Search indexes are created by require
-ing search-index
instantiating with startup options.
var options = {} //put the startup options you want here
var SearchIndex = require('search-index')
SearchIndex(options, function(err, index) {
//do stuff with index
The default options are equivalent to this:
batchSize: 1000,
db: (a levelup db),
fieldedSearch: true,
fieldOptions: {},
preserveCase: false,
storeable: true,
searchable: true,
indexPath: 'si',
logLevel: 'error',
nGramLength: 1,
nGramSeparator: ' ',
separator: /[\|' \.,\-|(\n)]+/,
stopwords: require('stopword').en,
See the API docs for a description of what each setting does. Options can be set for specific fields, and can be overridden everytime a document is added.