis but when it calls Axis is excludes col from the ... that gets passed to Axis. And labels color has to be specified with col.lab


plot.default(1:10, col="red")

plot.julin <- function(x, y = NULL, type = "p", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, 
                       log = "", main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
                       ann = par("ann"), axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, panel.first = NULL, 
                       panel.last = NULL, asp = NA, xgap.axis = NA, ygap.axis = NA, 
  # localAxis <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) Axis(...)
  localAxis <- function(..., bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) Axis(...)
  localBox <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) box(...)
  localWindow <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) plot.window(...)
  #  localTitle <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) title(...)
  localTitle <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) title(col.lab=col, ...)
  xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) 
  ylabel <- if (!missing(y)) 
  xy <- xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log)
  xlab <- if (is.null(xlab)) 
  else xlab
  ylab <- if (is.null(ylab)) 
  else ylab
  xlim <- if (is.null(xlim)) 
  else xlim
  ylim <- if (is.null(ylim)) 
  else ylim
  localWindow(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...)
  plot.xy(xy, type, ...)
  if (axes) {
    localAxis(if (is.null(y)) 
      else x, side = 1, gap.axis = xgap.axis, ...)
    localAxis(if (is.null(y)) 
      else y, side = 2, gap.axis = ygap.axis, ...)
  if (frame.plot) 
  if (ann) 
    localTitle(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
plot.julin(1:10, col="red")

6.7.5 Exercises

1. What does load() return? Why don’t you normally see these values?

save(list=ls(), file="test.Rdata")
## Warning in save(list = ls(), file = "test.Rdata"): 'package:dplyr' may not be
## available when loading
## $value
##  [1] "c"          "f"          "f1"         "f2"         "fun.args"  
##  [6] "funs"       "objs"       "plot.julin" "primfuns"   "show_time" 
## [11] "x"          "x_ok"       "y"         
## $visible
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE

load() returns (invisibly) the names of the items it has loaded

2. What does write.table() return? What would be more useful?

  write.table(matrix(1:25,ncol=5), file = "test.table")
## $value
## $visible
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE

NULL. it might be more useful to return success or failure?

3. How does the chdir parameter of source() compare to with_dir()? Why might you prefer one to the other?



looking at the code, source does more error checking of the path. But I think I am missing something

4. Write a function that opens a graphics device, runs the supplied code, and closes the graphics device (always, regardless of whether or not the plotting code works).

gr.test <- function(code) {
  jpeg() # open graphics device
  on.exit(, add=TRUE)
  force(code) # execute the code
gr.test(plot(1:10, 1:10))


## [1] TRUE

5. We can use on.exit() to implement a simple version of capture.output().

capture.output2 <- function(code) {
  temp <- tempfile()
  on.exit(file.remove(temp), add = TRUE, after = TRUE)

  on.exit(sink(), add = TRUE, after = TRUE)

capture.output2(cat("a", "b", "c", sep = "\n"))
## [1] "a" "b" "c"
#> [1] "a" "b" "c"

Compare capture.output() to capture.output2(). How do the functions differ? What features have I removed to make the key ideas easier to see? How have I rewritten the key ideas so they’re easier to understand?

features removed: ability to name capture file, ability to append to file, ability to (not) split, ability to specify type

clarity: new function doesn't use a for loop, doesn't use ...elt()

6.8.6 Exercises

1. Rewrite the following code snippets into prefix form:

1 + 2 + 3
## [1] 6
`+`(`+`(1,2), 3)
## [1] 6
1 + (2 + 3)
## [1] 6
`+`(1, `+`(2,3) )
## [1] 6
x <- 1:10
n <- 7

if (length(x) <= 5) x[[5]] else x[[n]]
## [1] 7
  `<=`(length(x), 5), #cond
  `[[`(x,5), #true
  `[[`(x,n) #false
## [1] 7

2. Clarify the following list of odd function calls:

x <- sample(replace = TRUE, 20, x = c(1:10, NA))
x <- sample(c(1:10, NA), size = 20, replace = TRUE)

y <- runif(min = 0, max = 1, 20)
y <- runif(20, min = 0, max=1)

cor(m = "k", y = y, u = "p", x = x)
## [1] -0.006350647
cor(x=x, y=y, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method="kendall")
## [1] -0.006350647

3. Explain why the following code fails:

#modify(get("x"), 1) <- 10
#> Error: target of assignment expands to non-language object

not sure what he is geting at here. Am I supposed to be using his modify function first? If so, it fails because get("x") gets the contents of x, not the object itself

`modify<-` <- function(x, position, value) {
  x[position] <- value

##  [1] 10  6  3  8  3  1  1  5  1  3  3 NA  9  1  1  6  6  7  3  6
##  [1] 10  6  3  8  3  1  1  5  1  3  3 NA  9  1  1  6  6  7  3  6
modify(x, 1) <- 10

4. Create a replacement function that modifies a random location in a vector.

`modify.random<-` <- function(x, value) {
  position <- sample(length(x), size = 1)
  x[position] <- value

z <- 1:10

modify.random(z) <- 200
##  [1]   1   2 200   4   5   6   7   8   9  10

5. Write your own version of + that pastes its inputs together if they are character vectors but behaves as usual otherwise. In other words, make this code work:

`+` <- function(x,y) {

1 + 2
## [1] 3
#> [1] 3

"a" + "b"
## [1] "ab"
#> [1] "ab"

6. Create a list of all the replacement functions found in the base package. Which ones are primitive functions? (Hint: use apropos().)

replacement_functions <- apropos("<-$", mode = "function")

is_replacement_function <- sapply(replacement_functions, function(x) is.primitive(get(x)))

##  [1] "[[<-"           "[<-"            "@<-"            "<-"            
##  [5] "<<-"            "$<-"            "attr<-"         "attributes<-"  
##  [9] "class<-"        "dim<-"          "dimnames<-"     "el<-"          
## [13] "environment<-"  "length<-"       "levels<-"       "names<-"       
## [17] "oldClass<-"     "storage.mode<-"

7. What are valid names for user-created infix functions?

anything but "%"

8. Create an infix xor() operator.

XOR is A or B but not both

`%xor%` <- function(a,b) {
  (a|b) &! (a&b)

## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE

9. Create infix versions of the set functions intersect(), union(), and setdiff(). You might call them %n%, %u%, and %/% to match conventions from mathematics.

`%n%` <- function(x,y) intersect(x,y)

`%u%` <- function(x,y) union(x,y)

`%/%` <- function(x,y) setdiff(x,y)
(x <- c(sort(sample(1:20, 9)), NA))
##  [1]  6  9 10 11 13 14 18 19 20 NA
(y <- c(sort(sample(3:23, 7)), NA))
## [1]  5  6 11 13 17 20 22 NA
union(x, y)
##  [1]  6  9 10 11 13 14 18 19 20 NA  5 17 22
x %u% y
##  [1]  6  9 10 11 13 14 18 19 20 NA  5 17 22
intersect(x, y)
## [1]  6 11 13 20 NA
x %n% y
## [1]  6 11 13 20 NA
setdiff(x, y)
## [1]  9 10 14 18 19
x %/% y
## [1]  9 10 14 18 19
setdiff(y, x)
## [1]  5 17 22
y %/% x
## [1]  5 17 22