+ |
(+ &rest NUMBERS) Returns sum of given args. |
- |
(- NUMBER &rest NUMBERS) Subtract numbers from the first number. If only one number given, it is negated. |
* |
(* &rest NUMBERS) Returns product of given args. |
/ |
(/ NUMBER &rest NUMBERS) Returns division of first and the rest of the given args. |
eq? |
(eq? OBJECT OBJECT) Checks for equality between two args. Returns true/false |
`< |
(< NUMBER NUMBER) Less-than. Return true if $1 less than $2 |
> |
(> NUMBER NUMBER) Greater-than. Return true if $1 greater than $2 |
if |
(if OBJECT->BOOLEAN OBJECT OBJECT) If-statement. If condition is true interpret $2, if not interpret $3. Returns value returned by chosen execution path. |
not |
(not BOOLEAN) Negate boolean. |
cons |
(const OBJECT CONS-CELL-LIST-OR-NIL) Create a cons cell with $1 as car, and $2 as cdr. |
list |
(list &rest OBJECT) Create a list of n elements. |
car |
(car CONS-CELL-OR-LIST) Returns the head element of a cons-cell or list. |
cdr |
(cdr CONS-CELL-OR-LIST) Returns the tail of a cons-cell or list. |
length |
(length LIST) Returns the length a list. |
assoc |
set |
(set QUOTED-SYMBOL OBJECT) Set a global variable named by a qutoed symbol, given the value of $2. |
defun |
(defun STRING LIST BODY) Set a named function given a name, list of args, and a function body. |
let |
(let (SYMBOL OBJECT) BODY) Create variable in the environment of the provided body. |
lambda |
(lambda LIST BODY) Create function given a list of args, and a function body. |
call |
(call FUNC) Call function. |
eval |
(eval QUOTATION) Eval quoted code. |
progn |
(progn OBJECT &rest OBJECT) Multi-expression statement. Executes all expressions in its body, and returns the return value of the last one. |
print |
(print OBJECT) stdout, prints anything. |
req |
(req STRING) HTTP request. Returns the content at URL provided. |
json |
(json STRING) Returns a assoc list constructed by parsing the provided JSON-string. |
read |
(read STRING) Read from stdin using arg as a prompt. |
file |
(file STRING) Returns the text content of file at path $1. |
match |
slice |
(slice NUMBER NUMBER LIST) Returns list slice containing the elements from index $1 to $2. |
append |
(append LIST LIST) Returns a list containing all the elements of the arg lists. |
nth |
(nth NUMBER LIST) Returns the nth element in the list. |
flat-length |
(flat-length LIST) Returns the count of elements in a list plus any sublists. |
nil |
nil Empty list |
infer-type |
(infer-type OBJECT) Makes any symbol its expected type. E.g checks if its a number or a bool, and makes the object use that type in the underlying JS. |
type |
(type OBJECT) Returns the type of the given arg. |
is-list |
(is-list OBJECT) Returns true if arg is a list, otherwise false. |
concat |
(concat STRING STRING) |
substring |
replace |
(replace STRING STRING STRING) Replace instances of $1 with $2, in target string $3. |
sanitize |
(sanitize STRING) Returns the string stripped of newlines. |
dict |
(dict LIST-OF-LIST-OF-KEY-VALUE) Returns a dictionary from a list of lists containing key-value pairs. |
put-dict |
(put-dict LIST-OF-KEY-VALUE DICT) Adds a record to given dict, and returns the new dict. Does not modify original dict. |
get-dict |
(get-dict KEY-NUMBER-OR-STRING DICT) Get record from dict based on key. |
merge-dict |
(merge-dict DICT1 DICT2) Merge dictionaries. |
throw |
(throw OBJECT) Throws exception. |
fork |
(fork ANY) Forks process, returns a reference to the process. |
join |
(join PROCESS-REF) Wait for process to return. |