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SPARSE 2::spmv

brian-kelley edited this page Jul 9, 2024 · 16 revisions


Header File: KokkosSparse_spmv.hpp



Computes y := beta*y + alpha*Op(A)*x where Op(A) is determined by mode (see below).

Handle type

template<typename DeviceType, typename AMatrix, typename XVector, typename YVector>
struct KokkosSparse::SPMVHandle;

// Constructor
SPMVHandle(SPMVAlgorithm algo = SPMV_DEFAULT);

SPMVAlgorithm Choices

  • SPMV_DEFAULT: best performance for repeated spmv calls with the same handle
  • SPMV_FAST_SETUP: best performance for a single spmv call
    • Always used internally by spmv interfaces without handle argument
  • SPMV_NATIVE: use KokkosKernels implementation even when a TPL implementation is available
  • SPMV_MERGE_PATH: use the best known implementation for matrices with imbalanced entries per row (CrsMatrix only)
  • SPMV_BSR_V42: KokkosKernels 4.2 implementation (BsrMatrix only)
  • SPMV_BSR_TC: KokkosKernels implementation targeting NVIDIA Tensor Cores (BsrMatrix only, expert usage). Has additional requirements on A, x and y scalar types depending on GPU architecture.
  • SPMV_BSR_V41: KokkosKernels 4.1 implementation (BsrMatrix only). SPMV_BSR_V42 recommended for better performance.

Interfaces: KokkosSparse::spmv

// Default space instance, and no handle
template <class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector, class BetaType, class YVector>
spmv(const char mode[],
     const AlphaType& alpha,
     const AMatrix& A,
     const XVector& x,
     const BetaType& beta,
     const YVector& y);

// Space instance provided, but no handle
template <class ExecutionSpace, class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector, class BetaType, class YVector>
spmv(const ExecutionSpace& space,
     const char mode[],
     const AlphaType& alpha,
     const AMatrix& A,
     const XVector& x,
     const BetaType& beta,
     const YVector& y);

// Default space instance, but handle provided
template <class Handle, class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector, class BetaType, class YVector>
spmv(Handle* handle,
     const char mode[],
     const AlphaType& alpha,
     const AMatrix& A,
     const XVector& x,
     const BetaType& beta,
     const YVector& y);

// Both space instance and handle provided
template <class ExecutionSpace, class Handle, class AlphaType, class AMatrix, class XVector, class BetaType, class YVector>
spmv(const ExecutionSpace& space,
     Handle* handle,
     const char mode[],
     const AlphaType& alpha,
     const AMatrix& A,
     const XVector& x,
     const BetaType& beta,
     const YVector& y);

Template Parameters:

  • ExecutionSpace: A Kokkos execution space. Must be able to access the memory spaces of A, x, and y. Must match Handle::ExecutionSpaceType.
  • Handle: Specialization of KokkosSparse::SPMVHandle.
  • AlphaType: Type of coefficient alpha. Must be convertible to YVector::value_type.
  • AMatrix: A KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix, or KokkosSparse::Experimental::BsrMatrix. Must be identical to Handle::AMatrixType.
  • XVector: Type of x, must be a rank-1 or 2 Kokkos::View. Must be identical to Handle::XVectorType.
  • BetaType: Type of coefficient beta. Must be convertible to YVector::value_type.
  • YVector: Type of y, must be a rank-1 or 2 Kokkos::View and its rank must match that of XVector. Must be identical to Handle::YVectorType.


  • space: The execution space instance on which to run the kernel. If none provided, the default-constructed instance is used.
  • handle: a pointer to a KokkosSparse::SPMVHandle. On the first call to spmv with a given handle instance, the handle's internal data will be initialized automatically. On all later calls to spmv, this internal data will be reused. If no handle is provided, any internal data or matrix analysis will be created internally for the spmv call and then discarded.
  • mode: selects the operator mode Op(A):
    • "N": normal
    • "T": transpose
    • "C": conjugate non-transpose
    • "H": conjugate transpose
  • alpha: Scalar multiplier for the matrix A.
  • A: The sparse matrix to apply. If handle has previously been passed to spmv, A must be identical to the A passed in to that first call.
  • x: A vector to multiply on the left by A.
  • beta: Scalar multiplier for the vector y.
  • y: Result vector.


