Develop | Master |
Task[In] is a simple applilcation to manage projects and task and also use Pomodoro Technic work on them. ¡Just that you need to be a little more productive!.
Task[in] is a project to show how we can develop applications (mainly in Microsoft .NET using C#). Task[in] include, samples, startup guides, best practices and others recomendations. All of them from my point of view and according to my professional experience. It's a step by step, about how we can develop real applications and not just thinking in samples or PoCs.
Task[in] Book, is a spanish book I started to write to include all of these practices and geeks adventures in order to guide or to do all develops things easier. Here we have a question, Why in each our project we start again and again? I think Windows Template Studio (WindowsTemplateStudio) and (Template10) are good example of this for UWP.
- RESTfull Api
- Project Templates and reuse them in more projecrts
- Azure App Services
- SQL Azure
- Azure Storage Account
- Azure Mobile Services
- And much more ...
Github pages:
License: MIT
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
dotnet ef database update