Codenames implements a web app for generating and displaying boards for the Codenames board game. Generated boards are shareable and will update as words are revealed. The board can be viewed either as a spymaster or an ordinary player.
A hosted version of the app is available at
The app requires a Go toolchain, node.js and parcel to build. Once you have those setup, build the application Go binary with:
go install
Then from the frontend directory, install the node modules:
npm install
and start the app (listens to changes)
npm start
or build the app
npm run build
Alternatively, the reposotiry includes a Dockerfile for building a docker image of this app.
docker build . -t codenames:latest
The following command will launch the docker image:
docker run --name codenames_server --rm -p 9091:9091 -d codenames
The following command will kill the docker instance:
docker stop codenames_server