C# API for communicating with GeoNorge.no through the CSW Service
To install GeoNorgeAPI, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package GeoNorgeAPI
using www.opengis.net;
using GeoNorgeAPI;
public class MyClass {
public void MyMethod() {
GeoNorge api = new GeoNorge();
SearchResultsType result = api.Search("flomsone");
Console.WriteLine(result.numberOfRecordsMatched + " metadata found");
From version: 2.1.1 (07.04.2014)
The API is using SSL to communicate with www.geonorge.no. Use your credentials like this to perform Insert/update/delete operations:
GeoNorgeAPI.GeoNorge api = new GeoNorgeAPI.GeoNorge("myusername", "mypassword");
MD_Metadata_Type metadata = new MD_Metadata_Type();
// ... add information to the metadata object
var transaction = _geonorge.MetadataInsert(metadata);
Console.WriteLine(transaction.TotalInserted + " metadata inserted.");
Credentials can be acquired from your Geodatakoordinator at Kartverket.
The MD_Metadata_Type is quite large and complex since it is based on the ISO 19139 standard. This project contains a wrapper SimpleMetadata that does all the heavy lifting and manipulating of the MD_Metadata_Type object for you!
Example of use of SimpleMetadata
using GeoNorgeAPI;
GeoNorge api = new GeoNorge("myusername", "mypassword");
SimpleMetadata simpleMetadata = SimpleMetadata.CreateDataset();
simpleMetadata.Title = "This is my dataset!";
simpleMetadata.Abstract = "This is the abstract telling you everything you need to know about this dataset.";
simpleMetadata.ContactPublisher = new SimpleContact
Name = "John Smith", Email = "[email protected]", Organization = "My organization", Role = "publisher"
SimpleMetadata now contains a MD_Metadata_Type that looks like this when serialized to XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:csw="http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd">
<gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#MD_ScopeCode" codeListValue="dataset" />
<gco:CharacterString>This is my dataset!</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>This is the abstract telling you everything you need to know about this dataset.</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>John Smith</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>My organization</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>[email protected]</gco:CharacterString>
<gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/ISO_19139_Schemas/resources/Codelist/ML_gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="publisher" />
The MD_Metadata_Type can be inserted into GeoNorge by using the API like this:
var transaction = _geonorge.MetadataInsert(simpleMetadata.GetMetadata());
The SimpleMetadata wrapper has methods for all fields that is required to be compliant with INSPIRE.