diff --git a/fastrl.Dockerfile b/fastrl.Dockerfile index 75d8eba..d03d87e 100644 --- a/fastrl.Dockerfile +++ b/fastrl.Dockerfile @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -# FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.10.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8-runtime -# FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.12.1-cuda11.3-cudnn8-runtime FROM nvidia/cuda:12.0.0-runtime-ubuntu20.04 -# RUN conda install python=3.8 ENV CONTAINER_USER fastrl_user ENV CONTAINER_GROUP fastrl_group @@ -9,11 +6,8 @@ ENV CONTAINER_UID 1000 # Add user to conda RUN addgroup --gid $CONTAINER_UID $CONTAINER_GROUP && \ adduser --uid $CONTAINER_UID --gid $CONTAINER_UID $CONTAINER_USER --disabled-password - # && \ - # mkdir -p /opt/conda && chown $CONTAINER_USER /opt/conda RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common rsync curl gcc g++ -#RUN apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0 && apt-add-repository https://cli.github.com/packages RUN curl -fsSL https://cli.github.com/packages/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg RUN echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] https://cli.github.com/packages stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null @@ -29,12 +23,10 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git libglib2.0-dev graphviz libxext6 \ WORKDIR /home/$CONTAINER_USER # Install Primary Pip Reqs -# ENV PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu117 COPY --chown=$CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP extra/requirements.txt /home/$CONTAINER_USER/extra/requirements.txt # Since we are using a custom fork of torchdata, we install torchdata as part of a submodule. # RUN pip3 install -r extra/requirements.txt --pre --upgrade RUN pip3 install torch>=2.0.0 -# --pre --upgrade RUN pip3 show torch COPY --chown=$CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP extra/pip_requirements.txt /home/$CONTAINER_USER/extra/pip_requirements.txt @@ -52,15 +44,11 @@ ARG BUILD=dev RUN apt-get install swig3.0 && ln -s /usr/bin/swig3.0 /usr/bin/swig RUN /bin/bash -c "if [[ $BUILD == 'dev' ]] ; then echo \"Development Build\" && pip3 install -r extra/dev_requirements.txt ; fi" # RUN /bin/bash -c "if [[ $BUILD == 'dev' ]] ; then wget https://mujoco.org/download/mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz; fi" -# RUN /bin/bash -c "if [[ $BUILD == 'dev' ]] ; then echo \"Development Build\" && conda install -c conda-forge nodejs==15.14.0 line_profiler && jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly; fi" -# RUN chown $CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP -R /opt/conda/bin RUN chown $CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP -R /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/datapipes # RUN chown $CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP -R /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packagess/mujoco_py # RUN chown $CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP -R /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages -RUN pip3 show torch - RUN chown $CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP -R /home/$CONTAINER_USER RUN apt-get install sudo @@ -84,7 +72,6 @@ USER $CONTAINER_USER WORKDIR /home/$CONTAINER_USER ENV PATH="/home/$CONTAINER_USER/.local/bin:${PATH}" -# RUN git clone https://github.com/josiahls/fastrl.git --depth 1 RUN pip install setuptools==60.7.0 COPY --chown=$CONTAINER_USER:$CONTAINER_GROUP . fastrl @@ -99,12 +86,8 @@ RUN BASHRC=$( [ -f "$HOME/.bash_profile" ] && echo "$HOME/.bash_profile" || echo echo 'export PATH="/home/fastrl_user/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin:$PATH"' >> "$BASHRC" && \ source "$BASHRC" -# RUN /bin/bash -c "if [[ $BUILD == 'dev' ]] ; then echo \"Development Build\" && cd fastrl/data && mv pyproject.toml pyproject.toml_tmp && pip install -e . --no-dependencies && mv pyproject.toml_tmp pyproject.toml && cd ../; fi" - RUN /bin/bash -c "if [[ $BUILD == 'prod' ]] ; then echo \"Production Build\" && cd fastrl && pip install . --no-dependencies; fi" RUN /bin/bash -c "if [[ $BUILD == 'dev' ]] ; then echo \"Development Build\" && cd fastrl && pip install -e \".[dev]\" --no-dependencies ; fi" -# RUN echo '#!/bin/bash\npip install -e .[dev] --no-dependencies && xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24" jupyter lab --ip= --port=8080 --allow-root --no-browser --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password=''' >> run_jupyter.sh - RUN /bin/bash -c "cd fastrl && pip install -e . --no-dependencies"