Spring Boot Microservices Application
- Install and start kafka server Install Kafka and create topic name profile
- Follow the instruction below from step 1 to step 5: https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart
- Start zookeeper server: bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
- Start kafka server: bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
- This service will run on port 9090
- Start auth-service cd to /auth-service
- execute command to build: mvn clean install
- execute command to start auth-service: mvn spring-boot:run
- verify auth-service started: http://localhost:9090/assignment Expected message response: "Hello from auth-service"
- H2 Database After service started, login to following url to view data: http://localhost:9090/console/
- Driver Class: org.h2.Driver JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:userdb User Name: sa Password: password
- Open other terminal tab to start user-service
- This service will be run in port 8081
- cd to /user-service
- execute command to build: mvn clean install
- execute command to start user-service: mvn spring-boot:run
- verify user-service started: http://localhost:8081/assignment Expected message response: "Hello from user-service"
- H2 Database After service started, login to following url to view data: http://localhost:8081/console/
- Driver Class: org.h2.Driver JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:profiledb User Name: sa Password: password