- {{ title or metadata.title }}
- {#- Atom and JSON feeds included by default #}
- {#- Add an arbitrary string to the bundle #}
- {%- css %}* { box-sizing: border-box; }{% endcss %}
- {#- Add the contents of a file to the bundle #}
- {%- css %}{% include "public/css/index.css" %}{% endcss %}
- {#- Or add from node_modules #}
- {# {%- css %}{% include "node_modules/prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css" %}{% endcss %} #}
- {#- Render the CSS bundle using Inlined CSS (for the fastest site performance in production) #}
- {#- Renders the CSS bundle using a separate file, if you can't set CSP directive style-src: 'unsafe-inline' #}
- {#- #}
- {{ content | safe }}
+ {{ title or metadata.title }}
+ {#- Atom and JSON feeds included by default #}
+ {#- Add an arbitrary string to the bundle #}
+ {%- css %}* { box-sizing: border-box; }{% endcss %}
+ {#- Add the contents of a file to the bundle #}
+ {%- css %}{% include "public/css/index.css" %}{% endcss %}
+ {#- Or add from node_modules #}
+ {# {%- css %}{% include "node_modules/prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css" %}{% endcss %} #}
+ {#- Render the CSS bundle using Inlined CSS (for the fastest site performance in production) #}
+ {#- Renders the CSS bundle using a separate file, if you can't set CSP directive style-src: 'unsafe-inline' #}
+ {#- #}