All notable changes to DynatracePS will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
-Get-DynatraceMetric to get list of metrics
-Get-DynatraceSettingsObject to return one or more setting objects
-Function Get-DynatraceSettingsSchema to accept schema id and output as JSON
-All functions, replaced break
with return
where appropriate
-Function Get-DynatraceAuditLog
-Function Get-DynatraceDatabase to return database services in Dynatrace
-Function Get-DynatraceEntityType to accept -Type parameter, which will return available properties for that Entity Type
-Function Get-DynatraceAlertingProfile to get one or more alerting profiles -Function Get-DynatraceNotification to get a list of notifications, or details on a single notification
-Function Get-DynatraceHTTPCheckStatus to get status of http checks -Function Get-DynatraceSyntheticLocation to get list of locations available for synthetic checks
-Function Get-DynatraceHTTPCheck to get all the http checks in dynatrace -Function Get-DynatraceHTTPCheckProperty to get properties for an http check
-Function Get-DynatraceManagementZoneRule to get all the rules associated with a management zone -Function Get-DynatraceHostsInHostGroup to return a list of hosts and related host groups
-Get-DynatraceProblem to get problems -Internal function ConvertTo-Datetime to convert millisecond timestamps used in dynatrace to human readable local time
-Function Get-DyntraceUserLastLogin to get user name and last login time
-Function Get-DynatraceGroupPermission to output MZ name instead of MZ id so it's easier to grok
-Replaced Invoke-RestMethod with Invoke-WebRequest in order to provide better support across various PS versions
-Function Connect-DynatraceAccountManagement now handles caching of token correctly
Skip ahead / versioning issue
-Added OutputNotNested parm to function Get-DynatraceGroupPermission for outputing to Excel or FT
-Function New-DynatraceManagementZone to create a management zone -Function Update-DynatraceManagementZone to update a management zone -Function Remove-DynatraceManagementZone to remove a management zone -Function New-DynatraceMzRuleHostGroup to generate a management zone rule object for host group mapping
-Function Test-ServerResponse accepts a status code parm and checks that -Function Invoke-DynatraceAPIMethod now uses output variables for response headers and status code. also mohr debugging.
-Function Rename-DynatraceManagementZone to rename management zones
-Function Get-DynatraceProcessGroupProperty to return properties for a process group -Function Get-DynatraceProcessProperty to return properties for a process
-Function Get-DynatraceHost cleaned up -Function Get-DynatraceProcessGroup calls correct function now -Function Get-DynatraceProcessGroupInstance renamed to Get-DynatraceProcess to better reflect what it does -All functions that should OutputAsJson now do.
-Function Get-DynatraceHostGroup works with -Name parm now -Function Get-DynatraceHostProperty works with -Name parm now
-Function Get-DynatraceManagementZoneProperty to get properties for a management zone -Function Get-DynatraceHostProperty to get properties for a host -Function Get-DynatraceHostGroupProperty to get properties for a host group
-Function Get-DynatraceEntityProperty to optionally output in JSON
Initial load!
- This CHANGELOG file
- Good examples and basic guidelines, including proper date formatting.
- Counter-examples: "What makes unicorns cry?" "A bad CHANGELOG!"