A cookiecutter template for reveal.js presentations.
- You can set up and serve your presentation with only two commands!
- Only npm and Python 3 are required
- Once you have installed all requirements the presentation works without internet access
- The Python 3 http.server module is used to serve the slides which allows you to show the speaker notes in a separate browser window
- Installing reveal.js via npm keeps the size of your presentation small and makes upgrades easy
- A custom CSS file is already included and you can use it for your own styles
- Default license is Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- Install cookiecutter:
$ pip install cookiecutter
- Set up a new reveal.js project:
$ cookiecutter gh:keimlink/cookiecutter-reveal.js
- Create your presentation! 🚀
You can find more information on how to set up and use the presentation you
just created in the README.rst
of your new reveal.js project.