  • ExecutionSpace can access A, x, and y
  • If handle is provided, then A is the same matrix that has been used in all previous spmv calls with this handle
  • y is not const-valued
  • XVector::rank() == YVector::rank()
  • XVector::rank() == 1 or XVector::rank() == 2
  • y.extent(1) == x.extent(1)
  • y.extent(0) and x.extent(0) match the dimensions of Op(A)
    • for BsrMatrix A, the dimensions are A.numRows()*A.blockDim() x A.numCols()*A.blockDim().


  • spmv is potentially asynchronous.
  • If alpha is zero and x contains NaN and/or infinity on input, then the non-finite values resulting from Op(A)*x will not be written to y.
  • Likewise, if beta is zero and y contains NaN and/or infinity on input, then y will be zeroed out before computing y := alpha*Op(A)*x.
  • The handle can be reused:
    • with different space arguments
    • with different x/y arguments, even if the numbers of columns has changed
    • with different mode arguments

TPL support


example source location: example/wiki/sparse/KokkosSparse_wiki_spmv.cpp

#include "Kokkos_Core.hpp"

#include "KokkosKernels_default_types.hpp"
#include "KokkosSparse_CrsMatrix.hpp"
#include "KokkosSparse_spmv.hpp"

using Scalar  = default_scalar;
using Ordinal = default_lno_t;
using Offset  = default_size_type;
using Layout  = default_layout;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  using device_type  = typename Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace,
                                               typename Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space>;
  using matrix_type  = typename KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<Scalar, Ordinal, device_type, void, Offset>;
  using graph_type   = typename matrix_type::staticcrsgraph_type;
  using row_map_type = typename graph_type::row_map_type;
  using entries_type = typename graph_type::entries_type;
  using values_type  = typename matrix_type::values_type;

    const Scalar SC_ONE = Kokkos::ArithTraits<Scalar>::one();

    Ordinal numRows = 10;

    // Build the row pointers and store numNNZ                                                                                                                                          
    typename row_map_type::non_const_type row_map("row pointers", numRows + 1);
    typename row_map_type::HostMirror row_map_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(row_map);
    for(Ordinal rowIdx = 1; rowIdx < numRows + 1; ++rowIdx) {
      if( (rowIdx == 1) || (rowIdx == numRows) ){
        row_map_h(rowIdx) = row_map_h(rowIdx - 1) + 2;
      } else {
        row_map_h(rowIdx) = row_map_h(rowIdx - 1) + 3;
    const Offset numNNZ = row_map_h(numRows);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(row_map, row_map_h);

    typename entries_type::non_const_type entries("column indices", numNNZ);
    typename entries_type::HostMirror entries_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(entries);
    typename values_type::non_const_type values("values", numNNZ);
    typename values_type::HostMirror values_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(values);
    for(Ordinal rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < numRows; ++rowIdx) {
      if(rowIdx == 0) {
        entries_h(0) = rowIdx;
        entries_h(1) = rowIdx + 1;

        values_h(0)  = SC_ONE;
        values_h(1)  = -SC_ONE;
      } else if(rowIdx == numRows - 1) {
        entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx))     = rowIdx - 1;
        entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1) = rowIdx;

        values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx))      = -SC_ONE;
        values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1)  = SC_ONE;
      } else {
        entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx))     = rowIdx - 1;
        entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1) = rowIdx;
        entries_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 2) = rowIdx + 1;

        values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx))      = -SC_ONE;
        values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 1)  = SC_ONE + SC_ONE;
        values_h(row_map_h(rowIdx) + 2)  = -SC_ONE;
    Kokkos::deep_copy(entries, entries_h);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(values, values_h);

    graph_type myGraph(entries, row_map);
    matrix_type myMatrix("test matrix", numRows, values, myGraph);

    const Scalar alpha = SC_ONE;
    const Scalar beta  = SC_ONE;

    typename values_type::non_const_type x("lhs", numRows);
    typename values_type::non_const_type y("rhs", numRows);

    KokkosSparse::spmv("N", alpha, myMatrix, x, beta, y);


  return 0;
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